Durga Saptashloki

Book Description

Durga saptashlokee is a collection of seven important slokas from the sacred text Devi Maahaathmyam. The text Devi Maahatmyam praises the glories of mother Durgaa and elaborately narrates the great deeds of mother goddess. The text Durga Saptashlokee is a collection of the most important shlokas (mantras) from Durgaa patha for use in daily prayers and chants. Each of the seven shlokas praise the goddess Durgaa and pray to her for different fruits. All of these verses are found in different chapters of the Devi Maahaatmya. Each of these shlokas is a mantra which can also be chanted separately to please the mother and to attain a particular benefit, pray for protection, wealth, good fortune and the mother's (Ambaa's) grace. This hymn starts with a conversation between lord Shiva and Devi. One who chants this hymn with true devotion for goddess Durgaa shall be blessed with all fortunes of life and will also attain self realization by the grace of the goddess. In this book I will explain the meaning of those seven shlokas according to the commentaries of great shaakta scholars (devotees of mother goddess) like Bhaaskara raaya maakhin, Naagoji bhatta and other scholars of the shakta tradition

The Name of Durga

Book Description

The method of chanting the name of durga and the benefits of chanting it according to the rudra yamala tantra as said by lord shiva to parvati.

Krishna Dvadashanama Stotra

Book Description

This particular hymn Krishna dvadashanama Stotra comprised of twelve names of Krishna (Vishnu) is claimed to be from Mahabharata. It is said that it has been initiated to Arjuna by Krishna himself. The phalashruti says those who chant this hymn in the dawn are freed from all kinds of sins. Though the source of this hymn is not clear, the twelve names mentioned in this hymn are among the most important names of lord Krishna and we find scriptural evidences that chanting these names individually or in collection purifies us of our sins. This book sheds light on how each of these twelve names help us in cleansing our sins and earning the grace of lord Krishna.

Surya Dvadashanama Stotra

Book Description

This is a very short yet powerful hymn of lord Surya Narayana comprised of twelve names. This book is an effort to put light on the deeper meaning of those twelve names backed by citations from Puranas. This Surya Dvadashanama Stotra when recited with devotion helps us attain freedom from sorrows and other difficulties of life and grants us a healthy life. each name describes well the great qualities of sun god. The hymn is very easy to recite and very powerful.

Saraswati Dvadashanama Stotra

Book Description

Twelve names of Saraswati eulogize her different aspects and glories. This is a short yet powerful hymn. by chanting this with devotion we can attain the blessings of goddess saraswati the goddess of wisdom, learning, and knowledge, the phalashruti of this stotra says goddess sarasvati becomes very pleased with those who chant these twelve names regularly and resides in the tip of their tongue and blesses them with wisdom. therefore such a devotee spills words of wisdom and auspicious words.

In Praise of the Goddess

Book Description

About 16 centuries ago, an unknown Indian author or authors gathered together the diverse threads of already ancient traditions and wove them into a verbal tapestry that today is still the central text for worshippers of the Hindu Devi, the Divine Mother. This spiritual classic, the Devimahatmya, addresses the perennial questions of the nature of the universe, humankind, and divinity. How are they related, how do we live in a world torn between good and evil, and how do we find lasting satisfaction and inner peace? These questions and their answers form the substance of the Devimahatmya. Its narrative of a dispossessed king, a merchant betrayed by the family he loves, and a seer whose teaching leads beyond existential suffering sets the stage for a trilogy of myths concerning the all-powerful Divine Mother, Durga, and the fierce battles she wages against throngs of demonic foes. In these allegories, her adversaries represent our all-too-human impulses toward power, possessions, and pleasure. The battlefields symbolize the field of human consciousness on which our lives' dramas play out in joy and sorrow, in wisdom and folly. The Devimahatmya speaks to us across the ages of the experiences and beliefs of our ancient ancestors. We sense their enchantment at nature's bounty and their terror before its destructive fury, their recognition of the good and evil in the human heart, and their understanding that everything in our experience is the expression of a greater reality, personified as the Divine Mother.

Nrusimha Dvadashanama Stotram

Book Description

The hymn Nrusimha dvadashana nama stotra, the twelve-name hymn of lord narasimha is a traditional short and powerful hymn of lord narasimha, (said to be found in some manuscripts of brahma purana) the hymn praises the lord with twelve epithets praising his various glorious qualities, This hymn is recited by devotees of vishnu of various schools. This book is a short translation of the hymn in simple english. By chanting this hymn with devotion, one van please lord narasimha and get his protection from diseases enemies and all kinds of negativity. ( as quoted in the phala shruti of the hymn)

Yantra Mantra Tantra and Occult Sciences

Book Description

There is hardly any person who is either not conversant with or not heard about occult sciences of which Yantra, Mantra, Tantra and not heard about occult sciences of which Yantra, Mantra, Tantra and forces are simply tributaries. Hindus, Jains, Muslims, ascetics, peers have written a lot about such sciences but only a selected few know how to use such devices ably and safely. The learned author has given detailed account on use, caution, warnings and methods for using such devices which are meant for relieving or causing agony/harm to a targeted person. The author has furnished relevant details about Yantra, Mantra and Tantra, black magic, sorcery etc. Hopefully, the right information will satiate urge of inquisitive readers, for some of whom it may be a new subject.

Parts of the Body Sanskrit - English: Bilingual Early Learning & Easy Teaching Picture Dictionary

Book Description

Did you ever want to learn Body Parts in Sanskrit? When you recite kavacha stotras ( armour hymns of gods and goddesses) in Sanskrit, you will find prayers prayer the god/ goddess for protecting each body part. When you do anga pooja rituals, you have mantras or shlokas referring each body part of the god/ goddess Did you ever want to learn and understand those words so that you can pray and visualize while chanting the kavachas, and do the anga pooja by offering flowers to the correct body part of the deity with the mantra? If that's what you always wanted then this book is designed just for you. learning and understanding Sanskrit body parts will be easier with this book In this book you will find the following Sanskrit Body Parts Names. Colorful Pictures of Body Parts. English Body Parts Names.