Econometric Methods for Labour Economics

Book Description

An accessible presentation of the standard statistical techniques used by labour economists. It emphasises both the input and output of empirical analysis and covers the application of five major econometric methods.

Empirical Labor Economics

Book Description

Presenting a complete survey of labor economics from the search point of view, this is the first book to coordinate a vast and scattered literature, making an increasingly important and sophisticated area in modern applied economics readily accessible. Completely comprehensive, Empirical Labor Economics covers not only sequential and random search, but all stochastic models of the labor market, and treats underlying economic theory and econometric methods as needed. It examines structural search models, studies directed at particular policy questions--such as the effect of unemployment benefits on unemployment durations--and simple descriptive studies, considering data from all over the world. With valuable summaries and trenchant assessments of the strengths and weaknesses of the search approach, Empirical Labor Economics is essential for those embarking on labor market research.

Handbook of Labor Economics

Book Description

A guide to the continually evolving field of labour economics.

Econometric Evaluation of Labour Market Policies

Book Description

Empirical measurement of impacts of active labour market programmes has started to become a central task of economic researchers. New improved econometric methods have been developed that will probably influence future empirical work in various other fields of economics as well. This volume contains a selection of original papers from leading experts, among them James J. Heckman, Noble Prize Winner 2000 in economics, addressing these econometric issues at the theoretical and empirical level. The theoretical part contains papers on tight bounds of average treatment effects, instrumental variables estimators, impact measurement with multiple programme options and statistical profiling. The empirical part provides the reader with econometric evaluations of active labour market programmes in Canada, Germany, France, Italy, Slovak Republic and Sweden.

Handbook of Labor Economics

Book Description

A guide to the continually evolving field of labour economics.

Econometric Methods with Applications in Business and Economics

Book Description

Nowadays applied work in business and economics requires a solid understanding of econometric methods to support decision-making. Combining a solid exposition of econometric methods with an application-oriented approach, this rigorous textbook provides students with a working understanding and hands-on experience of current econometrics. Taking a 'learning by doing' approach, it covers basic econometric methods (statistics, simple and multiple regression, nonlinear regression, maximum likelihood, and generalized method of moments), and addresses the creative process of model building with due attention to diagnostic testing and model improvement. Its last part is devoted to two major application areas: the econometrics of choice data (logit and probit, multinomial and ordered choice, truncated and censored data, and duration data) and the econometrics of time series data (univariate time series, trends, volatility, vector autoregressions, and a brief discussion of SUR models, panel data, and simultaneous equations). • Real-world text examples and practical exercise questions stimulate active learning and show how econometrics can solve practical questions in modern business and economic management. • Focuses on the core of econometrics, regression, and covers two major advanced topics, choice data with applications in marketing and micro-economics, and time series data with applications in finance and macro-economics. • Learning-support features include concise, manageable sections of text, frequent cross-references to related and background material, summaries, computational schemes, keyword lists, suggested further reading, exercise sets, and online data sets and solutions. • Derivations and theory exercises are clearly marked for students in advanced courses. This textbook is perfect for advanced undergraduate students, new graduate students, and applied researchers in econometrics, business, and economics, and for researchers in other fields that draw on modern applied econometrics.

Search Models and Applied Labor Economics

Book Description

This collection of papers marks the development of empirical application of the search approach to labor economics--an approach which arose as a theoretical development of the 1960s and led to numerous insights in the 1970s. The search approach naturally incorporates uncertainty in the economic model, making up some of the early work in what is now called "the economics of information." Included are econometric issues such as estimation and specification of search models for wages and unemployment duration, continuous time models of turnover, and identification of structural parameters. Applications to policy questions including Unemployment Insurance and wage subsidy programs are given, and data collection issues are discussed within the search framework.

The Economics of Search

Book Description

The economics of search is a prominent component of economic theory, and it has a richness and elegance that underpins a host of practical applications. In this book Brian and John McCall present a comprehensive overview of the economic theory of search, from the classical model of job search formulated 40 years ago to the recent developments in equilibrium models of search. The book gives decision-theoretic foundations to seemingly slippery issues in labour market theory, estimation theory and economic dynamics in general, and surveys the entire field of the economics of search, including its history, theory, and econometric applications. Theoretical models of the economics of search are covered as well as estimation methods used in search theory and topics covered include job search, turnover, unemployment, liquidity, house selling, real options and auctions. The mathematical methods used in search theory such as dynamic programming are reviewed as well as structural estimation methods and econometric methods for duration models. The authors also explore the classic sequential search model and its extensions in addition to recent advances in equilibrium search theory.

The Economics of Labor

Book Description

Modelling the Labour Market

Book Description

It is generally agreed that the operation of the labour market lies at the heart of macroeconomic activity. Following Keynes' attack on the postulates of the classics in The General Theory a number of labour market paradigms have been proposed including the Phillips curve, new classical and union bargaining models. These paradigms usually form the centrepiece of any good text on macroeconomic theory. Our purpose in this volume is not to restate these paradigms but to explore the extent to which they might be empirically modelled. To this end the volume includes a set of econometric models of the UK labour market where each contribution relates very closely to one of the principal paradigms. The purpose of this collection is threefold. First and foremost we wanted to present an integrated set of case studies in applied econometrics with reference to labour market modelling. In doing so we hope the volume will appeal to third year undergraduates and postgraduate students studying applied econometrics and labour economics. Secondly, the contributions have been carefully selected to illustrate the main paradigms since each contribution is intellectually self contained. It is arguable that this may be disadvantageous as far as the truth is concerned if eclecticism is preferable. On the other hand it has pedagogic advantages in drawing sharp distinctions between the various approaches.