Convivir en Igualdad. Prevención de Violencia Masculina Hacia Las Mujeres en Todas Las Etapas Educativas

Book Description

La Coeducación promueve nuevos valores para erradicar la desigualdad sexista y la injusticia que supone hacia las mujeres. Propone construir identidades personales, dese las que se pueda compartir la autoridad y el cuidado, que repudien la desigualdad sexista y el corporativismo masculino, que cultiven el desarrollo y la autonomía personal en solidaridad, que se comprometan con los Derechos de la Humanidad.

Derechos Humanos Y Convivencia Escolar

Book Description

Trabajar la convivencia desde un enfoque de derechos humanos en las instituciones educativas es importante; si bien, tenemos que saber cómo hacerlo. No basta sólo con que nos indiquen las problemáticas que existen sino aprender estrategias concretas que nos lleven a generar una cultura de paz, una verdadera educación intercultural y de igualdad. Las personas dedicadas a la educación necesitan claves que puedan llevar a cabo en su día a día, que les resulten prácticas para dar respuesta a las diferentes situaciones que se presentan en los centros educativos. Esta obra nos enseña claves, estrategias, reflexiones que nos van a ayudar a promover la igualdad, la cultura de paz, la educación intercultural, la coeducación y educar para la sostenibilidad. Del mismo modo, nos enseña claves de éxito desde la inteligencia emocional y la resiliencia, cómo educar para la participación comunitaria escolar y un modelo integrado de gestión entre la familia y el centro educativo.

Education and Development in Central America and the Latin Caribbean

Book Description

Rooted in an international political economy theoretical framework, this book provides unique insights into the global forces and local responses that are shaping education systems in Central America and the Latin Caribbean (CALC). The book covers all Spanish-speaking countries of the CALC region and examines the effects of macro-economic pressures, geopolitical intervention, neo-colonial relationships, global pandemics, transnational gang networks, and the influence of international organizations. Chapters analyse the challenges and opportunities these global forces present to education systems in the region as well as highlighting the local efforts to address, mitigate, and counteract them. In doing so, the book illuminates how education can contribute to either maintaining or challenging inequalities and exclusion in the face of pressures from the global to local levels.

Book Description

Global Citizenship Education in Teacher Education

Book Description

Global Citizenship Education and Teacher Education brings together scholars and practitioners from all continents to explore the role of teacher education in formulating a practice of citizenship that has a global scope and is guided by critical and emancipatory approaches. By considering educational responses to global challenges —such as global warming, rising levels of inequalities, intensification of armed conflicts, growing streams of international migration, and the impact of neoliberal policies—this book provides valuable analyses for researchers, teacher educators, and educators. The volume examines historical and conceptual issues relating to the incorporation of global citizenship education in teacher education, and presents examples from across the world that showcase main trends in research and practice from across the world. This book is of great interest to graduate and postgraduate students, researchers, and libraries in the fields of citizenship education, global education, teacher education, international and comparative education, and education policy and politics.