Educational Research and Innovation Back to the Future of Education Four OECD Scenarios for Schooling

Book Description

Inspired by the ground-breaking 2001 Schooling for Tomorrow scenarios, this book provides a set of scenarios on the future of schooling, showing not a single path into the future, but many. Using these scenarios can help us identify the opportunities and challenges that these futures could hold for schooling and education more broadly. We can then use those ideas to help us better prepare and act now.

Back to the Future of Education

Book Description

Back to the Future of Education

Book Description

Close your eyes for a second and think of something that happened over the last 20 years and you would have never expected to occur. Be it the pandemic, smart phones or something else, the truth is that the future likes to surprise us. Our world is in a perpetual state of change. There are always multiple versions of the future--some are assumptions, others hopes and fears. To prepare, we have to consider not only the changes that appear most probable, but also the ones that we aren't expecting. Inspired by the ground-breaking 2001 Schooling for Tomorrow scenarios, this book provides a set of scenarios on the future of schooling, showing not a single path into the future, but many. Using these scenarios can help us identify the opportunities and challenges that these futures could hold for schooling and education more broadly. We can then use those ideas to help us better prepare and act now. Whether parents or students, teachers or educational leaders, researchers or policy makers, this book has been written for all those who want to think about futures that haven't occurred to play their part in shaping the future that will.

Schooling for Tomorrow Think Scenarios, Rethink Education

Book Description

Discusses how to develop scenarios to address the longer-term challenges confronting education policy and practice.

Schooling for Tomorrow What Schools for the Future?

Book Description

Drawing on an extensive international body of statistical and research evidence, the book analyses the social, economic, and educational trends of the 21st century. It also presents six possible scenarios for school systems over the next 10-20 years.

Education Futures for School Leadership

Book Description

Education Futures for School Leadership is a comprehensive resource to support school leaders as they encounter the growing complexity and uncertainties that characterize life in schools today. Moving beyond conventional change management literature, this book invites current and aspiring school leaders to apply the interdisciplinary tools of futures studies and strategic foresight to their work. Given our shared global challenges, young people deserve schools that are agile, adaptive, and responsive to many possible futures. Driven by the imperatives of equity and inclusion, the authors provide practical, evidence-informed strategies, real-world examples, and use cases of futures thinking applied to school staff development and change strategies. Each chapter engages with key educational realities: differentiating instructional planning and assessment, the impacts of artificial intelligence and other technologies, the growing psycho-social issues young people are facing, and more. Informed by years of international collaboration with forward-thinking school leaders and scholars, this book is both a field guide and a call to action for navigating the influence of the future on our present moment and the challenges and promises shaping school life today.

Educational Research and Innovation Education in the Digital Age Healthy and Happy Children

Book Description

The COVID-19 pandemic was a forceful reminder that education plays an important role in delivering not just academic learning, but also in supporting physical and emotional well-being. Balancing traditional “book learning” with broader social and personal development means new roles for schools and education more generally.

Educational Assessment in a Changing World

Book Description

This timely book takes stock of the wide range of developments in society, education and assessment and offers conclusions and strategies that are necessary for the future of educational assessment. Drawing on examples from the UK, Europe and USA, the book will dissect cultural, political, psychological and ideological ideas on society, education and assessment and foreground pressing issues relating to artificial intelligence, social justice and climate change. Acknowledging its predominantly Western perspective and providing context on the evolution of educational assessment, the book will bridge the gap between theory and practice to progress debate and discourse on creating a culture of assessment fit for the future and rethinking strategies for the path ahead. Ultimately, the book will provide insights and key takeaways for the field of educational assessment along with an evidence-based agenda that will be relevant for education professionals, the assessment industry and policymakers interested in higher education, international and comparative education and testing.

What Schools for the Future?

Book Description

On cover: Schooling for tomorrow/ Education and skills.