ECMT Round Tables The Working Conditions of Professional Drivers Effects on Productivity and Road Safety: Report of the Fifty-Third Round Table on Transport Economics Held in Paris on 11-12 December 1980

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This Round Table presents a report on the working conditions of professional drivers covering such aspects as social environment and job situation, road safety and productivity and health.

ITF Research Reports Moving Freight with Better Trucks Improving Safety, Productivity and Sustainability

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This report identifies potential improvements in terms of more effective safety and environmental regulation for trucks, backed by better systems of enforcement, and identifies opportunities for greater efficiency and higher productivity.

World Report on Road Traffic Injury Prevention

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Every day thousands of people are killed and injured on our roads. Millions of people each year will spend long weeks in the hospital after severe crashes and many will never be able to live, work or play as they used to do. Current efforts to address road safety are minimal in comparison to this growing human suffering. This report presents a comprehensive overview of what is known about the magnitude, risk factors and impact of road traffic injuries, and about ways to prevent and lessen the impact of road crashes. Over 100 experts, from all continents and different sectors -- including transport, engineering, health, police, education and civil society -- have worked to produce the report. Charts and tables.

Global Status Report on Road Safety 2015

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"The Global status report on road safety 2015, reflecting information from 180 countries, indicates that worldwide the total number of road traffic deaths has plateaued at 1.25 million per year, with the highest road traffic fatality rates in low-income countries. In the last three years, 17 countries have aligned at least one of their laws with best practice on seat-belts, drink-driving, speed, motorcycle helmets or child restraints. While there has been progress towards improving road safety legislation and in making vehicles safer, the report shows that the pace of change is too slow. Urgent action is needed to achieve the ambitious target for road safety reflected in the newly adopted 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development: halving the global number of deaths and injuries from road traffic crashes by 2020. Made possible through funding from Bloomberg Philanthropies, this report is the third in the series, and provides a snapshot of the road safety situation globally, highlighting the gaps and the measures needed to best drive progress."--Publisher's description.

Safe and Sustainable Transport: A Matter of Quality Assurance

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Road safety is generally a mixture of three components, namely, the road, the vehicle and the driver, or, as also referred to by the ECMT, the infrastructure, the vehicle and human behaviour. Promotion of road safety is more and more possible only through a larger scope of interest -- environment, sustainability, and quality of life. In the future, an efficient road transport system should provide a safe and sustainable accessibility. The idea of organising a seminar came from a presentation by a Swedish representative of the "Vision Zero" programme, adopted by the Swedish Parliament in autumn 1997. The basic idea of "Vision Zero" is that no person should be killed or seriously and permanently impaired in a road traffic accident. At the invitation of the Czech authorities, the seminar was held in March 2002 in Prague. Many governmental and non governmental organisations responsible for road safety policies and work participated in the event.

Managing Urban Traffic Congestion

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Offers policy-oriented, research-based recommendations for effectively managing traffic and cutting excess congestion in large urban areas.

Traffic Congestion

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Impact of Transport Infrastructure Investment on Regional Development

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This report describes evaluation methods for transport infrastructure investments to ensure that scarce resources are allocated in a way that maximises their net return to society.

Assessment and Decision Making for Sustainable Transport

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This report makes recommendations for good practice bringing the results of economic appraisals and environmental assessments before decision makers in the transport sector on the basis of reviews of recent experience in infrastructure planning and policy development in seven countries.