ECMT Round Tables Deregulation of Freight Transport Report of the Eighty-Fourth Round Table on Transport Economics Held in Paris on 1-2 February 1990

Book Description

This publication assesses past experience with deregulation in a number of countries and reviews ways and means of making the freight transport market truly efficient.

ECMT Round Tables Evaluating Investment in Transport Infrastructure Report of the Eighty-Sixth Round Table on Transport Economics Held in Paris on 7-8 June 1990

Book Description

This publication describes the techniques used for evaluation of transport infrastructure investment in a number of ECMT countries and the effectiveness of such methods, and examines conditions governing their use.

ECMT Round Tables The Role of the State in a Deregulated Transport Market Report of the Eighty-Third Round Table on Transport Economics Held in Paris on 7-8 December 1989

Book Description

This Round Table examines the role of the state in a deregulated transport market and provides reports on deregulation in ECMT countries.

ECMT Round Tables Transport Economics Report of the One-Hundredth Round Table on Transport Economics Held in Paris on 2-3 June 1994

Book Description

To mark its hundredth Round Table on transport economics, the ECMT decided to publish a special issue. Fifty European experts were asked to submit papers examining not only the major issues addressed by transport economics in the past, but also those that are likely to emerge in the future.

ECMT Round Tables Interurban Transport Costs Report of the Ninety-Eighth Round Table on Transport Economics Held in Paris on 2-3 December 1993

Book Description

This Round Table gives a clearer picture of the whole range of interurban transport problems. It provides both theoretical analyses and specific case studies, and explores such fundamental matters as the actual social utility of transport.

ECMT Round Tables Goods Distribution Systems in Urban Areas Report of the Sixty-First Round Table on Transport Economics Held in Paris on 15-16 December 1983

Book Description

This Round Table examines the dimensions of urban goods transport, the policy making context, and possible courses of action to deal with issues.

ECMT Round Tables Review of Demand Models Forecast-Recorded Traffic Comparisons for Urban and Intercity Transport: Report of the Fifty-Eighth Round Table on Transport Economics Held in Paris on 25-26 June 1981

Book Description

This Round Table is an assessment of the attempts made since the early sixties to model passenger and freight transport demand.