Economic Report of the President January 2017 Together with the Annual Report of the Council of Economic Advisers

Book Description

Do you remember President Barack Obama's economic priorities during his presidency? The Economic Report of the President is an annual report written by the Chair of the Council of Economic Advisers. An important vehicle for presenting the Administration's domestic and international economic policies, it provides an overview of the nation's economic progress with text and extensive data appendices. This volume pertains to President Barack Obama administration and reviews the efforts of the Obama Administration to ensure economic growth among all American families. This authoritiative resource covers highlights from the eight years of President Barack Obama and his administration's service to the United States of America. American citizens, economists, political scientists, fiscal forecasters, policymakers, market research analysts, financial analysts, policy analysts, management consultants, financial and business reporters may be interested in this volume. High school teachers may be able to use this report for teaching activity-based lessons to high school students as a way to make economics relevant to current events, economic growth, and the role of Government with impact on the fiscal and monetary policy. Undergraduate and graduate students pursuing coursework for economic majors may find this volume useful for research in Economics History, History of Economic Thought, and Economics of Government Regulations classes, while political science students may find this volume useful for research in Public Fiscal Policy, and Political Economics classes. Check out our Economic Policy resources collection here: U.S. Federal Budgets available by year are available here: Other publications relating to President Barack Obama presidency can be found here:

Economic Report of the President, January 2017

Book Description

The Economic Report of the President is an annual report written by the Chair of the Council of Economic Advisers. An important vehicle for presenting the Administration's domestic and international economic policies, it provides an overview of the nation's economic progress with text and extensive data appendices.

Economic Report of the President, January 2017

Book Description

The Economic Report of the President provides valuable information about the present state of the U.S. economy and its future course. For more than 60 years, the Economic Report has provided a nearly contemporaneous record of how administrations have interpreted economic developments, motivated policies, and the results of those interventions.

The Great Equalizer

Book Description

The experts say that America's best days are behind us, that mediocre long-term economic growth is baked in the cake, and that politically, socially, and racially, the United States will continue to tear itself apart. But David Smick-hedge fund strategist and author of the 2008 bestseller The World Is Curved-argues that the experts are wrong. In recent decades, a Corporate Capitalism of top down mismanagement and backroom deal-making has smothered America's innovative spirit. Policy now favors the big, the corporate, and the status quo at the expense of the small, the inventive, and the entrepreneurial. The result is that working and middle class Americans have seen their incomes flat-lining and their American Dreams slipping away. In response, Smick calls for the great equalizer, a Main Street Capitalism of mass small-business startups and bottom-up innovation, all unfolding on a level playing field. Introducing a fourteen-point plan of bipartisan reforms for unleashing America's creativity and confidence, his forward-thinking book describes a new climate of dynamism where every man and woman is a potential entrepreneur-especially those at the bottom rungs of the economic ladder. Ultimately, Smick argues, economies are more than statistical measurements of supply and demand, economic output, and rates of return. Economies are people-their hopes, fears, dreams, and expectations. The Great Equalizer is a call for a set of new paradigms that inspire and empower average American people to reimagine and reboot their economy. It is a manifesto asserting that, with a new kind of economic policy, America's best days lie ahead.

Economic Report of the President 2020

Book Description

Three years into the Trump Administration, the U.S. economy continues to outperform expectations across numerous metrics, with growth in output, employment, and employee compensation all exceeding pre-2017 forecasts. The evident success of the Administration's economic policy agenda demonstrates that its foundational policy pillars are enabling the U.S. economy to overcome structural trends that were previously suppressing growth. During the four quarters of 2019, real gross domestic product grew 0.7 percentage point faster than had been projected by the independent Congressional Budget Office's (CBO) August 2016 projections. As shown in figures I-1 and I-2, the U.S. labor market added 2.1 million new jobs-2.0 million more than projected in 2016-bringing the civilian unemployment rate down to 3.5 percent, which is its lowest level since 1969 (and 1.4 percentage points below 2016 CBO projections).1 Higher pay accompanied abundant job vacancies, as employee compensation rose to 1.4 percent above the 2016 forecast, implying an additional $1,800 in compensation per household. In July 2019, the current expansion of the U.S. economy became the longest on record. Contrary to expectations that the expansion would slow as it matured, economic output has accelerated over the past 3 years relative to the preceding 71/2 years, with output growth rising from 2.2 to 2.5 percent at a compound annual rate. In the first three quarters of 2019, U.S. economic growth was the highest among the Group of Seven countries.