Repensar la Educación para un Mundo Global y Transcultural

Book Description

Además disponible en inglés: Rethinking Education for a Global, Transcultural World Repensar la educación es esencial en un mundo, global, transcultural, cambiante y comunicado. A través del libro Repensar la Educación para un Mundo global, Transcultural se argumenta y se analiza cómo construir relaciones entre la escuela y la sociedad, y las posibilidades de trascender las barreras en diferentes contextos nacionales: Chile, Israel, México, Marruecos, Polonia y España. El principal objetivo que queremos conseguir con las aportaciones realizadas en el libro, es conocer cómo los Sistemas Educativos y las escuelas de diferentes países responden a los cambios sociales causados por la globalización, las migraciones y las tecnologías de la comunicación. Los autores son profesores de diferentes disciplinas científicas y de diferentes religiones, culturas y puntos de vista que viven las realidades descritas en los capítulos y piensan desde estas realidades cómo mejorar y cómo debe ser la educación en un mundo global, desafiante y cambiante. Hacemos hincapié en la importancia de este libro y sus implicaciones en la educación de niños y jóvenes, y en la formación de los maestros. Por esta razón, este es un libro diseñado para profesores de escuelas primarias y secundarias, padres, directores, supervisores, profesores universitarios que forman a los maestros, para los estudiantes de la universidad y para todos los que quieren saber y pensar acerca de la educación en un mundo global e intercultural y las nuevas formas de comunicación para hacer frente al aprendizaje, ya sea a nivel local o a nivel mundial. La misión de todos es continuar construyendo la educación, y para ello en este libro se presentan las contribuciones y recomendaciones de los profesionales de diferentes partes del mundo que permitirán al lector conocer, analizar, comprender y apreciar la importancia de la educación para preparar a los estudiantes en un pensamiento abierto y crítico en un mundo global. Los capítulos no ofrecen una panacea, pero ofrecen muchas ideas sobre cómo, a través de la educación, preparar a los ciudadanos para una sociedad global y transcultural.

The School-Based Vocational Education and Training System in Spain

Book Description

This book discusses the developments in policy and practice in the field of formal, non-formal and continuing vocational education and training in Spain since 1970. It describes how VET has been transformed and become one of the country’s main areas of pedagogical innovation, and also examines current developments, such as the role of non-formal vocational education and training, the accreditation of vocational qualifications acquired in the non-formal system, and the adoption of dual apprenticeships that bear little resemblance to central European dual systems. Written by respected researchers in these fields, the first section is informative and analytical, offering a description of the system and comments based on academic literature and research. The second section illustrates the research on relevant issues, portraying empirical data from different regions in Spain, as well as nationwide data. Explaining and interpreting data on the basis of the authors’ different theoretical frameworks, the book provides a comprehensive, updated and accurate overview of VET and relevant research in Spain, as well as their relation to European and global developments.

Holistic Teacher Education

Book Description

This collection brings together approaches to the teacher education and preparation curriculum that may be described as holistic. It also discusses teacher education curricula that are reconstructionist and reconceptualist in nature, seeking to shift the trajectory of society through teacher education. The book serves as an introductory text for the field of holistic curriculum studies, and will open it up to a wider audience.

Fostering Values Education and Engaging Academic Freedom amidst Emerging Issues Related to COVID-19

Book Description

This volume contributes to the advancement of comparative education in the world, more specifically in expanding understandings of the discourse of comparative education vis-à-vis educational transformation. Throughout the text, three critical elements that reflect comparative education as an open, inconclusive discourse come up: (1) There is sufficient pedagogical space for dissonance. It is always possible to compare one’s own authenticity with the epistemological position others hold dear and argue for. (2) The contributions in this book should not be read as absolute pieces of writing as that would undermine the flexible nature of education. It is important to point out that the opinions of the authors are temporary moments of attachment to persuasive claims. However, these claims are not cast in stone as new views continue to emerge from epistemological (re)positioning. (3) Our own reading of the book corroborates our interest in comparative education as a continuous discourse in the making. The contributions of scholars at the third symposium organized by WCCES provided a platform for them to pursue their knowledge interests. In addition, these interests have and will or ought never to be homogenous for that would be incommensurate with a defensible practice of comparative education.