Early Type Galaxies And Reliable Galaxy Cluster Selection

Book Description

In an era of precision cosmology, clusters of galaxies are the natural consequences under the hierarchical scenario, within which clusters directly encapsulate the history of structure formation. Thus, determining the mass distribution of clusters as a function of redshift enables fundamental tests of this structure formation process. My projects have initially been motivated by an intellectual inquiry into how we can effectively and accurately analyze data from large cluster surveys, such as the South Pole Telescope (SPT), the Blanco Cosmology Survey (BCS) and the upcoming Dark Energy Survey (DES), which now extends to the galaxy formation and evolution studies. Through this thesis project followed by immediate extension of the thesis, I, therefore, aim to achieve three distinct, but highly inter-related main research goals: (1) creating mock catalogs that represent the universe well enough, (2) employing these mock catalogs to quantitatively characterize optical selection tools and then applying those well understood selection tools to large new surveys, and (3) exploring the underlying physics of galaxy population and property evolution over the cosmic time. Clusters of galaxies are an important laboratory for exploring galaxy formation and evolution. Automatic data analysis tools, such as cluster finding algorithms or mass and photometric redshift estimators, need to be tested prior to their use. We have launched a project to create realistic mock galaxy catalogs that will perform these tests accurately. This thesis project also includes development of tools to characterize clusters of galaxies, such as a red-sequence redshift estimator and an optical richness estimator. We also explore one of the candidates of contamination in cluster finding in sub-mm wavelength. The scientific goals to have been achieved are to build a realistic mock catalog on which several analysis tools are tested to better understand our ability to make accurate measurements; to develop an independent redshift and optical richness estimators with their applications to real clusters and to understand their systematics better to reduce the scatter; and to address a cautionary point in sub-mm cluster finding due to radio galaxies that are associated with clusters. These projects, in conjunction with each other, are demonstrated as crucial elements in constraining cosmological parameters to understand the evolution of the universe.

Galaxy Cluster Detection with Optical and Infrared Imaging

Book Description

Being galaxy clusters the most massive bound structures in the Universe, they represent a powerful tool to probe the large-scale structure predicted by the standard cosmological model, and to understand how environmental effects affect galaxy evolution. To conduct these studies and obtain reliable results, it is important to build complete and pure cluster catalogs. The use of these catalogs for cosmology requires accurate estimates of cluster mass. In this work, I describe the cluster detection algorithm that I developed during my PhD thesis : Red-GOLD, and the results that I obtained by applying i to current multi-wavelength surveys. My algorithm is based on the detection of galaxy overdensities and the characterisation of their red-sequence. The algorithm finds red galaxy overdensities with respect to the mean background. I select red galaxies using color predictions given by stellar population synthesis models and impose color limits as a function of redshift. Among those galaxies, I discern the early-type galaxies from their spectral type. I then identify cluster members using accurate photometric redshifts, and estimate the cluster candidate richness. I applied Red-GOLD to optical data coming from two different surveys, the Next Generatiôn Virgo Cluster Survey (NGVS) and the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope Lensing Survey (CFHTLS) and detected galaxy cluster candidates up to redshift z=1. I assessed the performances of my algorithm by applying it to simulated galaxy catalogs from the Millennium simulations. My cluster catalogue is complete at the 80% up to redshift z=1 and pure at 81%.

Outskirts of Galaxy Clusters (IAU C195)

Book Description

This book contains the proceedings of the International Astronomical Union Colloquium no. 195, held in Torino, Italy in 2004. The meeting investigated the formation of galaxies within a full cosmological context, focusing on the outer regions of galaxy clusters. The observed correlation of optical and radio properties of galaxies with their environment indicates that the formation and evolution of galaxies is intimately linked to the formation of large scale structure. With chapters written by leading authorities in the field, this timely volume investigates the role of the environment in determining the properties of galaxies. It describes the distribution of matter and galaxies on the largest scales in the Universe, the processes of cluster and galaxy formation, their role and interplay. This is a valuable collection of review articles for professional astronomers.

Secular Evolution of Galaxies

Book Description

The formation and evolution of galaxies is one of the most important topics in modern astrophysics. Secular evolution refers to the relatively slow dynamical evolution due to internal processes induced by a galaxy's spiral arms, bars, galactic winds, black holes and dark matter haloes. It plays an important role in the evolution of spiral galaxies with major consequences for galactic bulges, the transfer of angular momentum, and the distribution of a galaxy's constituent stars, gas and dust. This internal evolution is in turn the key to understanding and testing cosmological models of galaxy formation and evolution. Based on the twenty-third Winter School of the Canary Islands Institute of Astrophysics, this volume presents reviews from nine world-renowned experts on the observational and theoretical research into secular processes, and what these processes can tell us about the structure and formation of galaxies. The volume provides a firm grounding for graduate students and early career researchers working on galactic dynamics and galaxy evolution.

Stellar Candles for the Extragalactic Distance Scale

Book Description

This volume reviews the current status with respect to both theory and observation of the extragalactic distance scale. A sufficient accuracy is required both for a precise determination of the cosmological parameters and also in order to achieve a better understanding of physical processes in extragalactic systems. The "standard candles", used to set up the extragalactic distance scale, reviewed in this book include cepheid variables, RR Lyrae variables, novae, Type Ia and Type II supernovae as well as globular clusters and planetary nebulae.

Highlights of Astronomy, Volume 11A

Book Description

Since 1967, the main scientific events of the General Assemblies of the International Astronomical Union have been published in the separate series, Highlights of Astronomy. The present Volume 11 presents the major scientific presentations made at the XXIIIrd General Assembly, August 18-30, 1997, in Kyoto, Japan. The two volumes (11A + B) contain the text of the three Invited Discourses as well as the proceedings or extended summaries of the 21 Joint Discussions and two Special Sessions held during the General Assembly.

Shapes Of Galaxies And Their Dark Halos, The - Proceedings Of The Yale Cosmology Workshop

Book Description

This book constitutes the proceedings of a very topical workshop aimed at understanding the shapes of the baryonic and dark matter components of galaxies. Several groups presented their recent results from observations and numerical N-body simulations.