Book Description
On a futuristic Earth, after a monumental event known as The End of Technology, all life has changed. Now, in the decades since, human beings have adapted to the extinction of technology, blending the old ways of life with the new in a reverse new age. When life finally begins to show signs of stability, a being from an alien world quietly creates a fortress in the darkest reaches of the Earth. He has been watching and waiting for an opportunity to spearhead a plan to make this large, rich blue planet home to his own species, the Drek. He enlists the help of Kabriza, the mighty Quentranzi General, to bring a horde of demons to scourge the Earth of its fragile inhabitants. But first, he must challenge Takashaniel. Far from the mighty dark fortress, Iel, the guardian of Takashaniel, is aware of the Drek's plot to destroy the sacred tower, thus weakening the veil between the Earth realm and the abyss. Together with his young student Mira, they contact four mighty warriors and set them on a perilous path beyond their imagination that will eventually lead them to Takashaniel and into the battle for Earth and life as they know it.