Dynamic Laser Speckle and Applications

Book Description

Speckle study constitutes a multidisciplinary area with inherent complexities. In order to conquer challenges such as the variability of samples and sensitive measurements, researchers must develop a theoretical and statistical understanding of both biological and non-biological metrology using dynamic speckle laser. Dynamic Laser Speckle and Applications discusses the main methodologies used to analyze biospeckle phenomena with a strong focus on experimentation. After establishing a theoretical background in both speckle and biospeckle, the book presents the main methodologies for statistical and image analysis. It then deals with the concept of frequency decomposition before moving on to a discussion of fuzzy methods to treat dynamic speckle data. The book dedicates two sections to applications, including agricultural approaches. Additional features include photo images of experiments and software to aid in easy start-up of dynamic speckle usage. A systematic approach to new dynamic speckle laser phenomena, this book provides the physical theory and statistical background needed to analyze images formed by laser illumination in biological and non-biological samples.

Dynamic Laser Speckle

Book Description

Dynamic Laser Speckle Imaging of Cerebral Blood Flow

Book Description

Laser speckle imaging (LSI) based on the speckle contrast analysis is a simple and robust technique for imaging of heterogeneous dynamics. LSI finds frequent application for dynamical mapping of cerebral blood flow, as it features high spatial and temporal resolution. However, the quantitative interpretation of the acquired data is not straightforward for the common case of a speckle field formed by both by moving and localized scatterers such as blood cells and bone or tissue. Here we present a novel processing scheme, we call dynamic laser speckle imaging (dLSI), that can be used to correctly extract the temporal correlation parameters from the speckle contrast measured in the presence of a static or slow-evolving background. The static light contribution is derived from the measurements by cross-correlating sequential speckle images. In-vivo speckle imaging experiments performed in the rodent brain demonstrate that dLSI leads to improved results. The cerebral hemodynamic response observed through the thinned and intact skull are more pronounced in the dLSI images as compared to the standard speckle contrast analysis. The proposed method also yields benefits with respect to the quality of the speckle images by suppressing contributions of non-uniformly distributed specular reflections.

Utilizing Dynamic Laser Speckle to Probe Nanoscale Morphology Evolution in Nanoporous Gold Thin Films

Book Description

Here we show the use of dynamic laser speckle autocorrelation spectroscopy in conjunction with the photothermal treatment of nanoporous gold (np-Au) thin films to probe nanoscale morphology changes during the photothermal treatment. Utilizing this spectroscopy method, backscattered speckle from the incident laser is tracked during photothermal treatment and both the characteristic feature size and annealing time of the film are determined. These results demonstrate that this method can successfully be used to monitor laser-based surface modification processes without the use of ex-situ characterization.

Galileo Unbound

Book Description

Galileo Unbound traces the journey that brought us from Galileo's law of free fall to today's geneticists measuring evolutionary drift, entangled quantum particles moving among many worlds, and our lives as trajectories traversing a health space with thousands of dimensions. Remarkably, common themes persist that predict the evolution of species as readily as the orbits of planets or the collapse of stars into black holes. This book tells the history of spaces of expanding dimension and increasing abstraction and how they continue today to give new insight into the physics of complex systems. Galileo published the first modern law of motion, the Law of Fall, that was ideal and simple, laying the foundation upon which Newton built the first theory of dynamics. Early in the twentieth century, geometry became the cause of motion rather than the result when Einstein envisioned the fabric of space-time warped by mass and energy, forcing light rays to bend past the Sun. Possibly more radical was Feynman's dilemma of quantum particles taking all paths at once — setting the stage for the modern fields of quantum field theory and quantum computing. Yet as concepts of motion have evolved, one thing has remained constant, the need to track ever more complex changes and to capture their essence, to find patterns in the chaos as we try to predict and control our world.

Interpretation and Medical Application of Laser Biospeckle

Book Description

Laser biospeckle is the dynamic laser speckle pattern produced by illuminating tissue with laser light. The dynamic nature of the speckle indicates the movement of particles in the tissue, particularly blood cells. Contrast analysis of laser biospeckle generates flow maps showing areas of higher or lower blood flow, for example vessels or background perfusion, and can detect changes in flow associated with inflammation, wounds or disease. This thesis presents methods of analysing laser speckle contrast, particularly a method using multiple camera exposures to generate the find the same spectral information from laser speckle fluctuations as laser Doppler, allowing quantitative measurements of flow. This work also presents a correction for spatial averaging in speckle, and confirms the validity of that correction using simulation and experiment. Spatial effects on laser speckle imaging techniques in tissues are tested experimentally. Multiple exposure speckle imaging was tested in vivo in a variety of situations, and clinically in measurements around diabetic foot ulcers. Measurements were made on three groups: patients with diabetic foot ulcers, patients with peripheral vascular disease, and normal control subjects. No difference in mean flow speed was found between the groups, but a significant difference in mean static contrast, indicating blood volume in tissue, was found.

Dynamic Light Scattering Imaging

Book Description

This book examines Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) and its derivatives Laser Doppler Flowmetry (LDF), Diffusing Wave Spectroscopy (DWS), Laser Speckle Contrast Imaging (LSCI), and Doppler Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) for characterizing particle motion in turbid mediums like suspensions and solutions. It focuses on non-invasive blood flow imaging in biological tissues, detailing technological advancements, practical applications, and inherent challenges. Essential for professionals in biomedical optics and medical fields, as well as physics and engineering students, the book highlights its use in brain, skin, and micro-circulation studies, providing key insights and practical guidance. Key Features: • Presents a deep dive into DLS and its derivative techniques. • Emphasizes practical applications, including brain blood flow monitoring, skin perfusion measurements, and micro-circulation characterization. • Delivers insights into the challenges and limitations associated with DLS-based blood flow imaging.