Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems

Book Description

For introductory courses in Differential Equations. This text provides the conceptual development and geometric visualization of a modern differential equations course while maintaining the solid foundation of algebraic techniques that are still essential to science and engineering students. It reflects the new excitement in differential equations as the availability of technical computing environments likeMaple, Mathematica, and MATLAB reshape the role and applications of the discipline. New technology has motivated a shift in emphasis from traditional, manual methods to both qualitative and computer-based methods that render accessible a wider range of realistic applications. With this in mind, the text augments core skills with conceptual perspectives that students will need for the effective use of differential equations in their subsequent work and study.

Signals & Systems

Book Description

Exploring signals and systems, this work develops continuous-time and discrete-time concepts, highlighting the differences and similarities. Two chapters deal with the Laplace transform and the Z-transform. Basic methods such as filtering, communication an

Ordinary Differential Equations And Applications

Book Description

Differential equations can bring mathematics to life, describing phenomena originating in physics, chemistry, biology, economics, and more. Used by scientists and engineers alike, differential equations are also the starting point of much purely mathematical activity. They also play a role in the formulation and resolution of problems in harmonic analysis, differential geometry, and probability calculus. A large part of functional analysis has therefore been motivated by the need to solve questions in the analysis of differential systems, as with numerical analysis.Differential equations are doubly relevant, then: as significant in many areas of mathematics, and as important machinery for applying mathematics to real-world problems. This book therefore aims to provide a rigorous introduction to the theoretical study of differential equations, and to demonstrate their utility with applications in many fields.Ordinary Differential Equations and Applications originates from several courses given by the author for decades at the University of Seville. It aims to bring together rigorous mathematical theory and the rich variety of applications for differential equations. The book examines many aspects of differential equations: their existence, uniqueness, and regularity, alongside their continuous dependence on data and parameters. Delving into permanent interpretation of the laws of differential equations, we also look at the role of data and how their solutions behave. Each chapter finishes with a collection of exercises, many of which also contain useful hints.

Ecuaciones diferenciales ordinarias

Book Description

En este texto se desarrollan los contenidos de Ecuaciones Diferenciales Ordinarias habituales en un grado de Ingeniería o Ciencias Aplicadas, o en un curso introductorio en el tema en Ciencias Físicas o Matemáticas. El enfoque del texto es directo y eminentemente práctico, prescindiendo de desarrollos matemáticos excesivos, pero manteniendo un cierto rigor matemático y evitando lagunas lógicas de contenido. En las explicaciones prevalecen de manera evidente las ideas y conceptos sobre los desarrollos. La presentación incluye numerosos ejemplos, muchos de ellos basados en modelos de la Física y la Ingeniería.;José Carlos Bellido es licenciado en Matemáticas por la Universidad de Sevilla y doctor en Ciencias Matemáticas por esta misma universidad desde el año 2001. En la actualidad es profesor del Departamento de Matemáticas de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, con adscripción en la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Industriales de Ciudad Real. Su actividad investigadora se enmarca en el Cálculo de Variaciones y en la Optimización, con especial énfasis en los problemas motivados por aplicaciones en Ingeniería, como la optimización de estructuras y materiales.;Alberto Donoso es Ingeniero Industrial por la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha y doctor Ingeniero Industrial por esta misma universidad desde el año 2004. En la actualidad es profesor del Departamento de Matemáticas de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, con adscripción en la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Industriales de Ciudad Real. Su actividad investigadora se enmarca en la Optimización en Ingeniería, en particular en Ingeniería Mecánica, siendo un experto en Optimización Topológica y Estructural.;Sebastián Lajara es licenciado en Matemáticas por la Universidad de Murcia y doctor en Ciencias Matemáticas por esta misma universidad desde el año 2005. En la actualidad es profesor del Departamento de Matemáticas de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, con adscripción en la Escuela de Ingenieros Industriales de Albacete. Su actividad investigadora se enmarca en el Análisis Funcional.

Advanced Modern Engineering Mathematics

Book Description

This second edition continues to emphasise learning by doing and the development of students' ability to use mathematics with understanding to solve engineering problems. Extensive treatment of some advanced engineering topics, particularly as tools for computer-based system modelling, analysis and design. *Follow on text from Modern Engineering Mathematics, 2E - over 20,000 copies sold *Changing student needs catered for by some easier examples and exercises plus new introductory sections on matrix algebra and vector spaces *New chapter on Numerical Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations *Engineering applications covered in specific sections in each chapter *The increasing importance of digital techniques and statistics is recognised throughout

Sage for Undergraduates

Book Description

As the open-source and free competitor to expensive software like MapleTM, Mathematica®, Magma, and MATLAB®, Sage offers anyone with access to a web browser the ability to use cutting-edge mathematical software and display his or her results for others, often with stunning graphics. This book is a gentle introduction to Sage for undergraduate students toward the end of Calculus II (single-variable integral calculus) or higher-level course work such as Multivariate Calculus, Differential Equations, Linear Algebra, or Math Modeling. The book assumes no background in computer science, but the reader who finishes the book will have learned about half of a first semester Computer Science I course, including large parts of the Python programming language. The audience of the book is not only math majors, but also physics, engineering, finance, statistics, chemistry, and computer science majors.

Equadiff 99 (In 2 Volumes) - Proceedings Of The International Conference On Differential Equations

Book Description

This book is a compilation of high quality papers focussing on five major areas of active development in the wide field of differential equations: dynamical systems, infinite dimensions, global attractors and stability, computational aspects, and applications. It is a valuable reference for researchers in diverse disciplines, ranging from mathematics through physics, engineering, chemistry, nonlinear science to the life sciences.

Mathematical Methods and Models for Economists

Book Description

This book is intended as a textbook for a first-year PhD course in mathematics for economists and as a reference for graduate students in economics. It provides a self-contained, rigorous treatment of most of the concepts and techniques required to follow the standard first-year theory sequence in micro and macroeconomics. The topics covered include an introduction to analysis in metric spaces, differential calculus, comparative statics, convexity, static optimization, dynamical systems and dynamic optimization. The book includes a large number of applications to standard economic models and over two hundred fully worked-out problems.

Advanced Courses Of Mathematical Analysis Ii - Proceedings Of The Second International School

Book Description

This volume comprises a collection of articles by leading researchers in mathematical analysis. It provides the reader with an extensive overview of new directions and advances in topics for current and future research in the field.