Book Description
Publicación bilingüe de algunos aspectos generales del sistema educativo como la legislación, la administración educativa, etc.
Author :
Publisher : Ministerio de Educación
Page : 172 pages
File Size : 25,63 MB
Release : 1996
Category :
ISBN : 9788436929287
Publicación bilingüe de algunos aspectos generales del sistema educativo como la legislación, la administración educativa, etc.
Author : Francesc Jesús Hernàndez i Dobon
Publisher : Editorial UOC
Page : 220 pages
File Size : 35,71 MB
Release : 2016-06-30
Category : Education
ISBN : 8490649324
Las teorías constructivistas sobre la enseñanza y el aprendizaje, los estudios desde la perspectiva de género, las investigaciones sobre el aprendizaje narrativo, las teorías sobre la formación de personas adultas y sobre la formación continua, el entrecruzamiento de perspectivas didácticas auspiciado por las aproximaciones sistémicas, las investigaciones sobre narrativas e historias de vida... Todos estos elementos convergen en la reelaboración del vínculo entre educación y biografías, una aportación que afecta al núcleo mismo de la práctica docente. En este libro se presentan algunas de las contribuciones más notables y recientes de Austria, Alemania y Gran Bretaña, que combinan elaboraciones teóricas e investigaciones cualitativas.
Author : Jenny Ozga
Publisher : Routledge
Page : 361 pages
File Size : 46,62 MB
Release : 2013-01-11
Category : Education
ISBN : 1134241402
This volume considers the ways in which educational research is being shaped by policy across the globe. Policy effects on research are increasingly influential, as policies in and beyond education drive the formation of a knowledge-based economy by supporting increased international competitiveness through more effective, evidence-based interventions in schooling, education and training systems. What consequences does this increased steering have for research in education? How do transnational agencies make their influence felt on educational research? How do national systems and traditions of educational research - and relations with policy - respond to these new pressures? What effects does it have on the quality of research and on the freedom of researchers to pursue their own agendas? The 2006 volume of the World Yearbook of Education explores these issues, focusing on three key themes: globalising policy and research in education steering education research in national contexts global-local politics of education research. The 2006 volume has a truly global reach, incorporating transnational policy perspectives from the OECD and the European Commission, alongside national cases from across the world in contrasting contexts that include North and South America, Canada, France, Singapore, China, Russia and New Zealand. The range of contributions reflect how pervasive these developments are, how much is new in this situation and to what extent evidence-based policy pressures on research in education build on past relationships between education and policy. This book considers the impact of the steering processes on the work and identities of individual researchers and considers how research can be organised to play a more active role in the politics of the knowledge economy and learning society.
Author : María de Ibarrola
Publisher : Springer
Page : 158 pages
File Size : 26,10 MB
Release : 2014-07-11
Category : Education
ISBN : 9462096988
Five educational researchers, coming from a variety of higher education institutions, academic disciplines, and cultural backgrounds, met together over a three-year period to discuss the present and future of doctoral education and training in the field of education. Their hope was that the product of their discussions would enable educators and policy makers around the world to rethink, restructure, and even design new programs to prepare the rising generation of educational researchers in their countries. These differences in academic, national, and institutional perspectives led to a variety of ways, even conflicting ones, in which the quality of doctoral education and training could be improved. Based on our discussion, we came to the conclusion that there are no universal solutions to the problems involved in setting up and operating a quality doctoral program. Rather, educators would be wise to be aware of the alternatives at their disposal and make informed choices based on an understanding of the larger societal and political contexts in their states, regions, or nations. To facilitate this decision-making process, we have chosen to conclude with a set of key questions that should be addressed by those seeking to examine and improve their doctoral programs in education and briefly describe some of the alternative ways of answering these questions. Instead of passively absorbing a unified position, then, the reader is invited to join the dialogue that has taken place (and is still taking place) between and among the authors. To exemplify such a dialogue, each chapter is followed by one or two commentaries written by members of the group. We would encourage the reader to write commentaries on the individual chapters (and perhaps the commentaries), thereby engaging in a dialogue with the authors on a fairly personal level.
Author : M. Elizabeth Leal Apaéz, Ary Elzyra Ramírez Castillo
Publisher : Editorial Gedisa
Page : 150 pages
File Size : 14,50 MB
Release : 2023-06-20
Category : Education
El Programa de Formación e Innovación para Atender a la Primera Infancia desde la Universidad Pública es el resultado de una iniciativa encabezada por el Dr. Luciano Concheiro Bórquez, Subsecretario de Educación Superior, quien, a partir de una visión de educación compartida, convocó a diversos actores a unir esfuerzos en la reorganización de nuestro sistema educativo y sus políticas públicas y así contribuir a la gran transformación nacional desde sus cimientos. Este llamado tuvo eco en 16 IES afiliadas a la ANUIES, siendo la UATx la encargada de coordinar los trabajos bajo el liderazgo del Dr. Luis Armando González Placencia y del Dr. Serafín Ortiz Ortiz. Caminando Juntos, Volumen 1 es uno de los primeros resultados del Programa y en éste se presentan algunos de los productos de investigación elaborados por los Cuerpos Académicos Interinstitucionales, los cuales fueron constituidos para atender las diversas problemáticas relacionadas con las primeras infancias en México. En sus páginas, el lector encontrará las realidades cotidianas que las niñas y los niños, sus comunidades y los profesionales que los atienden, deben sortear a base de creatividad, perseverancia y un alto nivel de compromiso en el logro de su desarrollo integral. Esta obra nos llevará a un recorrido que inicia en la zona costera de Chiapas y pasa por los estados del centro hasta llegar a la zona Yaqui de Sonora, exponiendo situaciones de rezago social y académico al tiempo que propone algunas alternativas innovadoras para enfrentar las situaciones de vulnerabilidad, violencia y exclusión sistemática de las que son objeto las infancias mexicanas. Sirva este primer volumen como un paso firme en el trayecto que habremos de caminar juntos para lograr que las primeras infancias mexicanas se desarrollen en plenitud, procurando espacios para que su voz sea escuchada y donde reciban un cuidado amoroso y sensible.
Author : Pascual Gómez, Isabel
Publisher : Editorial UOC
Page : 128 pages
File Size : 50,40 MB
Release : 2016-08-16
Category : Education
ISBN : 8491162534
La finalidad de este libro es difundir el interés del diagnóstico pedagógico en la etapa de educación infantil. El diagnóstico es fundamental para conocer los fenómenos educativos con rigor, y constituye un paso previo necesario para intervenir adecuadamente sobre ellos. Los contextos educativos se han transformado como consecuencia de cambios sociales, económicos y tecnológicos, y en este escenario resulta cada vez más necesario su presencia activa y colaborativa en los contextos escolares y extraescolares. Se trata de realizar un diagnóstico no limitado en exclusiva a la detección de problemas organizativos, curriculares o técnicos de la educación, sino a la prevención, la individualización y la mejora de la calidad del proceso educativo. El libro se divide en dos partes. Los cuatro primeros capítulos son de carácter más general y sirven como punto de partida y reflexión sobre la definición y delimitación del diagnóstico pedagógico. Por este motivo, se desarrollará: una breve revisión histórica que permita comprender qué elementos han favorecido su configuración y desarrollo; una delimitación conceptual que clarifique conceptos afines y/o disciplinas afines al diagnóstico; una descripción de los contenidos y funciones; y por último, una presentación de las técnicas y los procedimientos de recogida de información en el proceso. Los siguientes capítulos están dedicados a las especificidades propias del diagnóstico en la etapa de educación infantil, así como a la descripción de las técnicas de observación sistemática que pueden aplicarse tanto en la evaluación como en el diagnóstico en esta etapa.
Author : Gary L. Anderson
Publisher : Routledge
Page : 267 pages
File Size : 20,39 MB
Release : 2013-10-15
Category : Education
ISBN : 1135548668
Juan Carlos Tedesco, a prominent Argentinean sociologist argues that qualitative studies of education in Latin America represent a major challenge to current research. Latin American qualitative researchers are producing interpretive studies that focus on the realities of current developmental and educational reforms. Indigenous communities, women, students, and teachers are given voice in these studies, which represent the state of Latin American ethnographic, qualitative, and participatory research. This is the first book in English to offer a state-of-the-art collection of educational qualitative research studies in Latin America. The first three chapters present an overview of qualitative research, while the remaining seven chapters provide studies that explore various aspects of education from public schools to informal educational programs.
Author : Antonio Bautista García-Vera
Publisher : Springer Nature
Page : 215 pages
File Size : 39,52 MB
Release : 2023-01-23
Category : Education
ISBN : 3031201647
This open access book discusses the functionality of the use of the language of photography in teachers' initial and ongoing training. It analyzes the nature of photography as a representation system, facilitating inquiry and reflection on its practice for teachers and evocating on theories and beliefs that may guide their work in classrooms. Photography is used to represent symbolically and affectively possible contradictions in teaching activities or the inconsistencies between planned teaching tasks and the educational purposes pursued. Resolving these conflicts is one of the ways to promote professional development. This book also describes photo-elicitation and photographic storytelling as work procedures. By analyzing the contributions of these techniques, the development of teachers is improved.
Author :
Publisher : BRILL
Page : 246 pages
File Size : 42,39 MB
Release : 2007-01-01
Category : Education
ISBN : 9087903588
This book concentrates on a key figure in university life: the professoriate. It probes its conditions in a comparative perspective, bringing to the fore research findings from six countries with different historical trajectories, social visions, and degrees of insertion in capitalist modes of production: Denmark, South Africa, Mexico, Brazil, Russia, and Peru.
Author : Rivera-Trigueros, Irene
Publisher : IGI Global
Page : 507 pages
File Size : 45,64 MB
Release : 2022-02-11
Category : Education
ISBN : 1799886476
As new technologies and professional profiles emerge, traditional education paradigms have to be adapted to new scenarios, creating favorable conditions for promoting transversal skills among students. Consequently, there is a growing demand for training in emergent skills to solve problems of different natures, distributive leadership competencies, empathy, ability to control emotions, etc. In this sense, one of the challenges that educators of all different educational levels and training contexts have to face is to foster these skills in their courses. To overcome these obstacles, innovative and disruptive methodologies, such as game-based learning activities like escape rooms, can be a great ally for teachers to work on transversal skills and specific knowledge at the same time. The Handbook of Research on Using Disruptive Methodologies and Game-Based Learning to Foster Transversal Skills gathers knowledge, skills, abilities, and capabilities on innovative and disruptive methodologies that can be applied in all educational levels to foster transversal skills. This publication contains different contributions focused on the description of innovative educational methods, processes, and tools that can be adopted by teachers to promote transversal skills such as creativity, critical thinking, decision-making, and entrepreneurial skills. This book is ideal for teachers, instructional designers, educational software developers, academics, professionals, students, and researchers working at all levels in the educational field and provides valuable background information to professionals who aim to overcome traditional paradigm obstacles and meet student needs by means of innovative and disruptive methodologies.