Dungeon Crawl Classics Lankhmar #5: Blasphemy & Larceny in Lakhmar (DCC RPG Adv. )

Book Description

A level 5 adventure set in Lankhmar! A member of your gang awakens in an alleyway with foggy memories of a deal made, a job taken, a partner slain, and a heist planned. They struggle to remember the details, but you all agree that breaking into an abandoned temple should be a simple matter - in and out. Yet the heist is on a collision course with something sinister. Made in the US.

Dungeon Crawl Classics Lankhmar #1: Gang Lords of Lankhmar (DCC RPG Adv. )

Book Description

A level 1 adventure set in Lankhmar! The City of the Black Toga: Home to hundreds of back alley courts, rotting tenements, and an endless number of gangs, whose fortunes rise and fall as surely as the tides of the Inner Sea. Each gang vies against the others, pitting beggar against bravo, slayer against thug, and gang lord against gang lord. Made in the US.

Dungeon Crawl Classics Lankhmar #3: Acting Up in Lankhmar (DCC RPG Adv. )

Book Description

A level 3 adventure set in Lankhmar! A corrupt Duke of Lankhmar's foibles paraded before the masses for their entertainment puts an acting troupe in trouble. Threatened by the insulted Duke and his private guard, the performers need assistance to make it through their final performance of "The Fiascos of Duke Hogfat." With nobody else to turn to, the troupe hires the PCs as their evening's protectors. Will the play end in a standing ovation or will the Duke and his thugs bring down the house on the troupe and their defenders? Made in the US.

Dungeon Crawl Classics Lankhmar #9 - Grave Matters (DCC RPG Adv. )

Book Description

Your adventures in Lankhmar continue in this new adventure module set in The City of Sevenscore Thousand Smokes! In this level 2 adventure, the characters confront a small gang of smugglers operating out of an embalmer's business in one of Lankhmar's run-down neighborhoods. The PCs must infiltrate the smugglers' base of operation to recover a stolen sarcophagus containing an Overlord's mummy before it vanishes from the city limits. Made in the USA.

Castle Whiterock

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Legends Are Made, Not Born

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Aerie of the Crow God

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The Mysterious Tower

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The Sunken Ziggurat

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The Dragonfiend Pact

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