Echoes of the Word

Book Description

Table of Contents: Part 1: The Discipline of Hearing 1. Exegesis as a Theological Discipline 2. Listening To and Listening For Part 2: The Presence of the Prior Word 3. Challenged by the Greek Precedent 4. Energized by Jewish Beginnings 5. Paul: Problem and Promise 6. Death and Afterlife in the New Testament Part 3: The Word as Criterion 7. The Penetrating Word 8. Scripture and Canon 9. The Gospel's Promise of Salvation Part 4: A Word for Bearers of the Word 10. Our Identity's Dimensions 11. A Word for Us Theologians 12. Is There Good News for Ministers Too? 13. The Fear of the Lord is the Beginning of Knowledge Part 5: The Word Borne 14. Summoned to Christian Unity 15. King Jesus? 16. Are You the Coming One? 17. Promise and Hope

Echoes of Scripture in the Letters of Paul

Book Description

"Paul's letters, the earliest writings in the New Testament, are filled with allusions, images and quotations from the Old Testament. This book investigates Paul's appropriation of Scripture from a perspective based on recent literary-critical studies of intertextuality."

Echoes of Mind

Book Description

Examining one's life is arguably the central distinguishing characteristic of being human, and this wise and wonderful book is the perfect answer to Socrates's warning that the unexamined life is not worth living. Readers who merely read through the book's fascinating anecdotes will be entertained, but they will be seriously shortchanging themselves, for it is the guiding questions that provoke and inspire serious self-examination. As the calendar-like format of the book implies, these questions should be savored and pondered no faster than one page of questions per day. Levy and Parco continue to challenge our thinking as they did in their previous two Thinking Deeply About books. Echoes of Mind presents common topics in an uncommon way that encourages both reflection and introspection. Spending time with this book will be reassuring and yet challenging, even at times uncomfortable-but in all cases, rewarding. Daryl J. Bem, Ph.D. Professor Emeritus of Psychology Cornell University

Echoes of Creation

Book Description

Years after the Historian wanders away from Surac, the people use the power of their Stones to craft a golden age for themselves. As they expand and explore, however, they find that some secrets are better left alone, and not all powers are benevolent. Sadavir, the hero who brought the peoples together, travels into new territory on a rescue mission. Everyone, including Sadavir himself, believes that his talents, training, and powers make him invulnerable to harm. But there are mysteries more ancient than the Stones, and weaknesses that aren't discovered until strength has failed.

The Price of Creation

Book Description

The Historian chances upon Surac, a land where people's destinies are defined by powerful pendants they have from birth, called Stones. Those whose Stones give them useful skills call themselves Creators, and isolate themselves from all others with a wall that splits the entire continent. When Aric, a Creator blacksmith, has a son born with a Stone that marks him for violence and destruction, they find themselves in danger from those they called their friends. When the boy, Sadavir, is ultimately banished, he discovers secrets far darker than the villagers' petty prejudices. On the far side of the wall, he learns the origin of the Stones' magic and a war that dates back centuries. As he uncovers the true power locked in the Stones, he must find a way to unite ancient enemies in order to save his family. To stop a genocide, Sadavir must face his own destiny of violence.

Echoes of the Word

Book Description

Leander E. Keck presents a series of essays, sermons and lectures from a long career, their subjects ranging from historicity to the importance of listening and sympathy. Echoes of the Word suggests that now is the time for introspection among Christians: facing a crisis of secularisation, he calls not merely for unity, but for a period of serious and reflective thought. Grounding his arguments in a profound understanding of both the Biblical texts and their historical context, Keck offers a deep analysis of how Christianity has been influenced by new converts down the centuries who brought their own philosophies to the table, and speaks movingly of how essential it is to love one another as Christ loved us.

Echoes of Eden

Book Description

From comic books to summer blockbusters, all people enjoy art in some form or another. However, few of us can effectively explain why certain books, movies, and songs resonate so profoundly within us. In Echoes of Eden, Jerram Barrs helps us identify the significance of artistic expression as it reflects the extraordinary creativity and unmatched beauty of the Creator God. Additionally, Barrs provides the key elements for evaluating and defining great art: (1) The glory of the original creation; (2) The tragedy of the curse of sin; (3) The hope of final redemption and renewal. These three qualifiers are then put to the test as Barrs investigates five of the world's most influential authors who serve as ideal case studies in the exploration of the foundations and significance of great art.

Echoes of Scripture in the Gospels

Book Description

The claim that the events of Jesus' life, death, and resurrection took place "according to the Scriptures" stands at the heart of the New Testament's message. All four canonical Gospels declare that the Torah and the Prophets and the Psalms mysteriously prefigure Jesus. The author of the Fourth Gospel states this claim succinctly: in his narrative, Jesus declares, "If you believed Moses, you would believe me, for he wrote about me" (John 5:46). Yet modern historical criticism characteristically judges that the New Testament's christological readings of Israel's Scripture misrepresent the original sense of the texts; this judgment forces fundamental questions to be asked: Why do the Gospel writers read the Scriptures in such surprising ways? Are their readings intelligible as coherent or persuasive interpretations of the Scriptures? Does Christian faith require the illegitimate theft of someone else's sacred texts? Echoes of Scripture in the Gospels answers these questions. Richard B. Hays chronicles the dramatically different ways the four Gospel writers interpreted Israel's Scripture and reveals that their readings were as complementary as they were faithful. In this long-awaited sequel to his Echoes of Scripture in the Letters of Paul, Hays highlights the theological consequences of the Gospel writers' distinctive hermeneutical approaches and asks what it might mean for contemporary readers to attempt to read Scripture through the eyes of the Evangelists. In particular, Hays carefully describes the Evangelists' practice of figural reading--an imaginative and retrospective move that creates narrative continuity and wholeness. He shows how each Gospel artfully uses scriptural echoes to re-narrate Israel's story, to assert that Jesus is the embodiment of Israel's God, and to prod the church in its vocation to engage the pagan world. Hays shows how the Evangelists summon readers to a conversion of their imagination. The Evangelists' use of scriptural echo beckons readers to believe the extraordinary: that Jesus was Israel's Messiah, that Jesus is Israel's God, and that contemporary believers are still on mission. The Evangelists, according to Hays, are training our scriptural senses, calling readers to be better scriptural people by being better scriptural poets.

Eternal Echoes

Book Description