ECMT Round Tables Transport and Exceptional Public Events

Book Description

The Round Table examined large-scale sporting, cultural and festive events in Europe and the rest of the world, and noted that setting ambitious targets contributes to the quality of the event.

ECMT Round Tables Transport and Decentralisation

Book Description

Examines the circumstances under which decentralisation has brought economic and other benefits in the transport sector.

ECMT Round Tables Transport and International Trade

Book Description

This Round Table presents three papers focusing on the evolution of international transport costs over the past decades and the benefits expected from investment in transport facilities and the reduction of the costs of crossing borders.

ECMT Round Tables Transport Services The Limits of (De)regulation

Book Description

The ECMT Round Table examines the effects and limitations of regulating transport services and examines in particular the factors that necessitate regulation, the role of transaction costs, and the cost of regulation.

ECMT Round Tables Time and Transport

Book Description

This Round Table revisits the extended literature on the valuation of passenger time and discusses the under-researched topic of the value of time in freight transport.

ECMT Round Tables National Systems of Transport Infrastructure Planning

Book Description

The Round Table discusses changes in national systems of transport infrastructure planning and the lessons for the further improvement of planning processes.

ECMT Round Tables European Integration of Rail Freight Transport

Book Description

The Round Table looks at how the European railway landscape is being reshaped. In doing so, it presents lessons which stand to benefit transport policy throughout Europe.