Optical Properties and Remote Sensing of Inland and Coastal Waters

Book Description

Optical Properties and Remote Sensing of Inland and Coastal Waters discusses the methodology and the theoretical basis of remote sensing of water. It presents physical concepts of aquatic optics relevant to remote sensing techniques and outlines the problems of remote measurements of the concentrations of organic and inorganic matter in water. It also details the mathematical formulation of the processes governing water-radiation interactions and discusses the development of bio-optical models to incorporate optically complex bodies of water into remote sensing projects. Optical Properties and Remote Sensing of Inland and Coastal Waters derives and evaluates the interrelationships among inherent optical properties of natural water, water color, water quality, primary production, volume reflectance spectra, and remote sensing. This timely and comprehensive text/reference addresses the increasing tendency toward multinational and multidisciplinary climate studies and programs.

Land Remote Sensing and Global Environmental Change

Book Description

Land Remote Sensing and Global Environmental Change: The Science of ASTER and MODIS is an edited compendium of contributions dealing with ASTER and MODIS satellite sensors aboard NASA's Terra and Aqua platforms launched as part of the Earth Observing System fleet in 1999 and 2002 respectively. This volume is divided into six sections. The first three sections provide insights into the history, philosophy, and evolution of the EOS, ASTER and MODIS instrument designs and calibration mechanisms, and the data systems components used to manage and provide the science data and derived products. The latter three sections exclusively deal with ASTER and MODIS data products and their applications, and the future of these two classes of remotely sensed observations.

Columbia Crew Survival Investigation Report

Book Description

NASA commissioned the Columbia Accident Investigation Board (CAIB) to conduct a thorough review of both the technical and the organizational causes of the loss of the Space Shuttle Columbia and her crew on February 1, 2003. The accident investigation that followed determined that a large piece of insulating foam from Columbia's external tank (ET) had come off during ascent and struck the leading edge of the left wing, causing critical damage. The damage was undetected during the mission. The Columbia accident was not survivable. After the Columbia Accident Investigation Board (CAIB) investigation regarding the cause of the accident was completed, further consideration produced the question of whether there were lessons to be learned about how to improve crew survival in the future. This investigation was performed with the belief that a comprehensive, respectful investigation could provide knowledge that can protect future crews in the worldwide community of human space flight. Additionally, in the course of the investigation, several areas of research were identified that could improve our understanding of both nominal space flight and future spacecraft accidents. This report is the first comprehensive, publicly available accident investigation report addressing crew survival for a human spacecraft mishap, and it provides key information for future crew survival investigations. The results of this investigation are intended to add meaning to the sacrifice of the crew's lives by making space flight safer for all future generations.