Dyson–Schwinger Equations, Renormalization Conditions, and the Hopf Algebra of Perturbative Quantum Field Theory

Book Description

This book offers a systematic introduction to the Hopf algebra of renormalization in quantum field theory, with a special focus on physical motivation, the role of Dyson–Schwinger equations, and the renormalization group. All necessary physical and mathematical constructions are reviewed and motivated in a self-contained introduction. The main part of the book concerns the interplay between Dyson–Schwinger equations (DSEs) and renormalization conditions. The book is explicit and consistent about whether a statement is true in general or only in particular renormalization schemes or approximations and about the dependence of quantities on regularization parameters or coupling constants. With over 600 references, the original literature is cited whenever possible and the book contains numerous references to other works discussing further details, generalizations, or alternative approaches. There are explicit examples and remarks to make the connection from the scalar fields at hand to QED and QCD. The book is primarily targeted at the mathematically oriented physicist who seeks a systematic conceptual overview of renormalization, Hopf algebra, and DSEs. These may be graduate students entering the field as well as practitioners seeking a self-contained account of the Hopf algebra construction. Conversely, the book also benefits the mathematician who is interested in the physical background of the exciting interplay between Hopf algebra, combinatorics and physics that is renormalization theory today.

Quantum Field Theory

Book Description

The present volume emerged from the 3rd `Blaubeuren Workshop: Recent Developments in Quantum Field Theory', held in July 2007 at the Max Planck Institute of Mathematics in the Sciences in Leipzig/Germany. All of the contributions are committed to the idea of this workshop series: To bring together outstanding experts working in the field of mathematics and physics to discuss in an open atmosphere the fundamental questions at the frontier of theoretical physics.

Arithmetic and Geometry Around Quantization

Book Description

This volume comprises both research and survey articles originating from the conference on Arithmetic and Geometry around Quantization held in Istanbul in 2006. A wide range of topics related to quantization are covered, thus aiming to give a glimpse of a broad subject in very different perspectives.

A Combinatorial Perspective on Quantum Field Theory

Book Description

This book explores combinatorial problems and insights in quantum field theory. It is not comprehensive, but rather takes a tour, shaped by the author’s biases, through some of the important ways that a combinatorial perspective can be brought to bear on quantum field theory. Among the outcomes are both physical insights and interesting mathematics. The book begins by thinking of perturbative expansions as kinds of generating functions and then introduces renormalization Hopf algebras. The remainder is broken into two parts. The first part looks at Dyson-Schwinger equations, stepping gradually from the purely combinatorial to the more physical. The second part looks at Feynman graphs and their periods. The flavour of the book will appeal to mathematicians with a combinatorics background as well as mathematical physicists and other mathematicians.

Feynman Amplitudes, Periods and Motives

Book Description

This volume contains the proceedings of the International Research Workshop on Periods and Motives--A Modern Perspective on Renormalization, held from July 2-6, 2012, at the Instituto de Ciencias Matemáticas, Madrid, Spain. Feynman amplitudes are integrals attached to Feynman diagrams by means of Feynman rules. They form a central part of perturbative quantum field theory, where they appear as coefficients of power series expansions of probability amplitudes for physical processes. The efficient computation of Feynman amplitudes is pivotal for theoretical predictions in particle physics. Periods are numbers computed as integrals of algebraic differential forms over topological cycles on algebraic varieties. The term originated from the period of a periodic elliptic function, which can be computed as an elliptic integral. Motives emerged from Grothendieck's "universal cohomology theory", where they describe an intermediate step between algebraic varieties and their linear invariants (cohomology). The theory of motives provides a conceptual framework for the study of periods. In recent work, a beautiful relation between Feynman amplitudes, motives and periods has emerged. The articles provide an exciting panoramic view on recent developments in this fascinating and fruitful interaction between pure mathematics and modern theoretical physics.

Noncommutative Geometry, Quantum Fields and Motives

Book Description

The unifying theme of this book is the interplay among noncommutative geometry, physics, and number theory. The two main objects of investigation are spaces where both the noncommutative and the motivic aspects come to play a role: space-time, where the guiding principle is the problem of developing a quantum theory of gravity, and the space of primes, where one can regard the Riemann Hypothesis as a long-standing problem motivating the development of new geometric tools. The book stresses the relevance of noncommutative geometry in dealing with these two spaces. The first part of the book deals with quantum field theory and the geometric structure of renormalization as a Riemann-Hilbert correspondence. It also presents a model of elementary particle physics based on noncommutative geometry. The main result is a complete derivation of the full Standard Model Lagrangian from a very simple mathematical input. Other topics covered in the first part of the book are a noncommutative geometry model of dimensional regularization and its role in anomaly computations, and a brief introduction to motives and their conjectural relation to quantum field theory. The second part of the book gives an interpretation of the Weil explicit formula as a trace formula and a spectral realization of the zeros of the Riemann zeta function. This is based on the noncommutative geometry of the adèle class space, which is also described as the space of commensurability classes of Q-lattices, and is dual to a noncommutative motive (endomotive) whose cyclic homology provides a general setting for spectral realizations of zeros of L-functions. The quantum statistical mechanics of the space of Q-lattices, in one and two dimensions, exhibits spontaneous symmetry breaking. In the low-temperature regime, the equilibrium states of the corresponding systems are related to points of classical moduli spaces and the symmetries to the class field theory of the field of rational numbers and of imaginary quadratic fields, as well as to the automorphisms of the field of modular functions. The book ends with a set of analogies between the noncommutative geometries underlying the mathematical formulation of the Standard Model minimally coupled to gravity and the moduli spaces of Q-lattices used in the study of the zeta function.

Clifford Algebras and their Applications in Mathematical Physics

Book Description

The first part of a two-volume set concerning the field of Clifford (geometric) algebra, this work consists of thematically organized chapters that provide a broad overview of cutting-edge topics in mathematical physics and the physical applications of Clifford algebras. algebras and their applications in physics. Algebraic geometry, cohomology, non-communicative spaces, q-deformations and the related quantum groups, and projective geometry provide the basis for algebraic topics covered. Physical applications and extensions of physical theories such as the theory of quaternionic spin, a projective theory of hadron transformation laws, and electron scattering are also presented, showing the broad applicability of Clifford geometric algebras in solving physical problems. Treatment of the structure theory of quantum Clifford algebras, the connection to logic, group representations, and computational techniques including symbolic calculations and theorem proving rounds out the presentation.

Clifford Algebras and their Applications in Mathematical Physics

Book Description

The plausible relativistic physical variables describing a spinning, charged and massive particle are, besides the charge itself, its Minkowski (four) po sition X, its relativistic linear (four) momentum P and also its so-called Lorentz (four) angular momentum E # 0, the latter forming four trans lation invariant part of its total angular (four) momentum M. Expressing these variables in terms of Poincare covariant real valued functions defined on an extended relativistic phase space [2, 7J means that the mutual Pois son bracket relations among the total angular momentum functions Mab and the linear momentum functions pa have to represent the commutation relations of the Poincare algebra. On any such an extended relativistic phase space, as shown by Zakrzewski [2, 7], the (natural?) Poisson bracket relations (1. 1) imply that for the splitting of the total angular momentum into its orbital and its spin part (1. 2) one necessarily obtains (1. 3) On the other hand it is always possible to shift (translate) the commuting (see (1. 1)) four position xa by a four vector ~Xa (1. 4) so that the total angular four momentum splits instead into a new orbital and a new (Pauli-Lubanski) spin part (1. 5) in such a way that (1. 6) However, as proved by Zakrzewski [2, 7J, the so-defined new shifted four a position functions X must fulfill the following Poisson bracket relations: (1.