Écrire comme on aimerait lire

Book Description

Écrire comme on aimerait lire est un ouvrage destiné à des étudiants avancés de français. Il vise à étendre les connaissances en matière de vocabulaire et de style afin de libérer l’écriture. Il s’articule autour de quatre axes : la précision lexicale, l’amélioration des phrases, l’emploi des figures de style et la bonne compréhension des dénotations et connotations. En tant que tel, il sera aussi un outil de référence pour la traduction de la L1 vers la L2. Cet ouvrage vise les étudiants de français des niveaux DALF C1 et C2 du CECRL (Cadre Européen Commun de Référence pour les Langues) et ceux au niveau Advanced High de l’échelle des compétences de ACTFL (the American Council for the Teaching of Foreign Languages).

The Advance Advocate

Book Description

Expo 3 Rouge Pupil Book

Book Description

This book offers a lively, communicative approach to modern languages, underpinned by a clear grammatical foundation, for pupils with a lower ability. Staightforward explanations of the way that the language works are accompanied by regular reading and writing practice activities.

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Le renard

Book Description

La Pentec™te, cette f�te charmante, Žtait arrivŽe; les champs et les bois se couvraient de verdure et de fleurs; sur les collines et sur les hauteurs, dans les buissons et dans les haies, les oiseaux, rendus ˆ la joie, essayaient leurs gaies chansons; chaque prŽ fourmillait de fleurs dans les vallŽes odorantes; le ciel brillait dans une sŽrŽnitŽ majestueuse et la terre Žtincelait de mille couleurs. Noble, le roi des animaux, convoque sa cour; et tous ses vassaux s'empressent de se rendre ˆ son appel en grand Žquipage; de tous les points de l'horizon arrivent maints fiers personnages, LutkŽ la grue et Markart le geai, et tous les plus importants. Car le roi songe ˆ tenir sa cour d'une mani�re magnifique avec tous ses barons; il les a convoquŽs tous ensemble, les grands comme les petits. Nul ne devait y manquer et cependant il en manquait un: Reineke le renard, le rusŽ coquin, qui se garda bien de se rendre ˆ l'appel, ˆ cause de tous ses crimes passŽs. Comme la mauvaise conscience fuit le grand jour, le renard fuyait l'assemblŽe des seigneurs. Tous avaient ˆ se plaindre; ils Žtaient tous offensŽs; et, seul, Grimbert le blaireau, le fils de son fr�re, avait ŽtŽ ŽpargnŽ.

Modern Architecture in Africa

Book Description

This book offers unique insights into modern African architecture, influenced by modern European architecture, and at the same time a natural successor to existing site-specific and traditional architecture. It brings together the worlds of traditional site-specific architecture with the Modernist Project in Africa, which to date have only been considered in isolation. The book covers the four architectural disciplines: urban planning, building technology, building physics, and conservation. It includes an introduction with a historical outline and an analysis and comparison of a number of projects in various countries in Africa. On the basis of examples drawn from practice, the author documents and describes the hybrid architectural forms that have emerged from the confrontation and fusion with (pre)modern Western architecture and urban planning, and in so doing he also narrates the history of African architecture.

Victims of the Book

Book Description

Victims of the Book uncovers a long-neglected but once widespread subgenre: the fin-de-si?cle novel of formation in France. Novels about and geared toward adolescent male readers were imbued with a deep worry over young Frenchmen's masculinity, as evidenced by titles like Crise de jeunesse (Youth in Crisis, 1897), La Crise virile (Crisis of Virility, 1898), La Vie st?rile (A Sterile Life, 1892), and La Mortelle Impuissance (Deadly Impotence, 1903). In this book, Fran?ois Proulx examines a wide panorama of these novels, many of which have rarely been studied, as well as polemical essays, pedagogical articles, and medical treatises on the perceived threats posed by young Frenchmen's reading habits. Against this cultural backdrop, he illuminates all that was at stake in representations of the male reader by prominent novelists of the period, including Jules Vall?s, Paul Bourget, Maurice Barr?s, Andr? Gide, and Marcel Proust. In the final decades of the nineteenth century, social commentators insistently characterized excessive reading as an emasculating illness that afflicted French youth. Fin-de-si?cle writers responded to this pathologization of reading with a profusion of novels addressed to young male readers, paradoxically proposing their own novels as potential cures. In the early twentieth century, this corpus was critically revisited by a new generation of writers. Victims of the Book shows how Gide and Proust in particular reworked the fin-de-si?cle paradox to subvert cultural norms about literature and masculinity, proposing instead a queer pact between writer and reader.

Cahiers de la Femme

Book Description