Understanding the Determinants of Economic Informality in Paraguay

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For several years, the government of Paraguay has sought to address the issue of informality, both as a response to poverty reduction and a means to expand its tax base. While effort has been undertaken to describe informality, the government lacks the capacity and perhaps the will to analyze the phenomenon through a robust empirical lens. Hence, little is known about the informal economy beyond anecdotes, personal interactions, and description. This book is the first to comprehensively, rigorously, and empirically study the determinants of informality in Paraguay. This book is of vital interest to those studying the Paraguayan economy, development economics, Latin American economics, and informality.


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After five years of Paraguay’s high growth led, in part by agro-exporting sectors, the external environment has turned less favorable, with a sharp decline of export prices and a curtailment of external credit lines. The Selected Issues paper for Paraguay discusses economic development and policies. Over the same period, inflation remained above 5 percent, but hovered around 10 percent in the last two years, fed in part by supply shocks but possibly also by an overheating of the economy.


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This paper describes economic developments in Paraguay during the 1990s. After recording a growth rate of 1.3 percent in 1996, real GDP expanded by 2.6 percent in 1997, or about the same rate as population growth. This reflected mainly a recovery in agricultural output owing to abundant rains. GDP growth suffered a new setback in 1998, with preliminary estimates showing a growth rate of only 0.6 percent, owing mainly to the continued stagnation in the manufacturing sector and a reduction of trade-related activities owing to tighter border controls in Brazil.

Losing Ground in the Employment Challenge

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Most developing countries face significant and sometimes dramatic challenges in generating stable jobs that provide reasonable incomes and decent working conditions. For developing countries that have undergone lengthy periods of economic stagnation, these challenges are especially acute, and popular dissatisfaction correspondingly marked.Paraguay is a case in point. It is unlikely that any "employment policy" could lead to a major improvement in the quality of labor market outcomes unless designed and implemented in a sophisticated and coherent way. Such an approach has been infrequent in developing countries in general, and especially so in those that, like Paraguay, also suffer severe institutional weaknesses of governance. Paraguay's past failure in employment creation is mainly the result of a number of structural weaknesses described in this volume. Its current crisis is also the accumulated legacy of over a quarter century of economic stagnation and political failure fl owing from those weaknesses. The new reformist administration of President Fernando Lugo has raised hopes that the future might be better than the past.This study aims to contribute to improved policy making by analyzing the source of the problems and providing policy recommendations. The chapters describe the potential contribution of various policy areas in the face of a dauntingly negative track record and identify a number of steps that have to be taken if success is to be achieved. They put into perspective the reforms that have been undertaken to date by the country's previous administration.Paraguay's experience offers insight into the problems faced by other developing countries in today's global economy. The central message is that policy improvements must be made in a number of areas and implemented in a coordinated fashion for there to be any reasonable hope of success.

OECD Development Pathways Multi-dimensional Review of Paraguay Volume I. Initial Assessment

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Paraguay has achieved strong and resilient growth and made progress across a range of development outcomes since it emerged from a prolonged period of economic and political instability in the early 2000s. In 2014, the country adopted its first National Development Plan, setting course towards ...

Economic Growth in Paraguay

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This Selected Issues paper analyzes the spillover effects of key external shocks on Paraguay. It presents an overview of Paraguay’s major economic and financial linkages with the rest world, and quantifies the spillover effects of key external factors on the Paraguayan economy, using a vector autoregression approach. The empirical results suggest that global shocks have a significant impact on Paraguay’s growth rate. The paper also highlights that output and exchange rate shocks stemming from Brazil and Argentina are also important, even after controlling for global factors.

Paraguay--country Economic Memorandum

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Agriculture has been Paraguay's main source of growth since colonial times. Agricultural exports continue to be a major determinant of the rhythm of growth. New sources of growth (commerce, tourism, and construction) were developed in the 1960s. In the 1970s, growth accelerated sharply, with the growth of the agricultural frontier, and more importantly, the construction of Itaipu dam. The sale of surplus hydro-power from Itaipu, and from Yacireta when it is completed, will benefit Paraguay for years to come. The new government has taken a number of strong actions to restore stability, including improving public finances, bringing down inflation, unifying and liberalizing the exchange rate, freeing many interest rates, and initiating a tax reform. A number of structural changes that would continue to contribute towards these goals are advanced in this report. Shifts in agricultural policy to promote a more intensive pattern of development and continued investment in and maintenance of transport infrastructure are essential. Changes in financial sector regulation to reduce the artificial barriers between institutions and to improve financial supervision need attention. Reduction and unification of tariffs, improvements in management of privatizations and joint ventures, and tax reform that lowers rates to collectible levels will prepare Paraguay for the signed MERCOSUR treaty.


Book Description

This Selected Issues paper analyzes the spillover effects of key external shocks on Paraguay. It presents an overview of Paraguay’s major economic and financial linkages with the rest world, and quantifies the spillover effects of key external factors on the Paraguayan economy, using a vector autoregression approach. The empirical results suggest that global shocks have a significant impact on Paraguay’s growth rate. The paper also highlights that output and exchange rate shocks stemming from Brazil and Argentina are also important, even after controlling for global factors.