Education for Citizenship in Europe

Book Description

This book examines the evolving relationship between the nation-state, citizenship and the education of citizens, exploring the impact European integration had on national policies towards educating its citizens and citizenship.

Manufacturing Citizenship

Book Description

In recent years citizenship has emerged as a very important topic in the sciences, mainly as a result of the effects of migration, population displacements and cultural heterogeneity. This book focuses on educational enterprise and how it affects national ambitions, cultural preferences and political trends. It also examines the major effects of globalisation, the large-scale movements of populations, and the impact this all has in terms of education and citizenship. With contributions from an array of international scholars including Etienne Balibar, and featuring various international case studies, Manufacturing Citizenship will be extremely interesting to the education academic community as well as many readers within cultural studies and politics.

The European Union and Education for Democratic Citizenship

Book Description

The study makes an analysis of the legal framework which Member States must take into account when designing their policies on citizenship education. The Charter on Education for Democratic Citizenship and Human Rights Education of the Council of Europe and the international right to education are read in conjunction with EU law. Suitable content for the EU dimension in mainstream education is explored. A method for objective, critical and pluralistic EU learning is proposed, based on the Treaties and on case teaching (stories for critical thinking). Member States are invited to take more action to ensure quality education. The EU has the legal competence to support the EU dimension in education. In the present state of EU law, quality education is no longer conceivable without an EU dimension incorporated in various key competences. At present the author works at the implementation of the ideas developed in the book as an Affiliated Senior Researcher at Leuven University (Case4EU-project in Belgium and other EU Member States).

Citizenship Through Secondary History

Book Description

Citizenship through Secondary History reveals the potential of history to engage with citizenship education and includes: a review of the links between citizenship education and the teaching and learning of history an analysis of how citizenship education is characterised, raising key issues about what could and should be achieved a critique of the discipline and the pitfalls to avoid in teaching citizenship through history case studies offering practical teaching suggestions. History teaching is at the vanguard of citizenship education - the past is the springboard from which citizens learn to think and act. This book offers positive and direct ways to get involved in the thinking that must underpin any worthwhile citizenship education, for all professional teachers, student teachers in history, policy-makers, heads of department and principals.

A European Education

Book Description

This is the final volume of this important series on current developments and research in Europe, published in association with CiCe - the European Union Thematic Network Programme - 'Children's Identity and Citizenship in Europe'. Together they offer reflection, analysis and contextualisation of recent findings, locate these in pedagogic practice, and indicate their implications for education.In this concluding volume, the series editor pulls together and analyzes current perspectives on intercultural education and the efforts to include European citizenship education in the education of teachers. The series highlights the development of identity in the countries of Europe, which has new relevance in the developing political, demographic and social character, and will be of interest to sociologists as well as educators across Europe.

Digital citizenship education

Book Description

For information on competences required, training activities and assessment tools for education for democratic citizenship The Council of Europe has been protecting children’s digital rights, and fostering opportunities for children’s educational and cultural development in the digital environment for over a quarter of a century. Most recently it has focused on actions designed to empower children as “active digital citizens”, building on the Council of Europe framework of competences for democratic culture. The Reference framework aims to prepare citizens for “living together as equals in culturally diverse democratic societies”. In 2016, the Steering Committee for Educational Policy and Practice of the Council of Europe launched a new intergovernmental project, Digital Citizenship Education. The aim of the project is to help reshape the role education plays in enabling children and young people to acquire the competences they need to participate actively and responsibly in democratic society as digital citizens, both online and offline. This present publication is the work of the following members of the Digital Citizenship Education expert group: Pascale Raulin-Serrier (France), Alessandro Soriani (Italy), Olena Styslavska (Poland), Vitor Tomé (Portugal) and was edited by Ted Huddleston (United Kingdom).

Digital citizenship education

Book Description

Supporting children and young people to participate safely, effectively, critically and responsibly in a world filled with social media and digital technologies is a priority for educators the world over. Most young people in Europe today were born and have grown up in the digital era. Education authorities have the duty to ensure that these digital citizens are fully aware of the norms of appropriate behaviour when using constantly evolving technology and participating in digital life. Despite worldwide efforts to address such issues, there is a clear need for education authorities to take the lead on digital citizenship education and integrate it into school curricula. In 2016, the Education Department of the Council of Europe began work to develop new policy orientations and strategies to help educators face these new challenges and to empower young people by helping them to acquire the competences they need to participate actively and responsibly in digital society. This volume, the first in a Digital Citizenship Education series, reviews the existing academic and policy literature on digital citizenship education, highlighting definitions, actors and stakeholders, competence frameworks, practices, emerging trends and challenges. The inclusion of a wide selection of sources is intended to ensure sufficient coverage of what is an emergent topic that has yet to gain a strong foothold in either education or academic literature, but has received wider policy attention.

Informal Learning of Active Citizenship at School

Book Description

Active citizenship is an objective of schooling in an increasingly complex context, in which social cohesion of the multicultural society is a cause for growing societal concern. International co-operation between European countries and a growing heterogeneity of the (school) populations of most European countries have led to an increased interest in education for citizenship. The core question dealt with pertains to the role that schools can play in developing citizenship through formal and informal learning. Day-to-day school life is seen as a rich environment in which aspects of functioning in a democratic society and dynamic interplay with rules, leadership and peers with different backgrounds are experienced and form a source of learning. In this view the school context functions as a micro-cosmos to exercise “school citizenship” as a bridge to societal citizenship and state citizenship. The book brings together material from Cyprus, Denmark, England, Germany, Italy, Romania and The Netherlands.

European Citizenship--in the Process of Construction

Book Description

European citizenship is still a contested concept, bringing together two notions and therefore two different debates: one around Europe and European identity, And The other related to citizenship and non-citizenship. Europe, In an ongoing process of construction, should be shaped and defined by its citizens. Young people in particular have a special interest in and concern about what kind of Europe they want to live in. it is therefore important to reflect on how European citizenship and debates around European identity could help and empower young people to actively contribute to building Europe. The essays collected here address this issue. They present the debates and findings of the research seminar entitled "Young People and Active European Citizenship" organised by the Youth Partnership between the Council of Europe And The European Commission. European citizenship remains one of the main priorities of this partnership.

Teacher Education and the Development of Democratic Citizenship in Europe

Book Description

This book uses international collaboration between nine European countries to explore how teacher education systems across Europe perceive and act upon devolving democracy and democratic citizenship. Understanding these countries’ cultural approaches to individual and national priorities in education is essential in perceiving similarities and differences in the meaning of ‘democracy’. The book offers debate on the prospects for teacher education and the development of democratic citizenship in Europe based on historical, political, economic and cultural contexts and the Council of Europe’s (CoE) competences for democratic citizenship. With critical analysis and evaluation around the common theme of teacher education and its role in developing democratic citizenship, the book provides awareness and understanding of how teacher education responds to the Council of Europe’s (CoE) conceptual model of competences for democratic culture. 20 competences categorized as Values, Attitudes, Skills, and Knowledge and Critical Understanding are defined so they can be taught to enable learners to practice them in their daily lives as democratic citizens. This book will be of key interest to academics, researchers and post-graduate students in the fields of teacher education, educational policy and politics, and citizenship education.