ECMT Round Tables The Role of the State in a Deregulated Transport Market Report of the Eighty-Third Round Table on Transport Economics Held in Paris on 7-8 December 1989

Book Description

This Round Table examines the role of the state in a deregulated transport market and provides reports on deregulation in ECMT countries.

Government Publications

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HMSO Agency Catalogue

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ECMT Round Tables Interurban Transport Costs Report of the Ninety-Eighth Round Table on Transport Economics Held in Paris on 2-3 December 1993

Book Description

This Round Table gives a clearer picture of the whole range of interurban transport problems. It provides both theoretical analyses and specific case studies, and explores such fundamental matters as the actual social utility of transport.

ECMT Round Tables Benefits of Different Transport Modes Report of the Ninety-Third Round Table on Transport Economics Held in Paris on 30 June-1 July 1992

Book Description

This Round Table considers the benefits of different modes of transport for the general community and their respective contributions to economic growth.

ECMT Round Tables Private and Public Investment in Transport Report of the Eighty-First Round Table on Transport Economics Held in Paris on 11-12 May 1989

Book Description

Round Table 81 takes stock of the problems of inadequate transport links at its periphery and considers the contribution private capital could bring in funding transport infrastructure.

HMSO Monthly Catalogue

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