ECMT Round Tables Transport Services The Limits of (De)regulation

Book Description

The ECMT Round Table examines the effects and limitations of regulating transport services and examines in particular the factors that necessitate regulation, the role of transaction costs, and the cost of regulation.

Transport Services

Book Description

While deregulation and privatisation in the transport sector have led to increases in productivity in general, not all reform hopes have materialised. In particular, the reform of the provision of infrastructure services has not caused the expected mobilisation of private resources, and concession relations have been less stable and less efficiency-enhancing than expected. In view of current discussions of reform results, the Round Table focused on the following issues: What are the limits for deregulation? Which are the crucial factors that necessitate regulation? What is the role of the transaction costs of regulation? What is the cost of regulation?

ECMT Round Tables The Role of the State in a Deregulated Transport Market Report of the Eighty-Third Round Table on Transport Economics Held in Paris on 7-8 December 1989

Book Description

This Round Table examines the role of the state in a deregulated transport market and provides reports on deregulation in ECMT countries.

ECMT Round Tables Transport Services The Limits of (De)regulation

Book Description

The ECMT Round Table examines the effects and limitations of regulating transport services and examines in particular the factors that necessitate regulation, the role of transaction costs, and the cost of regulation.

ECMT Round Tables Deregulation of Freight Transport Report of the Eighty-Fourth Round Table on Transport Economics Held in Paris on 1-2 February 1990

Book Description

This publication assesses past experience with deregulation in a number of countries and reviews ways and means of making the freight transport market truly efficient.

ECMT Round Tables Market Access, Trade in Transport Services and Trade Facilitation

Book Description

The Round Table discussed the role of the transport sector in supporting regional economic integration. The event was hosted by the Hellenic Institute of Transport, Thessaloniki.

ECMT Round Tables (De)Regulation of the Taxi Industry

Book Description

This Round Table examines the basic case for liberalisation of the taxi industry, and reviews experiences with taxi (de-)regulation in OECD and ECMT member countries.

ECMT Round Tables Transport, Urban Form and Economic Growth

Book Description

The Round Table examines the costs and benefits of sprawl, shedding light on the linkages between urban form and economic growth, and explored the tradeoffs involved in trying to contain sprawl.