Dwellers in Darkness: The Golden Amazon Saga, Book Fourteen

Book Description

Voyaging into a sector of interstellar space that is plunged into total darkness with an absolute absence of any light, the four Cosmic Crusaders encounter their most powerful and sinister enemy yet--an alien mastermind who is regarded as a God by the race he has created. This scientist has altered the nature of space itself, so that it no longer conducts light, forcing the slaves he's created to evolve without eyes, and to develop extrasensory perception. Not content with shaping the evolution of their bodies, the mastermind also contrives an apparatus that impresses on their minds the need to conquer and dominate, thus creating a menace to the universe that the Crusaders must try to eliminate. Another rousing adventure in this long-running science-fiction adventure series!

The Central Intelligence: The Golden Amazon Saga, Book Seven

Book Description

The Golden Amazon’s arch-enemy, Sefner Quorne, discovers that all mental gifts, such as memory and creativity, are not inherent in human brains and mental make-up, but are something that is broadcast throughout the universe by a Central Intelligence, and then interpreted individually by the recipient! Quorne invents a device to block such thoughts selectively from reaching the Earth, thereby reducing the population to imbeciles--with the Amazon and Abna also being affected. The ambitious scientist then embarks on the most audacious voyage ever to be undertaken by man when, at the surprising suggestion of his wife Viona--daughter of the Amazon--he travels to the very center of the universe in order to seize the secrets to all knowledge from the Central Intelligence itself! Can Quorne be thwarted before he becomes the most powerful being in the cosmos? Another astounding adventure in the unfolding saga of the Golden Amazon!

A Case for Brutus Lloyd

Book Description

Dr. Brutus Lloyd is no more than four feet ten inches tall, an amazingly gnome-like man. He's not a dwarf, simply vest-pocket size. His head has a brow like a baby cliff, capped by a tuft of jet-black hair that curled down the immense forehead. His face, though overbalanced by the brow, is powerful for all its smallness. The most surprising thing about him is his deep bass voice. A brilliant scientist and criminologist, his unorthodox methods in combating criminals sometimes causes consternation to Inspector Branson of the New York City Police. Branson never quite knows how to take his extraordinary scientific ideas--but he knows better than to ignore them, because they were invariably right! Four classic scientific mystery tales from the era of the pulp magazines.

Account Settled

Book Description

When financier Emerson Drew's hired killer pushes scientist-inventor Rajek Quinton down an abandoned mineshaft, Drew and his conspirators believe that the way's clear to exploit Quinton's amazing new invention, which will make them millions. But he reckons without Larry Clark of the C.I.D.--plus Quinton’s uncanny scientific genius. The police detective, aided by Drew's secretary Joyce Sutton, forges a chain of evidence to send Drew and his cohorts to their doom. But who is Joyce Sutton, really? And what about Quinton himself: did he actually die in the deep, mud-filled pit shaft, or has he somehow survived to exact a horrible vengeance on those who exploited him? A thrill-a-minute mystery, capped by an astonishing denouement!

World Without Chance: Classic Pulp Science Fiction Stories in the Vein of Stanley G. Weinbaum

Book Description

SF Author Stanley G. Weinbaum died from cancer at 33, in December 1935. Short though his career was, his scientific imagination, smooth characterization, and humor completely revolutionized the field, and profoundly influenced his contemporaries. Among his many imitators was English writer John Russell Fearn. Although Fearn's own distinctive work was very popular, he wanted to increase his number of acceptances by writing under pseudonyms--Thornton Ayre and Polton Cross--with a change of style imitating Weinbaum! These exciting and highly entertaining pastiches, first published in such magazines as Astounding Stories and Thrilling Wonder Stories, are here collected for the very first time in book form, with fascinating historical background notes. The first of two must-have volumes for collectors, the second being VALLEY OF PRETENDERS. Great adventure reading from the classic period of the SF pulps!

Manton's World

Book Description

Randle Manton has brought the Earth back from the brink of nuclear disaster, painstakingly rebuilding a nearly destroyed civilization, even reaching out to space. But now he's told that the clouds covering the world will soon unleash upon the reeling planet yet another disaster: a great flood that will cover most of the Earth's surface. Despite his wealth, despite his great power, Manton knows that he'll only be able to save a fraction of humanity. Can mankind rebuild and survive yet a third time?

The Cosmic Crusaders: The Golden Amazon Saga, Book Eight

Book Description

The unfolding story of the Golden Amazon enters a new phase when she renounces all ties with the Earth, the planet of her birth. Together with her husband Abna, former Lord of Jupiter, and their daughter Viona, she sets off in the Ultra on an exploratory journey to the stars. Their first mission takes them to the strange worlds of the two suns, Alpha and Proxima Centauri. Here the Amazon encounters Mizanu, the embodiment of evil, and her most deadly foe yet--for the creature is nothing less than a planet-sized, hypertrophied brain! Not even Abna, the master of metaphysics, can withstand its baleful, crushing mental power. Mizanu threatens to reach out beyond the Alpha-Proxima Centauri system to engulf the Earth and all the other inhabited planets of the universe--unless the Golden Amazon can destroy it first! The eighth exciting adventure in this ongoing saga!

Adam Quirk #1: The Master Must Die

Book Description

Gyron de London, most powerful--and most hated--industrialist of the year 2190, is warned by a mysterious letter that his doom is due on the 30th March, three weeks hence. Further anonymous letters repeat the message. The frightened tycoon takes every precaution, even to sealing himself in a steel, radiation-proof cube surrounded by armed guards -- but death overtakes him on the specified day, exactly as forecast! Since no one had entered the cube after the industrialist was seen to enter it alive, the police conclude that his death was from natural causes. Famed scientific investigator Adam Quirke is called in by the unsatisfied family, and discovers that de London was the victim of a highly scientific murder. An impossible crime mystery set in the future!

Daughter of the Amazon: The Golden Amazon Saga, Book Five

Book Description

Tarnec Brodix, super-mathematician from an external cosmos, accidentally destroys his universe. The destruction begins to spread into our own cosmos in the form of a Dark Tide of Absolute Nothingness, destroying all light and heat. Stars, nebulae, galaxies--all are disappearing before the relentless advance of a mathematical fault in space-time. Unable to save himself, Brodix transfers his knowledge into the one mind in the Earth universe receptive enough to receive it: that of Sefian, the son of Sefner Quorne and Viona, daughter of the Golden Amazon! But how can a mere two-year-old boy save the universe from destruction--particularly when the Earth has been invaded and conquered by an alien race? Classic super-science adventure in the grand manner! The Golden Amazon Saga, Book Five.

The Amethyst City

Book Description

The human-occupied planets in the Solar System, Earth and Mars, are suddenly threatened with a space-borne plague that rusts and destroys all metals. If the "disease" continues unchecked, all of civilization is threatened. Behind this insidious menace is Sefner Quorne, the sinister master scientist of Atlantis. Quorne had earlier enslaved the humans on Earth, until he was deposed by the Golden Amazon and Abna, the real Lord of Atlantis. But now, with Abna dead, and the Amazon mortally wounded on one of the moons of Jupiter, nothing can halt Quorne’s plans--until a lone space traveller abruptly intervenes. Viona, a beautiful young woman whose origins are shrouded in mystery, is somehow connected to the mysterious Amethyst City of Saturn...a place that cannot possibly exist! Volume Four in this exciting continuing saga of Earth and space.