Dynamic Language Embedding

Book Description

In this dissertation we present Helvetia, a novel approach to embed languages into an existing host language by leveraging the underlying representation of the host language used by these tools. We introduce Language Boxes, an approach that offers a simple, modular mechanism to encapsulate (i) compositional changes to the host language, (ii) transformations to address various concerns such as compilation and syntax highlighting, and (iii) scoping rules to control visibility of fine-grained language changes. We describe the design and implementation of Helvetia and Language Boxes, discuss the required infrastructure of a host language enabling language embedding, and validate our approach by case studies that demonstrate different ways to extend or adapt the host language syntax and semantics.

Uniting Language Embeddings for Fast and Friendly DSLs

Book Description

Mots-clés de l'auteur: Embedded Domain-Specific Languages ; Macros ; Deep Embedding ; Shallow Embedding ; Compile-Time Meta-Programming ; Dynamic Compilation.

PHP - create and embed dynamic page

Book Description

You can create the whole WWW services in PHP. The micro-course contains an example of creation and placement of a dynamic WWW page in the PHP language. Keywords: php, HTML, dynamic HTML

Current Methods in Historical Semantics

Book Description

Innovative, data-driven methods provide more rigorous and systematic evidence for the description and explanation of diachronic semantic processes. The volume systematises, reviews, and promotes a range of empirical research techniques and theoretical perspectives that currently inform work across the discipline of historical semantics. In addition to emphasising the use of new technology, the potential of current theoretical models (e.g. within variationist, sociolinguistic or cognitive frameworks) is explored along the way.

Programming Languages and Systems

Book Description

ETAPS 2006 was the ninth instance of the European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software. ETAPS is an annual federated conference that was established in 1998 by combining a number of existing and new conferences. This year it comprised ?ve conferences (CC, ESOP, FASE, FOSSACS, TACAS), 18 satellite workshops (AC- CAT, AVIS, CMCS, COCV, DCC, EAAI, FESCA, FRCSS, GT-VMT, LDTA, MBT, QAPL, SC, SLAP, SPIN, TERMGRAPH, WITS and WRLA), two tutorials, and seven invited lectures (not including those that were speci?c to the satellite events). We - ceived over 550 submissions to the ?ve conferences this year, giving an overall acc- tance rate of 23%, with acceptance rates below 30% for each conference. Congratu- tions to all the authors who made it to the ?nal programme! I hope that most of the other authorsstill founda way of participatingin this excitingevent and I hope you will continue submitting. The events that comprise ETAPS address various aspects of the system devel- ment process, including speci?cation, design, implementation, analysis and impro- ment. The languages, methodologies and tools which support these activities are all well within its scope. Di?erent blends of theory and practice are represented, with an inclination towards theory with a practical motivation on the one hand and soundly based practice on the other. Many of the issues involved in software design apply to systems in general, including hardware systems, and the emphasis on software is not intended to be exclusive.

Dynamic Memory Management for Embedded Systems

Book Description

This book provides a systematic and unified methodology, including basic principles and reusable processes, for dynamic memory management (DMM) in embedded systems. The authors describe in detail how to design and optimize the use of dynamic memory in modern, multimedia and network applications, targeting the latest generation of portable embedded systems, such as smartphones. Coverage includes a variety of design and optimization topics in electronic design automation of DMM, from high-level software optimization to microarchitecture-level hardware support. The authors describe the design of multi-layer dynamic data structures for the final memory hierarchy layers of the target portable embedded systems and how to create a low-fragmentation, cost-efficient, dynamic memory management subsystem out of configurable components for the particular memory allocation and de-allocation patterns for each type of application. The design methodology described in this book is based on propagating constraints among design decisions from multiple abstraction levels (both hardware and software) and customizing DMM according to application-specific data access and storage behaviors.

Dynamic Governance: Embedding Culture, Capabilities And Change In Singapore (English Version)

Book Description

In a world of uncertainty and change, current achievements are no guarantee for future survival. Even if the initial chosen set of principles, policies and practices are good, static efficiency and governance would eventually lead to stagnation and decay. No amount of careful planning can assure a government of continual relevance and effectiveness if there is no capacity for learning, innovation and change in the face of ever new challenges in a volatile and unpredictable global environment.This book provides an in-depth look at dynamic governance, the key to success in a world of rapid, increasing globalization and unrelenting technological advancements. If bureaucratic public institutions can evolve and embed the culture and capabilities that enable continuous learning and change, their contributions to a country's socio-economic progress and prosperity would be enormous. The lessons from their efforts in institutionalizing culture, capabilities and change could provide meaningful and valuable insights for transforming organizations in other contexts.