Ecosystèmes d’affaires et PME

Book Description

Les écosystèmes d'affaires représentent des enjeux à la fois économiques et territoriaux. Plusieurs dimensions les caractérisent : une grande hétérogénéité des acteurs, un destin commun, un standard ou un savoir-faire utilisé par plusieurs entreprises, un ou plusieurs leaders dont le rôle est crucial pour l'écosystème, une vision partagée par les autres membres de l'écosystème d'affaires et des processus de coopétition. À partir d'études de cas, mais aussi de points de vue théoriques structurants, cet ouvrage propose un état des lieux des connaissances actuelles des écosystèmes d'affaires. Il examine plus particulièrement le rôle des PME dans ces coalitions. Comment les différencier des autres formes de réseaux ? Quel cadrage théorique utiliser pour bien appréhender les écosystèmes ? Quelles stratégies mettre en oeuvre ? Comment coordonner l'écosystème ?

The Innovation Ecosystem as a Source of Value Creation

Book Description

Ecosystems have been present in the fields of economics and management for decades, and in recent years they have experienced rapid development. However, there is still no consensus on the definition of an innovation ecosystem. Using concrete examples, The Innovation Ecosystem as a Source of Value Creation proposes a unique model in order to refine the understanding, functions, advantages and disadvantages of innovation ecosystems. This model is based on both the iterative network and integrated value chain. The network supports the collaboration between actors and favors asset transfers articulated around the innovation process. This book highlights the transfer processes at work in the innovation ecosystem, as well as the roles of the actors in this integrated value chain. It presents how value creation is articulated around knowledge to generate value shared by all of the actors in the innovation ecosystem.

Socio-Economic Approach to Management Treatise

Book Description

The result of half a century of research and experimentation in economics and management, this Treatise is intended for management practitioners. Socio-economic management (SEAM) makes the demands of humanism in professional life and sustainable economic prosperity compatible. It is illustrated with numerous cases from 2,150 companies and organizations from a wide variety of sectors and presents observed and measured results. Most of these chapters are written jointly by managers or executives of companies and organizations, and scholars or consultants involved in the pilot actions. This book is the work of 193 authors, from 16 countries and 4 continents, practitioners or academics in management sciences and management. This reflects the diversity of national and sectoral contexts of SEAM applications. Some chapters situate this concept in relation to the major currents of current thought. Each chapter is preceded by abstracts in French, English and Spanish. The prefaces, signed by Herman Aguinis and Rene Ricol, show the scope of socio-economic theory and management beyond the borders of the company. The book illustrates the international influence (48 countries) of the innovative and robust methods created and developed by the ISEOR team. Socio-economic theory constitutes a "breakthrough innovation", both in terms of its conceptual contribution and the practical methods and tools of its applications. This holistic approach touches on the different functions of the company and its multiple problems. It provides a structured change management method, focused on stimulating Human Potential and on self-financing the development of the company or organization, through the periodic recycling of hidden costs.

Cooperation and Enlargement: Two Challenges to be Addressed in the European Projects—2022

Book Description

In this book, the ERECO-PGV[1] network wishes to make an overview of the cooperation implemented by and in the European Union and to describe the concrete forms they have taken. The issue is to analyze the internal European cooperation between economic actors, politicians, and EU citizens at different levels, but also to focus attention on the external cooperation (neighborhood policies, external policies, and collaborations with international institutions: NATO, OECD, WTO, etc.). Carrying uncompromising attention on this issue means rethinking the European project in light of today's challenges. From the very beginning, the EU was based on and called for forms of multinational cooperation, bilateral (internal and external) at different levels, involving economic actors, public actors, local authorities, and civil society. The frameworks for this cooperation as well as for the successive enlargements of the EU were drawn up in the context of European negotiations, in particular during discussions on the European Treaties. European values, standards, and rules are embodied in the texts of agreements, resolutions, and European directives and Treaties signed by all member countries. They establish the functioning of European institutions and the framework of democratic life in Europe. The emergence of current crises (Brexit, COVID-19, migration crisis, non-respect of rule of law rules, refusal of certain member countries to apply the European Charter of Human Rights, etc.) is questioning the project of the European Union and introduced the challenges which should be overcome by the proposal of the new project able to face the internal complexity of the Union and to answer to the pressure of a conflicting international context. What remains of the European ideal affirmed in the treaties of 1957, 1992, and 2007? How to "re-enchant" the common project? Yet, the European Union remains attractive to new candidate countries. How do they read the integration conditions into the EU with regard to their own projects?

The Routledge Companion to the Makers of Modern Entrepreneurship

Book Description

Once relegated to the dusty shelves of ancient muses, research and scholarship on entrepreneurship has exploded as a field of research, with impactful additions from a range of disciplines rendering the field a tricky one to traverse. The Routledge Companion to the Makers of Modern Entrepreneurship offers a comprehensive guide to entrepreneurship, providing an authoritative exploration of the key people and their ideas. This book tells the stories of the scholars who have set the standard and tone for thinking and analysing entrepreneurship. Edited by two of the world’s leading entrepreneurship scholars, this comprehensive volume offers a platform for understanding and future research that is both state-of-the-art and authoritative. It expands on how modern entrepreneurship has developed, with a focus on the key "makers" of the field – including theories, such as social psychology; concepts, such as neuroeconomics; and types, such as political entrepreneurship. The contributions to the collection are grouped into three sections: Emergence of Entrepreneurship Research Theories in Modern Entrepreneurship Concepts and Makers in Modern Entrepreneurship This companion is essential reading for students and academics interested in entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial management and business management.

Innovation et créativité en PME

Book Description

Afin de survivre et de se différencier sur leur marché, les PME, qui représentent plus de 90% des entreprises dans le monde, doivent faire preuve de créativité et innover. Cet ouvrage présente un cadre conceptuel pour penser l’innovation et la créativité en PME. Celui-ci prend en considération le rapport stratégique des PME à l’environnement et les mutations économiques, technologiques et sociales auxquelles les PME doivent faire face. Leur capacité à nourrir leur slack créatif par de nouvelles idées et à légitimer celles-ci lors de leur implémentation est également prise en compte. Cette réflexion s’appuie sur des recherches académiques récentes en économie des plateformes et collaborative, en créativité organisationnelle ou encore en appropriation de la valeur des idées. Elle se fonde également sur l’expérience de managers en PME et d’experts scientifiques et professionnels.

Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference of Economics and Management (CIREG 2016) Volume I

Book Description

This book brings together papers presented at the 3rd Conference of Research in Economics and Management (CIREG) held in Morocco in May 2016. With a focus on the challenges of SMEs and innovative solutions, they highlight the contribution of researchers in the fields of business and management, with all their micro and macro-economic aspects. They shed light on the universal scientific vision of the importance of SMEs with answers relevant to their local context and adapted to their specific national situation. The relevance of SME research lies in its heuristic value of analyzing change, rather than in constructing a category, a particularly useful empirical concept. This first volume is focused on economic issues.

Les écosystèmes entrepreneuriaux

Book Description

La série Smart innovation présente les thèmes liés à la dynamique technologique, entrepreneuriale, territoriale et économique de l'innovation. Elle privilégie les approches novatrices des acteurs qui, par leurs comportements, stratégies et politiques d'innovation intelligente, modifient les modèles économiques dans une perspective de croissance durable. Les écosystèmes entrepreneuriaux apportent une réponse à l’essoufflement des politiques de soutien à l’économie par leur capacité à renforcer l’innovation pour améliorer l’emploi et les performances économiques d’un territoire. Ces écosystèmes inscrivent l’activité entrepreneuriale dans un cadre territorial donné au sein duquel se tissent des réseaux de relations complexes, entre concurrence et coopération. Cet ouvrage montre comment les responsables politiques, les entreprises, les organismes de soutien à l’entrepreneuriat créent cet écosystème entrepreneurial. Les théories économiques qui construisent cette synergie entre l’entrepreneur et son écosystème sont étudiées ainsi que les acteurs clés et les relations qu’ils entretiennent. Illustré de nombreux exemples, ce livre analyse les conditions d’application et les résultats des politiques d’ancrage des entreprises au territoire.

Sport Tourism and Local Sustainable Development

Book Description

Sport tourism is now widely regarded as a tool for sustainable local development. This book brings together 24 authors from a range of countries to address this topic, with analyses ranging from particular types of events to more theoretical approaches concerning the role of sport tourism in the development of Spanish cities or the digital communication of sporting events in Italy as a means of promotion. The book is geared towards academic researchers and students interested in sport tourism, sport economics, management, and sustainable development, as well as policymakers and professionals tasked with dynamic tools to promote their territory.