Dungeon Crawl Classics Lankhmar Complete Collection (Boxed Collection)

Book Description

The complete Dungeon Crawl Classics Lankhmar collection! This limited release will be available only for a select time. It contains all eight Lankhmar adventure modules, plus the DCC Lankhmar boxed set, collectively packaged together in a custom-printed corrugated shipping box. The MSRP value of buying all these items individually would be more than $20 higher than this complete collection. Made in the US.

Dungeon Crawl Classics Lankhmar Boxed Set (Boxed RPG Setting)

Book Description

Enter the thrilling world of Fritz Leiber's Nehwon, home to the legendary city of Lankhmar and the infamous heroes Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser! Prepare yourself to battle members of the city's nefarious Thieves' Guild in fog- shrouded alleys, to barter for cursed curios in the Plaza of Dark Delights, and to seek the wisdom of Ningauble of the Seven Eyes and Sheelba of the Eyeless Face! All this and more is possible with DCC Lankhmar. This boxed set contains comprehensive rules options and new material for the Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG explicitly designed to capture the unique setting of Nehwon and Lankhmar, the City of the Black Toga. Inside, you'll find new spells, monsters, magical items, patrons, and rules to make your DCC RPG campaign more like Leiber's exiting stories--including the popular "Fleeting Luck" mechanic where good fortune blesses your characters one minute, only to dash their hopes the next. This set also includes a detailed look at Lankhmar and provides the judge with an assortment of descriptions, tables, and adventure ideas to get their DCC Lankhmar campaign up and running with a minimum of effort, including the adventure "No Small Crimes in Lankhmar" and a beautiful city map illustrated by Doug Kovacs. A copy of the Dungeon Crawl Classics rulebook is required to use this boxed set. Made in the US. Inside this box you will find: The Judge's Guide to Nehwon (104 pages) Compendium of Secret Knowledge (40 pages) Lankhmar: City of the Black Toga (44 pages) Dungeon Crawl Classics Lankhmar #0: No Small Crimes in Lankhmar (12 pages) A gigantic 33" x 17" poster map of the City of Lankhmar, Another 17" x 22" map of Nehwon, A 3-panel judges screen with tables specific to the DCC Lankhmar setting, An exclusive issue of the Goodman Games Gazette, Plus download codes for a digital edition

Dungeon Crawl Classics Lankhmar #1: Gang Lords of Lankhmar (DCC RPG Adv. )

Book Description

A level 1 adventure set in Lankhmar! The City of the Black Toga: Home to hundreds of back alley courts, rotting tenements, and an endless number of gangs, whose fortunes rise and fall as surely as the tides of the Inner Sea. Each gang vies against the others, pitting beggar against bravo, slayer against thug, and gang lord against gang lord. Made in the US.

Dungeon Crawl Classics Role Playing Game

Book Description

Youre no hero. Youre an adventurer: a reaver, a cutpurse, a heathen-slayer, a tight-lipped warlock guarding long-dead secrets. You seek gold and glory, winning it with sword and spell, caked in the blood and filth of the weak, the dark, the demons, and the vanquished. There are treasures to be won deep underneath, and you shall have them.

Dungeon Crawl Classics Lankhmar #7: a Dozen Lankhmar Locations (DCC RPG Setting)

Book Description

Travel the fog-shrouded streets of Lankhmar and visit some of its most infamous sites! From the home of Muulsh the Moneylender to the Silver Eel to the winding passages of Thieves' House, this book provides the judge with a detailed look at a dozen interesting locales inside the City of the Black Toga. Suitable for planning adventures or when the players take an unexpected turn, A Dozen Lankhmar Locations provides information and maps to aid any judge running a city-based adventure in the City of Seven-Score Thousand Smokes or other fantasy metropolis. Made in the US.

The Greatest Thieves in Lankhmar Box Set

Book Description

From the most famous city in the history of fantasy comes a sword-and-sorcery adventure to test the finest gamers! The Greatest Thieves in Lankhmar is a level 3 Dungeon Crawl Classics boxed set that sends characters into the hot cellars beneath Thieves' House, across the sooty rooftops of the City of Sevenscore Thousand Smokes, and on to a mad dash through the palace of the Overlord. Featuring design leads Harley Stroh and Marc Bruner with cover art by Doug Kovacs, this boxed set comes with everything you need to run an epic adventure over several sessions, whether you run it as a tournament or as part of an ongoing campaign. Made in China.

Dungeon Crawl Classics Annual Foil Ed. (DCC Compilation, Foil, Hardback)

Book Description

Special Foil Edition! Spoken about for half a decade in hoary whispers, at long last Goodman Games brings you: the DCC RPG Annual. Much of the material for the DCC Annual was written between 2012 and 2014, when the original need was perceived. In many ways, it springs forth from the original inspirations of DCC RPG, which were psychically close at that time. There are magic swords. There are patrons. There are even more tables for making monsters unique. There are rules for making cleric deities more distinctive. There are rules for patron weapons and magic rings. There is the lost continent of Mu, and the hidden places between worlds. And there are rules for magical moustaches. You absolutely do not need the DCC Annual to play DCC RPG, nor does any material in the Annual supersede or otherwise change the baseline game experience as expressed in the core rulebook. There is no rules bloat: only new vistas of imagination. Made in the US.

Cthulhu Alphabet (Hardback)

Book Description

An A-to-Z reference for Lovecraftian mythos design! A is for Angles, B is for Books and C is for Cultists. Game masters of any rule system will find twisted inspiration for creating madness-inducing game ingenuity from ancient, underground worlds. This tome contains haunting text and cleverly authored random tables to help you create necronomic stories of forbidden traits, dangerous powers, and lore transcribed from the ravings of madmen. Beware the fear-provoking illustrations by artists in the thrall of the elder gods that will haunt your dreams. All of this, and more, from the libraries of Miskatonic University and Goodman Games! This grimoire is compatible with all fantasy and horror role playing games. Made in the USA.

Dungeon Crawl Classics Lankhmar #8: The Land of Eight Cities (DCC RPG Adv.)

Book Description

North of Lankhmar lies the Land of the Eight Cities, a young realm lying in the shadows of the Great Forest and rich in natural resources. This barely-tamed wilderness is rife with opportunities for adventure and riches, but also contains hitherto-unknown dangers. Nevertheless, for adventurers who've worn out their welcome in Lankhmar, the Forest Land is a welcoming place to escape their enemies in the City of the Black Toga. Made in the US.