Eden in Egypt: Adam and Eve Were Pharaoh Akhenaton and Queen Nefertiti

Book Description

The Bible says that a river flowed through the Garden of Eden and then split into four branches. There is only one river in the Near East that does exactly this, and that is the long oasis-garden of the Nile valley and its division into the (originally) four branches of the Nile Delta. This observation takes Ralph into the depths of the Genesis account, and it would seem that Adam and Eve were actually Akhenaton and Nefertiti; and so the Genesis story is actually a distillation of Akhenaton's Hymn to the Aten. Thus the Garden of Eden was originally the Garden of Aten (Akhenaton's god), and it resided at Amarna in Middle Egypt. The book also demonstrates that Hebrew is a direct descendant of the ancient Egyptian language, and that the Bible was written in Egyptian. This allows us to see that much of the Old Testament was based upon very ancient Egyptian law, stories and morality-tales.

Eden in Egypt

Book Description

Why was the birth of a poor carpenter " in the first century AD attended by the Magi: the Persian king-makers? Why was Jesus later known as the King of the Jews "?Using many strands of contemporary evidence, Ralph Ellis has pieced together a historical jigsaw puzzle demonstrating that the biblical Jesus was directly descended from Cleopatra VII, the most famous queen of Egypt.But this is not all, for in piecing this story together it would seem that Jesus also had an aristocratic Roman and royal Persian ancestry too; and it is the latter bloodline element that explains the appearance of Persian Magi at his birth.

Jesus, King of Edessa

Book Description

Jesus was a king of Edessa 600 pages of gnosis. Colour Images. This is the book that the Catholic Church has been dreading for the last 1700 years. This is the book that will end Christianity as we know it. And this is not advertising hyperbole, this really is the end of the Christian fairytale. We now know who Jesus was. Visit his city, see the ruins of his citadel, gaze upon his statue, handle his coins. In reality, Jesus was a son of King Abgarus of Edessa, a king with a small realm, a large treasury, and even bigger ambitions. Thus Jesus' true history undermines much of the biblical fairystory that the gospel authors crafted, and so Christianity will never be the same again. The jacket image shows Jesus wearing his Crown of Thorns, the ceremonial crown of the Edessan monarchy. We suggest that readers start with 'Cleopatra to Christ' and then 'King Jesus'. The wait before arriving at the last episode in the trilogy will be worthwhile, for if a book could be valued on its 'eureka moments' then this final book would be priceless. The 'King Jesus Trilogy' Latest version v12.1 2024 Book three of the King Jesus Trilogy (in four parts). Followed by 'The Grail Cypher'. .

From Light Into Darkness

Book Description

Have popular modern religions developed out of practices in ancient Egypt? Did religion in Egypt represent only a shadow of the spiritual practices of prehistoric people? This work explores the teachings of the King Akhenaten and the real Moses, the true identity of the Hyksos, and Akhenaten's connections to The Exodus and the Rosicrucian Order.

Jesus, Last of the Pharaohs

Book Description

It is a little-known fact that the exodus of the Hyksos pharaohs from Egypt to Jerusalem is an incredibly similar event to the exodus of the Israelites from Egypt to Jerusalem. Classical historians and theologians will not entertain any connection between the two, because this infers that the Israelite leaders were actually pharaohs of Egypt. However, Ralph Ellis has taken this obvious comparison and demonstrated the royal Egyptian ancestry of the Judaic patriarchs and also of Jesus. Ralph has also uncovered evidence for the New Testament Saul (St Paul) in the historical record, a discovery that brings with it several new accounts of the life of Jesus. Saul, the inventor of Christianity, was actually Josephus Flavius, a well-known historian. Jesus was the governor of Tiberias and owned a castle there; and he may have died during the siege of Jerusalem in about AD70, rather than AD 33 - crucified along with two of his compatriots. Followed by "Tempest & Exodus" and "Eden to Egypt". Latest version v5.6 Hyksos, Shepherd Kings, Jacob, Sea People, Jesus, Saul, Jerusalem, Egyptian False Prophet, historical Jesus.

Mysteries of Ancient South America

Book Description

The reprint of Wilkin's classic book on the megaliths and mysteries of South America. This book predates Wilkin's book Secret Cities of Old South America published in 1952. Mysteries of Ancient South America was first published in 1947 and is considered a classic book of its kind. With diagrams, photographs and maps, Wilkins digs into old manuscripts and books to bring us some truly amazing stories of South America: a bizarre subterranean tunnel system; lost cities in the remote border jungles of Brazil; legends of Atlantis in South America; cataclysmic changes that shaped South America; and other strange stories from one of the world's greatest researchers.

Scota, Egyptian Queen of the Scots

Book Description

===epub format=== . The legends of Ireland and Scotland tell a fantastic tale of an Egyptian queen and her Greek husband, who were exiled from Egypt to Ireland at some point during the second millennium BC. It is said that it was from this Queen Scota and King Gaythelos that the modern titles for the Scottish and Gaelic people were derived. But what are we to make of this ancient story “ is it based more upon fact or fiction? Historians have, as one might expect, taken the story to be complete fiction; but Ralph Ellis has taken a lateral look at this mythology, and found many links and associations that lead to one inescapable conclusion “ that the extraordinary tale of Queen Scota and King Gaythelos is probably true. ... See also, "Eden in Egypt". L

Solomon, Pharaoh of Egypt

Book Description

===epub format=== . There are indisputable links between the Egyptian and Judaic royal lines demonstrating that King David and King Solomon were actually kings of a unified Egypto-Judaic nation. This is why there is no evidence for these monarchs in the archaeology of modern Israel; for the evidence, including the tombs, sarcophagi and death-masks of these famous monarchs, are actually located in the north eastern Nile Delta. The Queen of Sheba was also related to this royal line and, as befitting the great 'Queen of the South', her sarcophagus was discovered at Deir el Bahri in Luxor. The book also shows the location of King Solomon's Mines and the true historical identity of Hiram Abif, the hero of the Masonic 3rd degree. Followed by "Eden in Egypt". L

Thoth, Architect of the Universe

Book Description

What was the purpose of all the megalithic architecture that was created all around the world during the Stone-Age? Ralf has developed a theory that each of these structures represents a map of the world, a map that may have been designed to pinpoint the location of the mythical Hall of Records. There is no difficulty in seeing these maps, at Stonehenge and Giza, one just needs a little lateral thinking. In fact, a six-year old is more likely to spot them than an adult. Ralph also demonstrates how important the metrology of Giza was to the ancients. In fact we still use these units today, for the Great Pyramid measures 1760 cubits around the base and the Imperial Mile measures 1760 yards. Thus America in particular is still using Egyptian metrology. The Megalithic Map series Latest version v5.4 Stonehenge, Avebury, Silbury, Henge, Great Pyramid, Giza, Meidum, Pyramid, Precession.

Reich of the Black Sun

Book Description

"A fascinating expose proving that Nazi Germany won the race for the atom bomb in late 1944. Were the Nazis secretly researching the occult, alternative physics and new energy sources? This scientific-historical journey tracks down the proof and answers these fascinating questions: What were the Nazis developing in Czechoslovakia? Why did the US Army test the atom bomb on Hiroshima? Why did the Luftwaffe fly a non-stop round-trip mission within twenty miles of New York City in 1944?"--Publisher's description.