Edeyen of Murzuq. Archaeological Survey in the Libyan Sahara

Book Description

Il volume è relativo alla campagna archeologica condotta nel 2006 dall’Università ‘La Sapienza’ di Roma e dal Dipartimento di Archeologia di Tripoli nel Sahara libico, nelle aree date in concessione ad ENI North Africa. La documentazione è affidata essenzialmente alle fotografie. Sono riportate, oltre a foto che illustrano le sequenze delle attività di scavo e i reperti ceramici e litici, numerose foto inedite di pitture ed incisioni rupestri. Il testo è in lingua inglese e costituisce il primo rapporto ufficiale sul rischio archeologico nelle aree nelle quali vengono compiute delle ricerche petrolifere.

Africa from MIS 6-2

Book Description

Bringing together archaeological, paleoenvironmental, paleontological and genetic data, this book makes a first attempt to reconstruct African population histories from out species' evolution to the Holocene. Africa during Marine Isotope Stages (MIS) 6 to 2 (~190-12,000 years ago) witnessed the biological development and behavioral florescence of our species. Modern human population dynamics, which involved multiple population expansions, dispersals, contractions and extinctions, played a central role in our species’ evolutionary trajectory. So far, the demographic processes – modern human population sizes, distributions and movements – that occurred within Africa during this critical period have been consistently under-addressed. The authors of this volume aim at (1) examining the impact of this glacial-interglacial- glacial cycle on human group sizes, movements and distributions throughout Africa; (2) investigating the macro- and micro-evolutionary processes underpinning our species’ anatomical and behavioral evolution; and (3) setting an agenda whereby Africa can benefit from, and eventually contribute to, the increasingly sophisticated theoretical and methodological palaeodemographic frameworks developed on other continents.

ATLAS of Tadrart Acacus rock art. A UNESCO World Heritage site in southwestern Libya

Book Description

The rock art sites of the Tadrart Acacus in southwestern Libya were inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1985, largely owing to the activities started in 1955 by Fabrizio Mori, founder of the Libyan-Italian Mission in the Tadrart Acacus and Messak. Since the beginning, the Department of Antiquities of Tripoli and Sebha, Libya, and Sapienza University of Rome, Italy, have worked in the region nearly without interruption until 2011. This book presents the archive of the rock art sites, identified and recorded by the Italian Mission and by independent scholars, as described and critically assessed by the authors within the framework of the ASArt-DATA project (the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme). The contributions introducing the catalogue contextualize the environmental, archaeological, and cultural aspects of the engravings and paintings. They include chapters addressing the historical, cultural, and diplomatic issues involved in the long-term bilateral scientific cooperation.

Archeologia e Calcolatori, 32.1, 2021

Book Description

Il volume 32.1 è suddiviso in due parti. La prima comprende gli articoli proposti annualmente alla rivista da studiosi italiani e stranieri che illustrano ricerche archeologiche interdisciplinari in cui l’uso delle tecnologie informatiche risulta determinante per l’acquisizione, l’elaborazione e l’interpretazione dei dati. Tecniche di analisi statistica, banche dati, GIS e analisi spaziali, tecniche di rilievo tridimensionale e ricostruzioni virtuali, sistemi multimediali, contribuiscono a documentare le testimonianze del passato e a diffondere i risultati della ricerca scientifica. La seconda parte del volume contiene un inserto speciale curato da Angela Bellia e dedicato a una tematica innovativa, l’archeomusicologia, un campo di ricerca multidisciplinare che adotta i metodi dell’archeologia per lo studio della musica e della vita musicale nel mondo antico. Gli articoli s’incentrano sul ruolo delle tecnologie digitali basate sulla modellazione 3D e sulla simulazione del suono per ampliare le conoscenze sugli strumenti musicali dell’antichità e sul prezioso, ma estremamente labile, patrimonio sonoro. Chiude il volume la sezione dedicata alle Note e recensioni.

Wadi Teshuinat. Palaeoenvironment and Prehistory in South-Western Fezzan (Libyan Sahara). Survey and Excavations in Tadrart Acacus, Erg Uan Kasa, Messak Settafet an Edeyen of Murzuq 1990-1995 (CNR, Quaderni di Geodinamica Alpina e Quaternaria, Milano, 7)

Book Description

Il volume è relativo alla campagna archeologica condotta nel 2006 dall'Università La Sapienza’ di Roma e dal Dipartimento di Archeologia di Tripoli nel Sahara libico, nelle aree date in concessione ad ENI North Africa. La documentazione è affidata essenzialmente alle fotografie. Sono riportate, oltre a foto che illustrano le sequenze delle attività di scavo e i reperti ceramici e litici, numerose foto inedite di pitture ed incisioni rupestri. Il testo è in lingua inglese e costituisce il primo rapporto ufficiale sul rischio archeologico nelle aree nelle quali vengono compiute delle ricerche petrolifere. Survey and excavations in the Tadrart Acacus, Erg Uan Kasa, Messak Settafet and Edeyen of Murzuq, 1990-1995

Archaeological Dimension of World Heritage

Book Description

This volume presents case studies from around the world aiming to serve as a hands-on book for management and treatment of archaeological World Heritage properties. It comprises not only sites inscribed as World Heritage due to their archaeological character but also World Heritage properties where the analysis of their archaeological dimension provides a deeper and better understanding of the assets and includes the potential for disseminating this knowledge. The book has an important practical value, since all the works presented here illustrate - with practical examples, the best and most appropriate ways to manage World Heritage properties. The aim of the heritage managers at these World Heritage sites is to improve conservation and increase understanding and communication in such a way that the communities living in those sites or who earn a livelihood from them can be positively affected by these initiatives. The book presents exemplary models of heritage management in World Heritage properties–an issue not treated in depth up to now and Best Practices in this management. Therefore, this volume becomes a new, original source presenting model strategies to be followed by other initiatives in order to improve the consideration and treatment of the most outstanding valued sites considered by UNESCO.

The Sahara

Book Description

This collection examines the Sahara holistically from the earliest (prehistoric) times through the ‘historical’ period to the present and with political direction into the future. The contributions cover palaeoclimatology, history, archaeology (cultural heritage), social anthropology, sociology, politics and international affairs. Structured chronologically, the volume can almost be read as a narrative of the Sahara from the earliest times to the present, i.e. from the past climates of the Sahara in prehistoric times to the current ‘war on terror’ and its implications for the peoples of the Sahara. Importantly, the collection shows how the region must be approached ‘holistically’, highlighting the importance of each of these subject areas (palaeo-climates, history, politics, etc.) in relation to each other. Indeed, the first contribution is a remarkable (and unique) paper, bringing together the work of some 8-9 internationally recognised scientists to tell the story and show the relevance to the present day of the Sahara’s past climates etc. Nearly all the contributions stand in their own right at the cutting edge of research in their respective fields (e.g. archaeology, history, politics, etc.). This book was previously published as a special issue of the Journal of North African Studies.

Archaeology in Africa. Potentials and perspectives on laboratory & fieldwork research

Book Description

Africa encompasses a multitude of environments and biomes that require specific scientific strategies – from desktop studies to field research to laboratory analysis – to tackle research questions that may range from the emergence of early humans to the ethnoarchaeological investigation. In several areas, turmoil, social instability and security constraints hamper or limit field activities and long-term funded programs. The kidnapping of German colleagues and the tragic death of two local collaborators in Nigeria urge to rethink our agenda and challenge our view of current research practice. This 1st Workshop on “Archaeology in Africa”, organized by Sapienza University of Rome, convened several researches from Italy or Italy-based researchers. The aim was to present and discuss theoretical, methodological and financial problems for Africanist researchers today. In a global perspective, the synergy between research groups is crucial. The need to intensify the national and international cooperation is also an essential step. This book collects a selection of the different perspectives presented to the workshop, mostly focussing from North Africa and East Africa.

Burials, Migration and Identity in the Ancient Sahara and Beyond

Book Description

Places burial traditions at the centre of Saharan migrations and identity debate, with new technical data and methodological analysis.

Trade in the Ancient Sahara and Beyond

Book Description

Saharan trade has been much debated in modern times, but the main focus of interest remains the medieval and early modern periods, for which more abundant written sources survive. The pre-Islamic origins of Trans-Saharan trade have been hotly contested over the years, mainly due to a lack of evidence. Many of the key commodities of trade are largely invisible archaeologically, being either of high value like gold and ivory, or organic like slaves and textiles or consumable commodities like salt. However, new research on the Libyan people known as the Garamantes and on their trading partners in the Sudan and Mediterranean Africa requires us to revise our views substantially. In this volume experts re-assess the evidence for a range of goods, including beads, textiles, metalwork and glass, and use it to paint a much more dynamic picture, demonstrating that the pre-Islamic Sahara was a more connected region than previously thought.