Impact of Digital Transformation in Teacher Training Models

Book Description

A new reality of teaching and learning through technology is continually on the rise creating the need for governments, organizations, teachers, students, and families to adapt. Students are realizing the need to become more autonomous, parents are having to become more present, and teachers are assuming new roles in virtual education. Although this new era of education is marked by innovation at all levels, most of these changes have not been thoroughly planned or structured, thus creating a difficult experience for all the educational stakeholders. Impact of Digital Transformation in Teacher Training Models conducts a critical discussion on teacher preparedness in the digital transformation of teaching practices. It promotes practitioner reflections on the role of institutional policies, teacher digital literacy, the digital divide, and how the ongoing digital transformation of society will induce the need for a paradigm shift in teacher training models. Covering topics such as emergency remote education, emerging pedagogies, and massive open online courses, this book is an essential resource for policymakers, government officials, education administration, pre-service teachers, educators, researchers, and academicians.

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Active Learning for Digital Transformation in Healthcare Education, Training and Research

Book Description

Active Learning for Digital Transformation in Healthcare Education, Training and Research discusses the potential of advanced training of health professionals as a contributing factor to improve treatment outcomes. By reading this book, professionals who deal with patients with low health literacy will be prepared to promote better access to digital tools, understand the habits of users of health services, and empower engagement. The book contains a set of techniques and instruments associated with health literacy, communication skills and personal development that will enable their application in good daily practices and assist healthcare professionals to promote digital transformation to patients. This is a valuable resource for researchers, graduate students and healthcare professionals who are interested in learning more about how they can be an effective agent of change in healthcare. - Discusses the potential of patient education through the training of health professionals to improve patient engagement and adherence to treatment - Presents techniques from real-world examples to demonstrate the efficacy of better communication between health professionals and patients, especially in the digital medicine era - Outlines digital tools that can be used to strengthen the healthcare professional-patient relationship

Educação e tecnologias em tempos digitais

Book Description

Esta obra é fruto de pesquisas realizadas no âmbito do Mestrado Profissional em Educação e Docência da Faculdade de Educação de Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (PROMESTRE - FAE/UFMG), linha de pesquisa "Educação Tecnológica e Sociedade". Ela apresenta estudos sobre as transformações na educação e na sociedade brasileira provocadas pela incorporação de tecnologias digitais, abrangendo desde o ensino híbrido e remoto até o uso de memes e realidade virtual em sala de aula. Os artigos discutem experiências práticas e suas repercussões pedagógicas em diversos contextos educacionais e sociais, destacando contradições, desafios e transformações relacionadas ao uso dessas tecnologias. Também examinam o impacto dessas inovações em grupos específicos, como idosos, e a democratização do acesso ao ensino superior através da educação a distância. A obra enfatiza a importância de uma análise crítica dos efeitos das tecnologias digitais na educação, destacando os desafios e as perspectivas futuras. Convidamos os leitores a explorar essas páginas para uma compreensão aprofundada das complexas interações entre tecnologia, educação e sociedade.

Perspectives and Trends in Education and Technology

Book Description

This book presents high-quality, peer-reviewed papers from the International Conference in Information Technology & Education (ICITED 2021), to be held at the ESPM – Higher School of Advertising and Marketing, Sao Paulo, Brazil, between the 15th and the 17th of July 2021. The book covers a specific field of knowledge. This intends to cover not only two fields of knowledge – Education and Technology – but also the interaction among them and the impact/result in the job market and organizations. It covers the research and pedagogic component of Education and Information Technologies but also the connection with society, addressing the three pillars of higher education. The book addresses impact of pandemic on education and use of technology in education. Finally, it also encourages companies to present their professional cases which is discussed. These can constitute real examples of how companies are overcoming their challenges with the uncertainty of the market.

Handbook of Stress and Academic Anxiety

Book Description

This handbook presents an overview of research on test anxiety and related forms of students’ stress and anxiety at schools and other academic environments, and also brings together a series of psychological interventions to prevent and treat anxiety disorders related to academic assessments. Its aim is to inform about strategies that help promote more adaptive behaviors towards academic assessment, as well as discuss other variables (e.g., bullying) that influence test anxiety, a typical stressor at the school and academic environment. These stressors can impair the students’ socio-cognitive development, impairing their ability to study and posing a risk to their mental health. The volume is organized in three parts. The first part brings together chapters discussing different variables and processes associated with academic anxiety, such as test anxiety and social influence, academic motivation, bullying, and procrastination. The second part is completely dedicated to psychological interventions with students designed to promote adaptive coping strategies to deal with academic anxiety and to prevent the development of psychopathologies associated with it. These interventions are based on different approaches, such as cognitive behavioral therapy, acceptance and commitment therapy, analytic behavioral therapy, dialectical behavioral therapy, and mindfulness, among others. Finally, the third part presents strategies that teachers can adopt to manage academic anxiety. The Handbook of Stress and Academic Anxiety: Psychological Processes and Interventions with Students and Teachers will be a valuable resource for school and clinical psychologists, teachers, school managers and policy makers by providing information based on the best scientific evidences to help students cope with academic anxiety, prevent the development of psychopathologies associated with it and promote mental health at schools and other academic environments.

Mobility for Smart Cities and Regional Development - Challenges for Higher Education

Book Description

This book presents recent research on interactive collaborative learning. We are currently witnessing a significant transformation in the development of education and especially post-secondary education. To face these challenges, higher education has to find innovative ways to quickly respond to these new needs. On the one hand, there is a pressure by the new situation in regard to the COVID pandemic. On the other hand, the methods and organizational forms of teaching and learning at higher educational institutions have changed rapidly in recent months. Scientifically based statements as well as excellent experiences (best practice) are absolutely necessary. These were the aims connected with the 24th International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning (ICL2021), which was held online by Technische Universität Dresden, Germany, on 22–24 September 2021. Since its beginning in 1998, this conference is devoted to new approaches in learning with a focus on collaborative learning in Higher Education. Nowadays, the ICL conferences are a forum of the exchange of relevant trends and research results as well as the presentation of practical experiences in Learning and Engineering Pedagogy. In this way, we try to bridge the gap between ‘pure’ scientific research and the everyday work of educators. This book contains papers in the fields of Teaching Best Practices Research in Engineering Pedagogy Engineering Pedagogy Education Entrepreneurship in Engineering Education Project-Based Learning Virtual and Augmented Learning Immersive Learning in Healthcare and Medical Education. Interested readership includes policymakers, academics, educators, researchers in pedagogy and learning theory, schoolteachers, learning industry, further and continuing education lecturers, etc

Interatividade nas TICs: abordagens sobre mídias digitais e aprendizagem

Book Description

A forma com que os indivíduos estabelecem suas relações com o mundo tem mudado constantemente. As Novas Mídias e as Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação (TIC) proporcionam maneiras diferenciadas no que diz respeito às práticas destes indivíduos, sejam essas em momentos de lazer, de estudo ou de trabalho. Os ambientes virtuais, através das mídias interativas, possibilitam a conexão de diferentes áreas do conhecimento e a convergência dos meios na potencialização dos mais variados campos, especialmente a partir da internet. Hoje em dia não basta apenas a disposição de plataformas como forma de repositório de conteúdos. A interatividade é o ponto chave nesta nova era, focando, principalmente, a participação ativa dos usuários. Esta conexão entre professores e alunos, entre produtores e usuários das mídias inaugura um tempo em que a imersão e a participação são essenciais na geração das informações e na construção do conhecimento. Considerando este cenário, os capítulos que compõem este eBook trazem reflexões importantes para o momento atual em que a convergência das mídias e as novas tecnologias têm gerado desafios antes impensados, tanto para o campo da comunicação quanto para o da educação. A superação nas diversas áreas em que se refletem acerca de formatos diferenciados para que se estabeleçam novas práticas sociais e culturais é uma constante não somente para os profissionais em formação, mas para os usuários ávidos por novidades e na expectativa por serem inseridos neste mundo cada vez mais tecnológico, interativo e participativo. É nesse sentido que esta obra apresenta em suas páginas estudos e análises que vão além da fronteira do tradicional, incentivando ações inovadoras a partir dos dispositivos tecnológicos com os quais somos todos os dias confrontados.