Educación en tiempos de COVID-19 : Una aproximación a la realidad en México, experiencias y aportaciones

Book Description

En el año 2020, la enfermedad originada por el virus SARS-CoV-2, denominada “COVID-19”, ocasionó un distanciamiento social en casi la totalidad de los países del mundo. Dicho aislamiento trajo consecuencias en los distintos sectores de la sociedad, entre ellos el educativo, donde la enseñanza y aprendizaje migraron a entornos virtuales. En México, el cierre masivo de escuelas se dio a partir del segundo trimestre del 2020, sin que el sistema educativo estuviera del todo preparado para la transición a la virtualidad, lo que generó una serie de problemáticas bajo esta nueva modalidad educativa. La presente obra aborda algunas de las problemáticas que se presentaron en los distintos niveles de nuestro sistema educativo mexicano a partir de las experiencias y reflexiones de profesores e investigadores tras dos años de pandemia, lo cual nos permite ofrecer un acercamiento a la nueva realidad educativa de nuestro país y, a al mismo tiempo, nos proporciona herramientas útiles ante los desafíos que se avecinan en la etapa DOI:

Educación 4.0 en la época de pandemia y pospandemia : retos y oportunidades

Book Description

El libro que aquí se presenta Educación 4.0 en la época de Pandemia y Pospandemia: retos y oportunidades representa un esfuerzo consistente y pertinente que expone lecciones, aprendizajes y áreas de oportunidad que tienen las organizaciones de educación superior a partir del uso generalizado de tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (tic), durante y posterior a la pandemia por COVID-19. Esta obra está dirigida a los docentes y actores involucrados en los procesos educativos, pues no es conveniente dar vuelta a la hoja y retomar las antiguas prácticas presenciales y tradicionales después de todo el aprendizaje acumulado que se gestó durante esta etapa de contingencia, sino que estas experiencias nos conduzcan hacia escenarios de la Educación 4.0, indispensable para la conformación de ciudadanos del México del siglo XXI. DOI:

New Perspectives in Teaching and Learning With ICTs in Global Higher Education Systems

Book Description

New Perspectives in Teaching and Learning With ICTs in Global Higher Education Systems addresses the challenges faced by higher education systems worldwide in adapting to new technologies and incorporating them into teaching and learning methodologies. The book offers solutions for educators and students by emphasizing the significance of creating inclusive learning environments that support diverse learners, adapting teaching methodologies accordingly, and integrating technology into higher education. The book's research focuses on new pedagogical methodologies and approaches that can be utilized to engage students and improve their learning outcomes. It also highlights the role of the modern lecturer in new teaching and learning contexts that utilize ICTs and emphasizes the need for educators to adapt their teaching approaches to meet the changing needs of today's learners. This book is an essential resource for educators, policy makers, and researchers seeking to stay up to date with the latest trends and approaches in higher education and ICTs.

Technological Innovations for Business, Education and Sustainability

Book Description

Fulfilling a growing need for aligning business strategy and educational curriculums with the evolving skills required for business workplaces, this book presents a thorough understanding of how business, education and technology can enable current and future leaders to contribute positively to digital transformation across the globe.

Inclusive Pedagogical Practices Amidst a Global Pandemic

Book Description

This book addresses the current issues of inclusive education during the time of the global pandemic of COVID-19. It offers inclusive pedagogical strategies and approaches for teachers and instructors to cater for the diverse learning needs of children in the midst of the pandemic. The work explores different ways in which students in different contexts across the globe are being accommodated and shows how inclusion is being implemented. It draws on a range of theoretical frameworks and research projects to provide multiple perspectives on inclusive pedagogical practices.

Primary and Secondary Education During Covid-19

Book Description

This open access edited volume is a comparative effort to discern the short-term educational impact of the covid-19 pandemic on students, teachers and systems in Brazil, Chile, Finland, Japan, Mexico, Norway, Portugal, Russia, Singapore, Spain, South Africa, the United Kingdom and the United States. One of the first academic comparative studies of the educational impact of the pandemic, the book explains how the interruption of in person instruction and the variable efficacy of alternative forms of education caused learning loss and disengagement with learning, especially for disadvantaged students. Other direct and indirect impacts of the pandemic diminished the ability of families to support children and youth in their education. For students, as well as for teachers and school staff, these included the economic shocks experienced by families, in some cases leading to food insecurity and in many more causing stress and anxiety and impacting mental health. Opportunity to learn was also diminished by the shocks and trauma experienced by those with a close relative infected by the virus, and by the constrains on learning resulting from students having to learn at home, where the demands of schoolwork had to be negotiated with other family necessities, often sharing limited space. Furthermore, the prolonged stress caused by the uncertainty over the resolution of the pandemic and resulting from the knowledge that anyone could be infected and potentially lose their lives, created a traumatic context for many that undermined the necessary focus and dedication to schoolwork. These individual effects were reinforced by community effects, particularly for students and teachers living in communities where the multifaceted negative impacts resulting from the pandemic were pervasive. This is an open access book.

Trends in Artificial Intelligence and Computer Engineering

Book Description

This book constitutes the proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Advances in Emerging Trends and Technologies (ICAETT 2022), held in Riobamba, Ecuador, on 26–28 October 2022, proudly organized by Facultad de Informática y Electrónica (FIE) at Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo and supported by GDEON. ICAETT 2022 brings together top researchers and practitioners working in different domains of computer science to share their expertise and to discuss future developments and potential collaborations. Presenting high-quality, peer-reviewed papers, the book discusses the following topics: ● Artificial intelligence ● Communications ● e-Learning ● AT for engineering applications ● Security ● Technology trends

Proceedings of 7th ASRES International Conference on Intelligent Technologies

Book Description

This book gathers the proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Intelligent Technologies (ICIT 2022) held on December 16-18, 2022, at the University of Pembangunan Jaya, Jakarta, Indonesia. The respective contributions from industrial practitioners and researchers present advanced studies related to application of intelligent technologies in various fields of research industry and society. This includes applications in variety of fields such as computational intelligence, data science and engineering, communication and networking, signal and image processing, electrical devices, circuits systems, robotics, instrumentation, automation, biomedical, and health care.