The Economics of the Internet and E-commerce

Book Description

The first six chapters of the text examine four broad issues: the role of the Internet in fostering competition, its impact on price dispersion and on business-to-business transactions, and the importance of reputation and trust in the new economy. The last four chapters examine the impact of the Internet on the organization of firms, the efficiency of auctions in the Internet age, how consumers choose websites and acquire product information, and the growing problem of congestion on the Internet.

Managing in Uncertainty: Theory and Practice

Book Description

This book provides a new point of view on the subject of the management of uncertainty. It covers a wide variety of both theoretical and practical issues involving the analysis and management of uncertainty in the fields of finance, management and marketing. Audience: Researchers and professionals from operations research, management science and economics.

Accounting and Business Economics

Book Description

The recent financial crisis has sparked debates surrounding the nature and role of accounting in informing capital markets and regulatory bodies about the financial performance and position of a firm. These debates have drawn attention to the broader implications of accounting for the economy and society. Accounting and Business Economics brings together leading international scholars to examine the current state of accounting theory and its fundamental connection with the economics and finance of firms, viewing the business entity from not only accounting, but also national, economic, social, political, juridical, anthropological, and moral points of view.

Firm Innovation and Productivity in Latin America and the Caribbean

Book Description

This volume uses the study of firm dynamics to investigate the factors preventing faster productivity growth in Latin America and the Caribbean, pushing past the limits of traditional macroeconomic analyses. Each chapter is dedicated to an examination of a different factor affecting firm productivity - innovation, ICT usage, on-the-job-training, firm age, access to credit, and international linkages - highlighting the differences in firm characteristics, behaviors, and strategies. By showcasing this remarkable heterogeneity, this collection challenges regional policymakers to look beyond one-size-fits-all solutions and create balanced policy mixes tailored to distinct firm needs. This book is open access under a CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 IGO license.

El trabajo de fin de grado y de máster

Book Description

El presente volumen se propone enseñar al estudiante las reglasnecesarias para redactar un proyecto de investigación y lo hacede manera clara, didáctica y simple, pero al mismo tiempo estrictay rigurosa. Su autora es una persona idónea para acompañar alestudiante por esta senda de aprendizaje, y no solo porque ellatambién ha adquirido esta destreza y la ha puesto en práctica ennumerosos casos, sino porque su capacidad de reflexión sobre supropia habilidad, junto con su competencia didáctica, ha dado pie aeste libro tan útil y necesario. M. Teresa Cabré Este libro nos proporciona una guía para la redacción de proyectos deinvestigación que puede ser de gran ayuda tanto para la realizaciónde trabajos finales de grado o máster, como para estudiantes dedoctorado que inician su trabajo de investigación. Se trata de unaobra muy bien organizada que puede constituir un excelente materialdocente para las asignaturas relacionadas con los trabajos finales, asícomo una obra de consulta de gran utilidad para investigadores dediferentes áreas de conocimiento. Antoni OliverDirector de la colección “Lingüística y traducción”

A Primer on Corporate Governance

Book Description

Spain has a civil law-based legal system, and court decisions are not a source of law but are of interpretative value. The privatization of large state-owned firms, liberalization, integration with the European Union, and the launch of the euro have all contributed to the transformation of Spain’s financial system into a modern market. This book covers the main features of the Spanish model of corporate governance and will help you understand the characteristics of a civil law and a bank-oriented financial system in which banks play an active role relative to markets. For example, the bank orientation within Spain is built so that the corporate governance system relies heavily on the internal mechanisms of governance. Spain also bypasses the standard procedures of controlling shareholders mitigating conflicts between management and minority shareholders; instead, Spain allows controlling shareholders to mitigate the conflict between controlling shareholders and minority shareholders. Each chapter provides an inside look at the functioning of both internal and external mechanisms of corporate control.