Economic Evaluation of Cancer Drugs

Book Description

Cancer is a major healthcare burden across the world and impacts not only the people diagnosed with various cancers but also their families, carers, and healthcare systems. With advances in the diagnosis and treatment, more people are diagnosed early and receive treatments for a disease where few treatments options were previously available. As a result, the survival of patients with cancer has steadily improved and, in most cases, patients who are not cured may receive multiple lines of treatment, often with financial consequences for the patients, insurers and healthcare systems. Although many books exist that address economic evaluation, Economic Evaluation of Cancer Drugs using Clinical Trial and Real World Data is the first unified text that specifically addresses the economic evaluation of cancer drugs. The authors discuss how to perform cost-effectiveness analyses while emphasising the strategic importance of designing cost-effectiveness into cancer trials and building robust economic evaluation models that have a higher chance of reimbursement if truly cost-effective. They cover the use of real-world data using cancer registries and discuss how such data can support or complement clinical trials with limited follow up. Lessons learned from failed reimbursement attempts, factors predictive of successful reimbursement and the different payer requirements across major countries including US, Australia, Canada, UK, Germany, France and Italy are also discussed. The book includes many detailed practical examples, case studies and thought-provoking exercises for use in classroom and seminar discussions. Iftekhar Khan is a medical statistician and health economist and a lead statistician at Oxford Unviersity’s Center for Statistics in Medicine. Professor Khan is also a Senior Research Fellow in Health Economics at University of Warwick and is a Senior Statistical Assessor within the Licensing Division of the UK Medicine and Health Regulation Agency. Ralph Crott is a former professor in Pharmacoeconomics at the University of Montreal in Quebec, Canada and former head of the EORTC Health Economics Unit and former senior health economist at the Belgian HTA organization. Zahid Bashir has over twelve years experience working in the pharmaceutical industry in medical affairs and oncology drug development where he is involved in the design and execution of oncology clinical trials and development of reimbursement dossiers for HTA submission.

Assessing the Economic Value of Anticancer Therapies

Book Description

With ever increasing demands on the constrained resources available for health care services, no one involved in decision making in health care can continue to ignore the economic costs of the services provided or the relative value for money offered by the available treatments. Economic evaluation has therefore become an important and indispensable tool for medical deci sion making, alongside the well-known methods for clinical eval uation. This is also true for cancer, despite the aura of sanctity often of surrounding this dreaded disease and the apparent willingness the general population to spend large sums in this area and do "everything possible" for the patients. In recent years, articles dealing with assessing the costs and benefits of various cancer treatments have begun to appear in scientific medical and eco nomic journals. This book provides a comprehensive survey and assessment of the current state of the art of economic evaluations and cost ana lyses in cancer. It gives an introduction to the methods available for economic evaluations, before surveying and assessing the available publications. Separate chapters are devoted to the most prevalent cancers, and in each chapter the current clinical prac tice and research problems are summarized in order to provide a background for the economic analyses. At the end, a summary assessment of the literature is provided along with some sugges tions for a future research agenda.

Economic Evaluation of Cancer Drugs

Book Description

Cancer is a major healthcare burden across the world and impacts not only the people diagnosed with various cancers but also their families, carers, and healthcare systems. With advances in the diagnosis and treatment, more people are diagnosed early and receive treatments for a disease where few treatments options were previously available. As a result, the survival of patients with cancer has steadily improved and, in most cases, patients who are not cured may receive multiple lines of treatment, often with financial consequences for the patients, insurers and healthcare systems. Although many books exist that address economic evaluation, Economic Evaluation of Cancer Drugs using Clinical Trial and Real World Data is the first unified text that specifically addresses the economic evaluation of cancer drugs. The authors discuss how to perform cost-effectiveness analyses while emphasising the strategic importance of designing cost-effectiveness into cancer trials and building robust economic evaluation models that have a higher chance of reimbursement if truly cost-effective. They cover the use of real-world data using cancer registries and discuss how such data can support or complement clinical trials with limited follow up. Lessons learned from failed reimbursement attempts, factors predictive of successful reimbursement and the different payer requirements across major countries including US, Australia, Canada, UK, Germany, France and Italy are also discussed. The book includes many detailed practical examples, case studies and thought-provoking exercises for use in classroom and seminar discussions. Iftekhar Khan is a medical statistician and health economist and a lead statistician at Oxford Unviersity's Center for Statistics in Medicine. Professor Khan is also a Senior Research Fellow in Health Economics at University of Warwick and is a Senior Statistical Assessor within the Licensing Division of the UK Medicine and Health Regulation Agency. Ralph Crott is a former professor in Pharmacoeconomics? at the University of Montreal in Quebec, Canada and former head of the EORTC Health Economics Unit and former senior health economist at the Belgian HTA organization. Zahid Bashir has over twelve years experience working in the pharmaceutical industry in medical affairs and oncology drug development where he is involved in the design and execution of oncology clinical trials and development of reimbursement dossiers for HTA submission.

Regulatory and Economic Aspects in Oncology

Book Description

This book explores topics of importance to all who have an interest in economic methods for assessment of the efficacy and effectiveness of new cancer treatments and in regulatory measures relating to their marketing authorization and pricing. Targeted therapies and modern immunotherapy are placing a substantial strain on health care budgets. Regulation and economic methods to assess the parameters for establishing efficacy and effectiveness are therefore of prime importance. Payer authorities have to determine whether the use of these novel therapies yields clinical benefits that justify their increasing cost. In the simplest terms, cost-effectiveness analyses quantify the ratio between the extent to which an intervention raises healthcare costs and the extent to which it improves health outcomes. Rigorous cost-effectiveness analyses translate all health outcomes into quality-adjusted life years. On the other hand, in order to sustain innovation, price regulations must be coupled with efforts to ensure that drug companies are still able to recoup their investments in high-risk and high-costs research programs. Ultimately, decisions regarding health care expenditures are also a question of society’s willingness to pay.

Integrating Economic Analysis Into Cancer Clinical Trials

Book Description

Clinical economics is a new and evolving discipline that addresses the economic implications of changes in medical practice. As applied to cancer care, clinical economics assesses the costs and effectiveness of new cancer interventions and can be a valuable endpoint in selected clinical trials. Through the integration of economics into clinical evaluations, information can be developed that contributes to the decisions of patients, clinicians, health care managers, and policymakers as to the most effective allocation of cancer care resources.

Cancer Policy: Research and Methods

Book Description

Policy and outcome studies represent a new area of research in oncology. Understanding the factors that affect quality of life, costs of care, patterns of care, and outcomes in oncology is important to providing comprehensive care. Health services is meant to be both a productive area of research as well as a discipline that improves patient decision making. In sum, Cancer Policy highlights some of the important areas of health services research in oncology.

Methods for the Economic Evaluation of Health Care Programmes

Book Description

This highly successful textbook is now in its fourth edition, and has been extensively updated in order to keep pace with the considerable advances in theory and practice in recent years.

Using Cost-effectiveness Analysis to Improve Health Care

Book Description

Much evidence suggests that the US does not achieve good value for its health care spending. This book provides a unique perspective on this problem by considering the economic, social, political, and ethical factors that contribute to it, and by seeking to show how experience can guide better policy making in the future.