Monitoring Fundamental Rights in the EU

Book Description

The first book to examine the creation and function of the EU Fundamental Rights Agency.

The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights

Book Description

The first part of the book reviews the multi-level system of protection currently operating in Europe and its constitutional implications. The Charter is analysed from a legal, political and practical standpoint. The activity of the European Parliament as a fundamental rights actor will also be examined, as well as the right to a fair trial and to effective judicial protection before and by the EU Courts. The second part of the volume addresses the impact of a binding Charter on specific areas of EU Law. The order in which the contributions have been set out reflects the structure of the Treaty on the functioning of the European Union: free circulation of persons; the internal market; the area of freedom security and justice (civil and criminal aspects); social rights protection; environmental policy; enlargement; international trade and the Common Foreign and Security Policy.

The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights

Book Description

The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union enshrines the key political, social and economic rights of EU citizens and residents in EU law. In its present form it was approved in 2000 by the European Parliament, the Council of Ministers and the European Commission. However its legal status remained uncertain until the entry into force of the Treaty of Lisbon in December 2009. The Charter obliges the EU to act and legislate consistently with the Charter, and enables the EU's courts to strike down EU legislation which contravenes it. The Charter applies to EU Member States when they are implementing EU law but does not extend the competences of the EU beyond the competences given to it in the treaties. This Commentary on the Charter, the first in English, written by experts from several EU Member States, provides an authoritative but succinct statement of how the Charter impacts upon EU, domestic and international law. Following the conventional article-by-article approach, each commentator offers an expert view of how each article is either already being interpreted in the courts, or is likely to be interpreted. Each commentary is referenced to the case law and is augmented with extensive references to further reading. Six cross-cutting introductory chapters explain the Charter's institutional anchorage, its relationship to the Fundamental Rights Agency, its interaction with other parts of international human rights law, the enforcement mechanisms, extraterritorial scope, and the all-important 'Explanations'.

The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights as a Binding Instrument

Book Description

The entry into force of the Treaty of Lisbon in 2009 caused the EU's Charter of Fundamental Rights to be granted binding effect. This raised a host of intriguing questions. Would this transform the EU's commitment to fundamental rights? Should it transform that commitment? How, if at all, can we balance competing rights and principles? (The interaction of the social and the economic spheres offers a particular challenge). How deeply does the EU conception of fundamental rights reach into and bind national law and practice? How deeply does it affect private parties? How much flexibility has been left to the Court in making these interpretative choices? What is the likely effect of another of the reforms achieved by the Lisbon Treaty, the commitment of the EU to accede to the ECHR? This book addresses all of these questions in the light of five years of practice under the Charter as a binding instrument.

Fundamental Social Rights in the European Union

Book Description

Presents extracts from the the Constitutions of the EU member states and candidate countries.

Fundamental Rights

Book Description

In Europe, fundamental rights have come to be regulated by an increasing number of legal instruments, such as the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR), the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights, and international treaties. It is not always easy to understand what requirements are set in these different instruments and how they interrelate. This textbook therefore provides an integrated and systematic overview of the requirements imposed by international and European fundamental rights law. It discusses a range of both civil/political fundamental rights (eg freedom of expression) and social/economic rights (eg right to health), for each of which it is discussed how it is protected by the ECHR, by other Council of Europe instruments, by EU law, and by international treaty instruments. Each chapter is concluded with an integration section, which explains the relations between the different systems of fundamental rights protection and discuss differences, overlap and bottlenecks.

The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights

Book Description

This book assesses the impact of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights from four key perspectives. First, it posits the Charter within the framework of the ongoing debate on EU Constitutionalism, the proper parameters of Union and Member State power, and investigates the role of "rights" discourse in crafting the contours of a European patriotism. Second, it examines the effect of the Charter on a range of substantive areas of EU regulation, ranging from foundational and fundamental areas such as the economic freedoms, to fields of competence lying at the fringe of Community regulation. This is intended to provide a flavour of how the Charter might seep in to the process of substantive law making. Third, the book describes the impact of the Charter on the question of "Access to Justice" in the EU, a highly topical and important objective, given the current debate (and indeed friction) in the case law of the Community judicature, on how the judicial architecture might be amended to improve access to justice to private parties affected adversely by Union regulation. Fourthly, the book takes an "external" lens in assessing the Charter, canvassing its relationship with the regime for protection of human rights supplied by the international plane, and examining the impact of the Charter on the process of accession of new Member States to the EU.

Making the Charter of Fundamental Rights a Living Instrument

Book Description

The remarkable volume collects essays and studies on the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union and its application. Its aim is to offer a series of contributions, made by distinguished scholars and legal experts, on the Charter considered as a living legal instrument, with a view to understanding whether, five years after its entry into force and fifteen years after its first proclamation, it is being taken seriously, and whether its use and effective impact within the legal orders and practice of the European Union and Member States can realistically improve in the coming years.The contributions are structured and organized around three main themes, “The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights as a Legal Instrument: General Issues”, “The Charter and Social Rights”, and “Assessing the Legal Impact of the Charter at the National Level”. Scholars and experts participating in the book have conducted, under the supervision of its editor, extensive and in-depth analysis on the many issues raised by each of these themes. The result is a fascinating and varied collection of essays that combines high academic quality with great practical usefulness.