Economic Convergence Among US States

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The consensus on whether economic convergence is occurring abroad or among the U.S. states remains unclear. This paper seeks to understand whether convergence has been occurring across U.S. states, as reflected in their economic growth rates. By understanding whether convergence is occurring among states, specifically among poorer states, we can make potential inferences about current economic policy. For example, given that we can understand what role convergence plays among states, this knowledge will help policy makers make informed decisions on where to invest taxpayer money. The Solow Growth Model, which is the foundation of what has come to be known as the neoclassical growth model, is the theoretical basis of this research. To test one of the implications of the Solow Growth Model, multiple regression was used to analyze U.S. state-level economic data from various sources. Variables were included within the multiple regression model to control for differences in attributes among states. Of particular relevance in the context of the Solow Growth Model is a variable that measures differences across states in the initial-period capital-per-labor ratio. An important implication of the Solow Growth Model is that (poorer) states with lower levels of this ratio will experience higher growth rates compared to (richer) states with higher starting levels of capital per labor. This theoretical result may have potential implications across the U.S. states with respect to policies intended to stimulate economic growth. This research contributes to the growing body of literature on economic convergence inside the United States by analyzing data for a more recent time period (2002-2022) and by using a different starting-point variable (capital per worker) compared to previous studies on this topic.

Economic Growth and Convergence Across the United States

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A key economic issue is whether poor countries or regions tend to grow faster than rich ones: are there automatic forces that lead to convergence over time in levels of per capita income and product? After considering predictions of closed- and open-economy neoclassical growth theories, we examine data since 1840 from the U.S. states. We find clear evidence of convergence, but the findings can be reconciled quantitatively with neoclassical models only if diminishing returns to capital set in very slowly. The results from a broad sample of countries are similar if we hold constant a set of variables that proxy for differences in steady-state characteristics. Two types of existing theories seem to fit the facts: the neoclassical growth model with broadly-defined capital and a limited role for diminishing returns, and endogenous growth models with constant returns and gradual diffusion of technology across economies.

The Next Convergence

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A Washington Post Notable Nonfiction Book for 2011 With the British Industrial Revolution, part of the world's population started to experience extraordinary economic growth—leading to enormous gaps in wealth and living standards between the industrialized West and the rest of the world. This pattern of divergence reversed after World War II, and now we are midway through a century of high and accelerating growth in the developing world and a new convergence with the advanced countries—a trend that is set to reshape the world. Michael Spence, winner of the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences, explains what happened to cause this dramatic shift in the prospects of the five billion people who live in developing countries. The growth rates are extraordinary, and continuing them presents unprecedented challenges in governance, international coordination, and ecological sustainability. The implications for those living in the advanced countries are great but little understood. Spence clearly and boldly describes what's at stake for all of us as he looks ahead to how the global economy will develop over the next fifty years. The Next Convergence is certain to spark a heated debate how best to move forward in the post-crisis period and reset the balance between national and international economic interests, and short-term fixes and long-term sustainability.

Short Run Dynamics of Income Disparities Across U.S. States

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Since early 90s, the issue of income convergence across regions has been widely discussed in a number of papers, both looking at long-term tendencies and trying to establish the role played by several socio-economic determinants. Much less attention has instead been devoted to the analysis of short-run convergence dynamics and the relationship with national business cycle. In the few papers that tackle this issue it is generally found that income disparities follow a pro-cyclical pattern, increasing during times of national expansions and decreasing in recessions. However, two important aspects have not yet been adequately studied in this specific area of research. First, is the relationship between national business cycle and regional income disparities linear or, rather, nonlinear. Second, what are the mechanisms and economic reasons behind the cyclical evolution of regional income disparities? And, more specifically, is the cyclical evolution a consequence of difference in the timing with which the business cycle is felt in regional economies or, alternatively, is it mainly motivated by the presence of size differences across local cyclical swings. In the present paper, we investigate the above issues using a combination of established and newly developed nonparametric tools applied to data on the states of US between 1969 and 2008.

Regional Growth in the United States

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"Development" is a ubiquitous term that at one turn refers purely to regional or national economic growth, and at another refers to achieving a basic standard of living for all the people of the world. The dearth of reflection on these multiple meanings in the literature is further overshadowed by the absence of empirical study into the different implications of development, when considered through these various lenses. In this thesis, I strive to provide some analysis into the prevailing trends in two separate measures among the 48 contiguous United States over the period 1997-2006: real Gross State Product per capita (GSP) representing the "economic growth" paradigm, and the Human Development Index (HDI) representing a more holistic "quality of life" conception. Using the standard convergence equation popularized and rigorously defined by Barro and Sala-i-Martin (2004), I analyze whether there is convergence, divergence or stability in the distribution of GSP and HDI over this time period. I also experiment with three different model specifications: the standard non-linear model, a random effects panel model, and a spatial error panel model with random effects. Each specification, by relaxing some of the assumptions of the previous model, is found to provide a more realistic and nuanced picture of the true data generating process. I find that, over the study period, there is stability in GSP among the states, and that HDI is converging rapidly. I find further that all of the components of HDI are converging with the exception of the "command over resources" component, which is based on real GSP per capita. This implies that if prevailing trends continue, the quality of life experienced by the states in terms of health and education will rapidly approach equality, but that inequality in income is persistent, and should be the focus of policy aimed to increase equity among U.S. residents. I also find that there are significant spatial relationships among the states, and that controlling for these spatial effects greatly improves a model's explanatory power.

Handbook of Regional and Urban Economics

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The new Handbook of Regional and Urban Economics: Cities and Geography reviews, synthesizes and extends the key developments in urban and regional economics and their strong connection to other recent developments in modern economics. Of particular interest is the development of the new economic geography and its incorporation along with innovations in industrial organization, endogenous growth, network theory and applied econometrics into urban and regional economics. The chapters cover theoretical developments concerning the forces of agglomeration, the nature of neighborhoods and human capital externalities, the foundations of systems of cities, the development of local political institutions, regional agglomerations and regional growth. Such massive progress in understanding the theory behind urban and regional phenomenon is consistent with on-going progress in the field since the late 1960’s. What is unprecedented are the developments on the empirical side: the development of a wide body of knowledge concerning the nature of urban externalities, city size distributions, urban sprawl, urban and regional trade, and regional convergence, as well as a body of knowledge on specific regions of the world—Europe, Asia and North America, both current and historical. The Handbook is a key reference piece for anyone wishing to understand the developments in the field.