ECMT Round Tables Transport, Urban Form and Economic Growth

Book Description

The Round Table examines the costs and benefits of sprawl, shedding light on the linkages between urban form and economic growth, and explored the tradeoffs involved in trying to contain sprawl.

ECMT Round Tables Changing Daily Urban Mobility Report of the One-Hundred and Second Round Table on Transport Economics Held in Paris on 9-19 May 1996

Book Description

This Round Table brings together the leading European experts on changing daily mobility to more ecological forms, and identifies the key policies for the immediate future that could reconcile towns and transport.

ECMT Round Tables Transport and Economic Development

Book Description

The linkage between transport and economic development is a highly contentious issue which has generated considerable debate. This Round Table set out to clarify this issue by analysing the arguments for and against the presumed linkage between "transport infrastructure" and "economic development".

ITF Round Tables Privatisation and Regulation of Urban Transit Systems

Book Description

Examines experience in integrating private management and capital with public transport policy objectives in a number of developed economies.

ITF Round Tables Oil Dependence Is Transport Running Out of Affordable Fuel?

Book Description

Assesses the policy instruments available to address oil security and climate change and examines their interaction with measures to manage congestion and mitigate local air pollution.

ITF Round Tables Biofuels Linking Support to Performance

Book Description

The papers published in this report examine the economics of biofuels and assess the potential of conventional biofuel production in OECD countries, Brazilian ethanol exports and some second generation biofuels to supply world markets with transport fuels.

ITF Round Tables Terrorism and International Transport Towards Risk-based Security Policy

Book Description

This Round Table examines the contribution economic analysis can make to improving security in aviation and maritime shipping by quantifying the benefits of security measures and assessing their effectiveness, and examining techniques to allocate resources to target the highest risks.