Economie des innovations techniques

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Cette édition numérique a été réalisée à partir d'un support physique, parfois ancien, conservé au sein du dépôt légal de la Bibliothèque nationale de France, conformément à la loi n° 2012-287 du 1er mars 2012 relative à l'exploitation des Livres indisponibles du XXe siècle. Pages de début Préface Chapitre introductif. Conceptualisation, méthode, démarche Première partie ? Les innovations technologiques et la répartition des revenus Chapitre II. Les analyses « classiques » Chapitre III. La substitution et la tendance induite du progrès technique Chapitre IV. La tendance induite du progrès technique sans substitution Deuxième partie ? Les innovations technologiques et la valorisation du capital Chapitre V. Innovations, valeur et accumulation Chapitre VI. Changements techniques, salaires et prix Chapitre VII. Structuresinnovatives et accumulation Conclusion Bibliographie Pages de fin.

Understanding Technological Innovation

Book Description

Researchers and students in the management of innovation will find in this book an analytical framework that articulates technological innovation processes and the creation of new markets. The multiplication of examples and cases helps the reader in better grasping the different aspects of the proposed framework. The focus on information and communication technologies is of high relevance: it enables the reader to put present developments in perspective, and this is especially relevant when discussing ascending innovation and the role of users and uses. Philippe Laredo, Universities of Paris-Est and Manchester, Coordinator of the European PRIME Network of Excellence Patrice Flichy takes the reader on a fascinating tour of the literature on technological innovation. Innovation is situated within the frames of functioning and use, offering rich insights into the strategies, tactics, improvisations and learning which occur through time. He emphasises the dreams and musings of inventors, novelists and the popular media to show how they mediate new technological frames of reference. This book offers an excellent synthesis of the literature and an original historical account of innovation with special reference to information and communication technologies. Robin Mansell, London School of Economics and Political Science, UK In Understanding Technological Innovation, Patrice Flichy s interest is in the genesis of technology. He describes the perspectives and interpretive schemes deployed by historians, sociologists and economists in attempts to understand the determinants, including chance, of the particular forms of products and systems that have come to dominate the market and play so important a role some would claim dominant in our lives. It is rare to find in one volume so informed a critique of the essential writings of historians of technology, contemporary sociologists and economic historians. His own special interest lies in the development of information technology and he puts his expertise to good use in revealing and contrasting the different perspectives and claims of these three schools. Louis L. Bucciarelli, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, US Working at the interface between interactionist sociology, history and economics, Flichy provides us with a language for charting the evolution of new technologies, as generic technical capabilities are explored, perhaps inspired by visions of societal change, and become stabilised and attached to particular conceptions of use. He offers us an integrated perspective on technological innovation, addressing the influence of history and social context whilst remaining open to the often unanticipated dynamism and surprises that may surround both these trajectories. This book will provide a thoughtful contribution to current debates. The critical literature review will provide a rich and convenient source for advanced teaching and research training. Robin Williams, The University of Edinburgh, UK How do the social sciences address the question of innovation and the relationship between technology and use? This is the core point of this book which examines critically diverse works, in sociology, history, economics and anthropology, in order to formulate a new approach. This reflection is essentially of a general nature, though the cases used to illustrate the analysis are drawn primarily from the field of ICT. Patrice Flichy studies how the socio-technological actions of the different actors, particularly designers and users, are organized within the same frames of reference. He also introduces a new element into the model by demonstrating how time is involved in technological choices. Understanding Technological Innovation will be essential reading for advanced teaching and research training in the fields of science and technology studies, and media and communication studies.

Les paradoxes de l'économie du savoir

Book Description

La connaissance joue un rôle fondamental dans l'évolution des sociétés contemporaines, les mécanismes de production, d'appropriation et de dissémination des connaissances se heurtent aujourd'hui aux contraintes de la globalisation. Les fondements et les mécanismes de fonctionnement d'une économie immatérielle se trouvent ainsi remis en cause dans de nombreux domaines (stratégies R&D et d'innovation des agents économiques, gestion de l'environnement, dispositifs de formation, analyse macroéconomique des économies, etc.). Cette remise en cause, dont la lecture se fait à travers l'analyse des stratégies et des comportements des acteurs économiques, suscite la formation de paradoxes, voire de contradictions. Après avoir mis en évidence les repères, les trajectoires et les promesses que dessine l'économie du savoir, cet ouvrage propose d'explorer les singularités de la production et l'usage des connaissances, les processus de qualification et de gestion des ressources cognitives, mais également ceux qui ont trait au fonctionnement des économies.

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Innovation, Evolution and Economic Change

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John Kenneth Galbraith was an eminent economist and proponent of change. The contributors to the book further his analysis on the evolution of capitalism; taking into account changes to the general economic climate since the publication of J.K. Galbraith s main thesis, they outline new ideas which form fertile ground for new research. The book begins with a penetrating analysis of the main features of today s capitalism and in particular the conflict between shareholders and managers. It moves on to focus on the consequences of globalization in the decision-making processes of large corporations and represents an important step in the development of a theory of fraud and corruption within corporations. In the final part, the authors address and explore the consequences of the domination of influential groups over major social and political decisions, on the blurred boundaries between the public and the private sectors and its consequences in the fields of technological regulation and the evolution of public services. In so doing, the authors question the meaning and power of democracy in today s society. Innovation, Evolution and Economic Change will appeal to a wide readership and audience of economists, policy makers and political organization.

A History of Farming Systems Research

Book Description

This book provides a detailed history of farming systems research (FSR). While it includes the application of FSR to developed country agriculture, its main focus is on FSR in its original role, with small scale, resource-poor farmers in less developed countries. There are some 40 contributions from nearly 50 contributors from 20 countries, illustrating both the diversity and yet the coherence of FSR. The five parts of the book cover: (1) FSR - understanding farmers and their farming (FSR origins and perspectives; understanding farming systems); (2) the applications of farming systems research (FSR in technology choice and development; FSR in extension and policy formulation); (3) institutional commitment to FSR (FSR: some institutional experiences in national agricultural research; dimensions of the organization of FSR; training for FSR); (4) FSR: the professional dimension (regional and international associations; FSR and the professional disciplines); and (5) cutting edge methods, abiding issues and the future for FSR.

Innovation, Organization and Economic Dynamics

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Conventional economic analysis of property rights in natural resources is too narrow and restrictive to allow for effective comparisons between alternative institutional structures. In this book, a conceptual framework is developed for the analysis of the

Potatoes in the 1990s

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The Innovator's Toolkit

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If you're a business leader, a new product developer, or an inventor, The Innovator's Toolkit is one handy guide you shouldn't be without. It presents fundamental tools and concepts for innovation and includes methods and strategies for improving products and service or creating new ones. You'll master a four-step innovation methodology that takes you through problem identification, into ideal generation, to idea selection, and finally implementation. This one-of-a-kind guide presents an effective plan for achieving constant innovation for business success.