ECMT Round Tables Transport Infrastructure Investment and Economic Productivity

Book Description

This Round Table addresses the macroeconomic effects of transport infrastructure policies, and aimed at identifying tools that could determine the overall volume of public expenditure for transport infrastructure investment. It also identifies methods for assessing macroeconomic impact.

ECMT Round Tables Transport and Economic Development

Book Description

The linkage between transport and economic development is a highly contentious issue which has generated considerable debate. This Round Table set out to clarify this issue by analysing the arguments for and against the presumed linkage between "transport infrastructure" and "economic development".

ECMT Round Tables Time and Transport

Book Description

This Round Table revisits the extended literature on the valuation of passenger time and discusses the under-researched topic of the value of time in freight transport.

ECMT Round Tables National Systems of Transport Infrastructure Planning

Book Description

The Round Table discusses changes in national systems of transport infrastructure planning and the lessons for the further improvement of planning processes.

ECMT Round Tables Evaluating Investment in Transport Infrastructure Report of the Eighty-Sixth Round Table on Transport Economics Held in Paris on 7-8 June 1990

Book Description

This publication describes the techniques used for evaluation of transport infrastructure investment in a number of ECMT countries and the effectiveness of such methods, and examines conditions governing their use.

ECMT Round Tables Market Access, Trade in Transport Services and Trade Facilitation

Book Description

The Round Table discussed the role of the transport sector in supporting regional economic integration. The event was hosted by the Hellenic Institute of Transport, Thessaloniki.

ECMT Round Tables Transport Infrastructure Investment and Economic Productivity

Book Description

This Round Table addresses the macroeconomic effects of transport infrastructure policies, and aimed at identifying tools that could determine the overall volume of public expenditure for transport infrastructure investment. It also identifies methods for assessing macroeconomic impact.

ECMT Round Tables Transport Infrastructure Charges and Capacity Choice

Book Description

The Round Table analyses the opportunities for setting infrastructure service prices so that they also provide guidance for the supply of services.

ECMT Round Tables Benefits of Different Transport Modes Report of the Ninety-Third Round Table on Transport Economics Held in Paris on 30 June-1 July 1992

Book Description

This Round Table considers the benefits of different modes of transport for the general community and their respective contributions to economic growth.