Exchange Rate Regimes and the Stability of the International Monetary System

Book Description

The member countries of the International Monetary Fund collaborate to try to assure orderly exchange arrangements and promote a stable system of exchange rates, recognizing that the essential purpose of the international monetary system is to facilitate the exchange of goods, services, and capital, and to sustain sound economic growth. The paper reviews the stability of the overall system of exchange rates by examining macroeconomic performance (inflation, growth, crises) under alternative exchange rate regimes; implications of exchange rate regime choice for interaction with the rest of the system (external adjustment, trade integration, capital flows); and potential sources of stress to the international monetary system.

International Reserves Under Alternative Exchange Rate Regimes and Aspects of The Economics of Managed Float

Book Description

This paper contains an analysis of the role of international reserves under a regime of pegged exchange rates and under a regime of managed floating. It presents evidence on the stability of the demand for reserves during the periods 1963-72 and 1973-75. It is shown that the demand for reserves by developed countries differs from that of less-developed countries and that the system underwent a structural change by the end of 1972. In view of the drastic change in the international monetary system, the extent of the structural change has not been as large as might have been expected, thus leading to the observation that economic behavior seems to be more stable than legal arrangements. From the policy perspective it follows that the problems concerning the role of the International Monetary Fund in this context are as relevant at the present as they were in the past. The paper concludes with a sketch of a stochastic framework for the analysis of the optimal degree of managed floating. And its purpose is to suggest an additional set of variables which might be incorporated into the specification of the demand for international reserves. It is shown that the optimal degree of exchange rate flexibility depends on the stochastic nature of the shocks that the economy faces. The stochastic characteristics of the shocks include a distinction between real and monetary shocks, domestic and foreign shocks and depend on the covariances among the various shocks

Exchange Rate Regimes

Book Description

An empirical study of exchange rate regimes based on data compiled from 150 member countries of the International Monetary Fund over the past thirty years. Few topics in international economics are as controversial as the choice of an exchange rate regime. Since the breakdown of the Bretton Woods system in the early 1970s, countries have adopted a wide variety of regimes, ranging from pure floats at one extreme to currency boards and dollarization at the other. While a vast theoretical literature explores the choice and consequences of exchange rate regimes, the abundance of possible effects makes it difficult to establish clear relationships between regimes and common macroeconomic policy targets such as inflation and growth. This book takes a systematic look at the evidence on macroeconomic performance under alternative exchange rate regimes, drawing on the experience of some 150 member countries of the International Monetary Fund over the past thirty years. Among other questions, it asks whether pegging the exchange rate leads to lower inflation, whether floating exchange rates are associated with faster output growth, and whether pegged regimes are particularly prone to currency and other crises. The book draws on history and theory to delineate the debate and on standard statistical methods to assess the empirical evidence, and includes a CD-ROM containing the data set used.

Macroeconomic Performance Under Alternative Exchange Rate Regimes

Book Description

This paper reexamines the macroeconomic effects of wage indexation in an open economy under alternative exchange rate regimes. The main finding is that, once the lags in actual indexation rules are considered, wage indexation affects output behavior substantially less than posited in the previous academic literature. This result implies that the academic view that wage indexation makes a flexible exchange rate generally preferable is unwarranted and suggests that the choice of exchange rate regime with and without wage indexation depends on similar factors. The analysis also reveals that the net effects of wage indexation on macroeconomic stability are ambiguous.

Balance of Payments

Book Description

An original and systematic synthesis of the major postwar developments in theory and policy of balance-of-payments adjustment, this book focuses on the present-day system of pegged-but-adjustable exchange rates and the problems that policy authorities must face if they are to attain full employment, price stability, balance-of-payments equilibrium, and a satisfactory rate of economic growth. The dominate theme of this book is that any system of exchange rates carries with it assumptions about the way it works and how effective the automatic and policy-motivated forces operate to bring about equilibrium in a country's balance of payments. By analyzing balance-of-payments adjustment and policies under alternative exchange-rate systems, and with different assumptions concerning the level of employment and prices, it is possible to embrace a wide variety of contemporary and historical circumstances experienced by individual countries and the world as a whole. In this way the author assesses the economic consequences of the different exchange-rate systems and of the policies that countries may follow to attain their national objectives. In particular it appears to Professor Stern that the international monetary turmoil of the past ten years can be traced to the exchange-rate inflexibilities of the adjustable-peg system and to the creation of excessive reserves under the dollar standard. He demonstrates that the international monetary system must be redesigned to permit greater exchange-rate inflexibility and control over the creation of new international reserve assets.

Exchange Rate Regimes and Macroeconomic Stability

Book Description

The Asian crisis of 1997-1998 was a major influence on macroeconomic thinking concerning exchange rate regimes, the functioning of international institutions, such as the IMF and the World Bank, and international contagion of macroeconomic instability from one country to another. Exchange Rate Regimes and Macroeconomic Stability offers perspectives on these issues from the viewpoints of two Nobel Laureates, an IMF economist, and Asian economists. This book contributes new ideas to the ongoing debate on the role of domestic monetary authorities and international institutions in reducing the likelihood of international financial crises, as well as the problems associated with various exchange rate regimes from the standpoint of macroeconomic stability. Overall, the chapters contained in this volume offer interesting perspectives, which have been stimulated by the recent events in the foreign exchange market. They provide a useful reference for anyone interested in the development of exchange rate regimes, and represent considerable reflection by economists half a century after Bretton Woods.

How Do Alternative Exchange Rate Regimes Operate and how Can They be Identified?

Book Description

Seminar paper from the year 2013 in the subject Economics - Foreign Trade Theory, Trade Policy, grade: 1,7, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, course: Seminar International Economic Policy, language: English, abstract: The choice of the exchange rate regime is essentially for a country. According to the impossible trinity principle a country desires a fixed exchange rate, an autonomous monetary policy and full capital mobility simultaneously. Unfortunately only two features at the same time can be realized. A fixed exchange rate has two major benefits compared to a floating exchange rate. If stable it makes the trade of goods and assets between countries easier and less costly. Additionally a fixed exchange rate may improve monetary policy discipline as expansionary monetary policy is less available to maintain a fixed exchange rate. This may lead to a lower inflation rate in the long run. But the major disadvantage is that a fixed exchange rate regime removes the possibility to use monetary policy in a flexible way to deal with recessions (Abel, Bernanke and Croushore, 2011). Therefore many countries choose an exchange rate regime between both extreme cases (fixed or flexible exchange rate regime). In the second chapter I will give some important theoretical background concerning exchange rate regimes. In particular I will explain different types of exchange rate regimes and show the difference between 'de jure' and 'de facto' exchange rate regimes. In the last part of the second chapter I will illustrate the complex exchange rate regime of the European Union. In the third chapter I will show the toolbox of a central bank to influence its exchange rate. In the last part of the third chapter I will show briefly the different instruments using the example of Switzerland in the recent past. In my conclusion I will try to answer the question 'how can different exchange rate regimes being identified'.

Flexible Exchange Rates for a Stable World Economy

Book Description

Volatile exchange rates and how to manage them are a contentious topic whenever economic policymakers gather in international meetings. This book examines the broad parameters of exchange rate policy in light of both high-powered theory and real-world experience. What are the costs and benefits of flexible versus fixed exchange rates? How much of a role should the exchange rate play in monetary policy? Why don't volatile exchange rates destabilize inflation and output? The principal finding of this book is that using monetary policy to fight exchange rate volatility, including through the adoption of a fixed exchange rate regime, leads to greater volatility of employment, output, and inflation. In other words, the "cure" for exchange rate volatility is worse than the disease. This finding is demonstrated in economic models, in historical case studies, and in statistical analysis of the data. The book devotes considerable attention to understanding the reasons why volatile exchange rates do not destabilize inflation and output. The book concludes that many countries would benefit from allowing greater flexibility of their exchange rates in order to target monetary policy at stabilization of their domestic economies. Few, if any, countries would benefit from a move in the opposite direction.

Dollars Deficits & Trade

Book Description

The essays in this volume are timelyand provocative. They address the key issues of the changing world economy and consider the implications ofthe erosion ofthe rule oflaw that has occurred both domestically and internationally to an increasing degree over the past halfcentury. The debates over the role of the dollar in the international econ omy, the future shape ofthe international monetary system and the exchange rate regime, the significance ofthe U.S. twin deficits, and the rise of nontariffbarriers to world trade deserve serious attention. Atthe bottom ofthese debates lie differing conceptions ofeconomic policy and the role of government in a free society. Adam Smith's vision ofa limited democracy operating to protect persons and prop erty has been increasinglyreplaced by a vision ofapaternalistic state that is designed to protect special interests at the expense of the larger society. Many of the contributors to this volume point to the lack oflong-run rules designed to promote sound money, fiscal integ rity, and open markets asthe fundamental flawofmodern democratic governments. Although the authors disagree on the specific rules to adopt, the consensus is that a constitutional perspective is needed to ensure astable worldorder. Moreover, since such aperspective must bedeveloped at home before it can spread among nations, the search for optimal international policy coordination is generally seen as misguided. Many ofthe essays in this volume were initially presented at the Cato Institute's Sixth Annual Monetary Conference held in Wash ington, D.C., February 25-26, 1988.