EBOOK: Enhancing Learning, Teaching, Assessment and Curriculum in Higher Education

Book Description

Higher education is a particularly complex site for enhancement initiatives. This book offers those involved in change a coherent conceptual overview of enhancement approaches, of the change context, and of the probable interactions between them. The book sets enhancement within a particular type of change dynamic which focuses on social practices. The aim is to base innovation and change on the probabilities of desired outcomes materializing, rather than on the romanticism of policies that underestimate the sheer difficulty of making a difference. Following a theoretical introduction to these ideas, there are case studies (from the UK, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and Norway) at the national, institutional, departmental and individual levels, illustrating the argument that enhancement is best achieved when it works with social practices in real institutional and organizational settings. In a final section, the authors link the case examples and theoretical frameworks, inviting readers to consider their own enhancement situations and apply the 'frameworks for action' offered in earlier sections of the book. The book doesn’t offer quick-fix solutions but aims to support change with practical examples, conceptual tools and reflexive questions for those involved in change at all levels. It is key reading for higher education lecturers, managers, educational developers and policy makers.

EBOOK: Improving Teaching and Learning in Higher Education: A Whole Institution Approach

Book Description

What are the aims of higher education? What are the strategies necessary for institutional improvement? How might the student experience be improved? The emergence of the discourse around learning and teaching is one of the more remarkable phenomena of the last decade in higher education. Increasingly, universities are being required to pay greater attention to improving teaching and enhancing student learning. This book will help universities and colleges achieve these goals through an approach to institutional change that is well founded on both research and practical experience. By placing learning at the centre of organizational change, this book challenges many of the current assumptions about management of teaching, supporting students, the separation of research and teaching, the use of information technology and quality systems. It demonstrates how trust can be restored within higher education while advancing the need for change based on principles of equity and academic values for students and teachers alike. Improving Teaching and Learning in Higher Education is key reading for anyone interested in the development of teaching and learning in higher education, as well as policy makers.

EBOOK: Teaching for Quality Learning at University

Book Description

"This book is an exceptional introduction to some difficult ideas. It is full of downright good advice for every academic who wants to do something practical to improve his or hers students’ learning." Paul Ramsden, Brisbane, Australia "Biggs and Tang present a unified view of university teaching that is both grounded in research and theory and replete with guidance for novice and expert instructors. The book will inspire, challenge, unsettle, and in places annoy and even infuriate its readers, but it will succeed in helping them think about how high quality teaching can contribute to high quality learning." John Kirby, Queens University, Ontario, Canada This best-selling book explains the concept of constructive alignment used in implementing outcomes-based education. Constructive alignment identifies the desired learning outcomes and helps teachers design the teaching and learning activities that will help students to achieve those outcomes, and to assess how well those outcomes have been achieved. Each chapter includes tasks that offer a 'how-to' manual to implement constructive alignment in your own teaching practices. This new edition draws on the authors' experience of consulting on the implementation of constructive alignment in Australia, Hong Kong, Ireland and Malaysia including a wider range of disciplines and teaching contexts. There is also a new section on the evaluation of constructive alignment, which is now used worldwide as a framework for good teaching and assessment, as it has been shown to: Assist university teachers who wish to improve the quality of their own teaching, their students' learning and their assessment of learning outcomes Aid staff developers in providing support for departments in line with institutional policies Provide a framework for administrators interested in quality assurance and enhancement of teaching across the whole university. The authors have also included useful web links to further material. Teaching for Quality Learning at University will be of particular interest to teachers, staff developers and administrators.

Approaches to Assessment that Enhance Learning in Higher Education

Book Description

This book addresses the need to diversify mainstream forms of assessment currently used in Higher Education in order to re-establish the focus on the learning process. Making assessment central to student learning is about returning to what current research emphasises: the primary beneficiary of assessment should be the student. To achieve this in the assessment context, students and tutors must engage in a process of dialogue and feedback. It seems to be widely accepted that assessment succeeds when the learner monitors, identifies and then is able to ‘bridge’ the gap between current learning achievements and agreed goals. It is, however, more questionable whether adequate opportunities are given to students to be active participants in closing what has been termed ‘the loop’. Contributors to this book have responded in different ways to the challenge of enhancing learning through assessment, offering reasons for the lack of focus on learning within assessment processes as well as suggesting possible solutions. The chapters demonstrate a balance between innovation and practicality, drawing on the underpinning theories. The result is both rich in discussion and an extremely useful resource for practitioners. This book was originally published as a special issue of Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education.

EBOOK: Teaching, Learning And Assessment

Book Description

"This down-to-earth and timely book demonstrates that assessment is at the very heart of the teaching and learning process. It gives highly practical ideas and strategies to help make learning powerful and effective. It reminds us not only about what works in classrooms but also about what works in adult learning and informal learning too." Steve Munby, Chief Executive, National College for School Leadership, UK This book deals with formative assessment, that is, assessment designed to inform and enhance learning, rather than simply produce test results and qualifications. Formative assessment considers how pupils learn, what they learn and why, and encourages pupils to direct their own learning. Based on real life experiences of students and teachers, this book develops a practical framework for thinking about formative assessment, based on a five-year research project undertaken by Portsmouth Local Authority schools and the University of Sussex. Rich in case studies, quotations, examples and recommendations collected from the project, the book offers practical advice for making formative assessment work. Its key features include: A framework for formative assessment Focus on professional and whole-school development Prompts for reflection Real-life examples and case studies from work carried out by pupils, teachers, assistants and leaders The central message is that assessment should be fundamental to the whole learning process, and is as relevant to early years as to primary, secondary and post-compulsory settings across the curriculum. Teaching, Learning and Assessment is important reading for all teachers whether undertaking initial teacher training or continuing professional development.

EBOOK: Assessment, Learning And Employability

Book Description

What is assessed gets attention: what is not assessed does not. When higher education is expected to promote complex achievements in subject disciplines and in terms of 'employability', problems arise: how are such achievements to be assessed? In the first part of the book, it is argued that existing grading practices cannot cope with the expectations laid upon them, while the potential of formative assessment for the support of learning is not fully realised. The authors argue that improving the effectiveness of assessment depends on a well-grounded appreciation of what assessment is, and what may and may not be expected of it. The second part covers summative judgements for high-stakes purposes. Using established measurement theory, a view is developed of the conditions under which affordable, useful, valid and reliable summative judgements can be made. One conclusion is that many complex achievements resist high-stakes assessment, which directs attention to low-stakes, essentially formative, alternatives. Assessment for learning and employability demands more than module-level changes to assessment methods. The final part discusses how institutions need to respond in policy terms to the challenges that have been posed. The book concludes with a discussion of how institutions can respond in policy terms to the challenges that have been posed. Assessment, Learning and Employability has wide and practical relevance - to teachers, module and programme leaders, higher education managers and quality enhancement specialists.

Learning, Teaching and Assessing in Higher Education

Book Description

This is an up to date guide to teaching and learning in higher education, addressing issues raised by the Professional Standards Framework. It encourages the development of thoughtful, reflective teaching practitioners in higher education, and is useful for the review of existing courses. The authors and editors acknowledge the distinctive nature of teaching in higher education, explore a variety of creative and innovatory approaches, and promote reflective, inquiry-based and evaluatory approaches to teaching. The book supports the professional development of staff involved in teaching, supporting and assessing students.

Improving Students' Learning Outcomes

Book Description

Improving Students' Learning Outcomes is a book for educators and administrators in higher education who have a genuine interest in developing an inspired curriculum centered on student learning. Integrating theoretical perspectives with empirical practice, researchers and practitioners from four continents discuss why and how students' learning outcomes can be improved. The book offers new theoretical approaches to the understanding of students' learning outcomes, as well as normative implications and inspiring examples from people professionally engaged in teaching, learning, and assessment-practices. Editors Claus Nygaard and Clive Holtham are the founders of the international academic association LIHE (Learning in Higher Education). The book came out of an international symposium held on Aegina Island, Greece, arranged by LIHE.

Technology-enhanced Learning in Higher Education

Book Description

This book is an anthology produced by the international association, Learning in Higher Education (LiHE). LiHE, whose scope includes the activities of colleges, universities and other institutions of higher education, has been one of the leading organizations supporting a shift in the education process from a transmission-based philosophy to a student-centred, learning-based approach. Each of the chapters explores technology-enhanced learning in higher education in terms of either policy or practice. They contain detailed descriptions of approaches taken in very different curriculum areas, and demonstrate clearly that technology may and can enhance learning only if it is designed with the learning process of students at its core. So the use of technology in education is more linked to pedagogy than it is to bits and bytes.