Educators' Perceptions of a New Teacher Evaluation System in One School District

Book Description

This case study investigated the impact of a new system of teacher supervision and evaluation in one suburban PK-12 school district. The study was conducted in two phases to analyze the perceptions of teachers and supervisors regarding the implementation of the new differentiated system and its impact on professional growth and the improvement of instruction.

Teachers' and Administrators' Perceptions of a New Multi-measure Teacher Evaluation System in One Large Urban School District in Texas

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The No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act, and Obama‘s Race to the Top (2009) policy charged districts with increasing academic achievement by improving teacher quality. The problem of teacher quality has plagued the public school system for decades. Stronge and Hindman (2005) suggest, we can greatly improve student achievement if we come to an understanding of what constitutes an effective teacher and then seek out those qualities and behaviors (p. 49). Districts are now compelled to take a closer look at teacher evaluation systems in order to measure teacher quality and effectiveness. Evaluation systems provide the impetus for informing teacher practice, as well as, potentially driving future staff development (Education, 2009). Many states are now requiring teacher ratings to be based on multiple measures of performance, with many states and districts electing to establish performance pay incentive parameters for meeting specific goals (Doherty & Jacobs, 2013). In the backdrop of this transitional educational landscape, at least one large urban school district in Texas embarked upon a project to improve its teacher evaluation system. The 2012-2013 school year marked the deployment of this district‘s newly implemented teacher evaluation system. This newly implemented teacher evaluation system aimed to address both teacher effectiveness and student growth. The purpose of this program evaluation was to: 1) examine teachers‘ and administrators‘ perceptions of the newly implemented teacher evaluation system within a large urban school district and its influence on instructional planning, classroom instruction and professional practice; 2) examine teachers‘ and administrators‘ perceptions regarding the training they received with the newly implemented evaluation system; and, 3) explore teachers‘ and administrators‘ perceptions regarding the newly implemented teacher evaluation system being tied to performance pay. A purposeful sampling of sixteen teachers and five principals from low-performing and high-performing elementary, middle, and high schools within one large urban school district were selected as participants for this study to gain multiple perspectives from teachers and administrators across various contexts. Participants were part of one of the district‘s feeder pattern schools who participated in the pilot year of implementation. Three teacher focus groups were conducted, and each of the five principals were interviewed one-on-one using semi-structured interviews. Transcribed audio recordings from principal interviews and teacher focus groups were coded inductively (Creswell, 2002) and analyzed for emerging themes using the constant comparison method (Glaser and Strauss,1967). Findings revealed teachers and administrators perceived the newly implemented teacher evaluation system to positively influence instructional planning by providing the focus and structure embedded in the Danielson‘s Framework for Teaching and assisting teachers in refining pedagogy. Additionally, both teachers and administrators reported the evaluation system influenced classroom instruction by promoting increased levels of student engagement and moving teachers from teacher-directed instruction to student-driven learning. Findings also revealed the evaluation system provides teachers and administrators opportunities for reflective practice through increased dialog and strengthened relationships. The teachers and administrators perceived some of the training to be overwhelming and confusing due to the large amount of content given at once. Lastly, findings revealed teachers and administrators question the fairness of tying student growth measures to teacher performance pay, and they are unclear about the process for determining teacher performance pay. Implications and recommendations for districts planning to implement new evaluation systems are included in this study. The recommendations include: developing a clear set of teaching standards rooted in best practices for effective teaching when adopting a new teacher evaluation system; assuring the evaluation process encourages frequent observations, goal setting, action planning, and teacher and administrator reflections to promote reflective and improved practice, increased dialog, and strengthened relationships; assuring district leadership across all levels are well-informed regarding the newly implemented teacher evaluation system and are equipped to explain processes and address concerns; forming a district-wide core training team to deliver district-wide professional development rather than relying solely on campus administrators to deliver turn-around training to teachers and other campus level administrators; and, scaffolding training in smaller segments to allow adult learners to synthesis and process information more deeply.

Designing Teacher Evaluation Systems

Book Description

WHAT IS EFFECTIVE TEACHING? It’s not enough to say “I know it when I see it” – not when we’re expecting so much more from students and teachers than in the past. To help teachers achieve greater success with their students we need new and better ways to identify and develop effective teaching. The Measures of Effective Teaching (MET) project represents a groundbreaking effort to find out what works in the classroom. With funding by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the MET project brought together leading academics, education groups, and 3,000 teachers to study teaching and learning from every angle. Its reports on student surveys, observations, and other measures have shaped policy and practice at multiple levels. This book shares the latest lessons from the MET project. With 15 original studies, some of the field’s most preeminent experts tap the MET project’s unprecedented collection of data to offer new insights on evaluation methods and the current state of teaching in our schools. As feedback and evaluation methods evolve rapidly across the country, Designing Teacher Evaluation Systems is a must read and timely resource for those working on this critical task. PRAISE FOR DESIGNING TEACHER EVALUATION SYSTEMS “This book brings together an all-star team to provide true data-driven, policy-relevant guidance for improving teaching and learning. From student achievement to student perceptions, from teacher knowledge to teacher practices, the authors address key issues surrounding the elements of a comprehensive teacher evaluation and improvement system. Highly recommended for anyone seriously interested in reform.” —PETE GOLDSCHMIDT, Assistant Secretary, New Mexico Public Education Department “This book is an invaluable resource for district and state leaders who are looking to develop growth and performance systems that capture the complexity of teaching and provide educators with the feedback needed to develop in their profession.” —TOM BOASBERG, Superintendent, Denver Public Schools “A rare example of practical questions driving top quality research and a must read for anyone interested in improving the quality of teaching.” —ROBERT C. GRANGER, Former President (Ret.), The William T. Grant Foundation “This will be the ‘go to’ source in years to come for those involved in rethinking how teachers will be evaluated and how evaluation can and should be used to increase teacher effectiveness. The superb panel of contributors to this book presents work that is incisive, informative, and accessible, providing a real service to the national efforts around teacher evaluation reform.” —JOHN H. TYLER, Professor of Education, Brown University

Teacher Evaluation in Practice

Book Description

As part of UChicago CCSR's ongoing study of Chicago Public Schools' new teacher evaluation system, this report looks at teacher and principal perceptions in the second year of implementation. It finds teachers and principals remain positive about the new evaluation system, though less so than in Year 1. This brief, a continuation of the work that began in Teacher Evaluation in Practice: Implementing Chicago's REACH Students, draws on survey data from more than 19,000 teachers and nearly 800 principals and assistant principals to measure their views of REACH (Recognizing Educators Advancing Chicago's Students). REACH replaced the previous checklist system, which rated nearly all teachers as excellent or superior and failed to provide much useful feedback for improving teacher practice.

Investigating a Teacher Evaluation System

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Increasing public criticism of traditional teacher evaluation systems based largely on classroom observations has spurred an unprecedented shift in the debate surrounding educational accountability policies, specifically about the purposes for and measures used to evaluate teachers. In response to growing public demand and associated federal mandates, states have been prompted to design and implement teacher evaluation systems that use increasingly available, statistically complex models (i.e., value-added) intended to isolate and measure the effects of individual teachers on student academic growth over time. The purpose of this study was to examine the perceptions of school administrators and teachers within one of the largest school districts in the state of Arizona with regards to the design and implementation of a federally-supported, state policy-directed teacher evaluation system based on professional practice and value-added measures. While much research has been conducted on teacher evaluation, few studies have examined teacher evaluation systems in context to better understand the standards of effectiveness used by school administrators and teachers to measure system effectiveness. The perceptions of school administrators and teachers, considering their lived experiences as the subjects of the nation's new and improved teacher evaluation systems in context, must be better understood if state and federal policymakers are to also better recognize and understand the consequences (intended and unintended) associated with the design and implementation of these systems in practice.

Everyone at the Table

Book Description

A proven method for working with teachers to design better evaluations There is no magic formula for successfully designing a teacher evaluation system. However there is abundant evidence that suggests involving teachers in the process will reduce the likelihood of opposition, gridlock, and reform failure. Everyone at the Table provides materials to genuinely engage teachers in the evaluation process. The book is a research-based and field-tested practical guide for school leaders. With this resource, educators will have the tools they need to develop meaningful teacher evaluations. Offers a collaborative approach to designing teacher evaluations Includes a companion web-based resource, with video This research-based program outlines a solid plan for improving teacher effectiveness through evaluation reform.

Teacher and Principal Perceptions of a New Evaluation Program for Teachers

Book Description

The ability to evaluate teachers accurately is indispensable for both the development of effective teachers and for student achievement. In this era of accountability, it is important school districts develop evaluation systems that comply with the propriety, utility, feasibility, and accuracy standards of the Joint Committee on Standards for Educational Evaluations. This study focused on a process evaluation of a new teacher evaluation program. While previous studies have been conducted from the teachers or the evaluators perspectives, this study examined both perspectives. More than 1,500 teachers and 41 principals were invited to complete an online instrument modified from surveys conducted by Hopkins and Stronge. Of concern to the teachers and principals was the accuracy of the new evaluation program, they did not see the value and validity of using SLOs to improve teaching practices to increase learning, and teachers slightly favored using the professional practices component more than the SLO component of the evaluation. Using SLO data in teacher evaluation is an unknown dynamic for teachers; therefore, school administrators need to understand how teachers perceive this change as it relates to teacher support of the new evaluation process. If districts are to safeguard the fidelity, implementation, and sustainability of new evaluation programs for teachers, districts must acknowledge the influence teacher perceptions have on endorsing implementation efforts toward change. Teachers' perceptions toward adjusting instructional practices to align with the standards and criteria of new evaluation programs can either hinder or ensure program implementation.

Teacher Evaluation

Book Description

Teacher Evaluation: Guide to Professional Practice is organized around four dominant, interrelated core issues: professional standards, a guide to applying the Joint Committee's Standards, ten alternative models for the evaluation of teacher performance, and an analysis of these selected models. The book draws heavily on research and development conducted by the Federally funded national Center for Research on Educational Accountability and Teacher Evaluation (CREATE). The reader will come to grasp the essence of sound teacher evaluation and will be able to apply its principles, facts, ideas, processes, and procedures. Finally, the book invites and assists school professionals and other readers to examine the latest developments in teacher evaluation.


Book Description

Since the introduction of the Race to the Top initiative in 2009, many states and school districts have rapidly modified their teacher evaluation models in order to hold teachers accountable for student learning and meet federal mandates. Through evaluative feedback and professional learning, the intended outcome in many districts is improved instructional practices by ensuring quality teachers in every classroom. Due to these changes, this phenomenological study sought to understand how teachers experience a reformed evaluation system and their perception of changes in their practice as a result of teacher evaluation. This study found that while teachers have varying experiences with reformed teacher evaluation within one school district, there are components of evaluation that lead to teacher change in practice. Teachers desire feedback that helps them reflect on their practice or try something new in their classroom. By setting a meaningful annual goal for their evaluation, teachers had a focal point for the year and something to work towards which often lead them to refine or make changes to their instruction. Through a survey and teacher interviews, this study contributes to the academic literature by demonstrating that teacher evaluation can result in more than simply accountability; it has the potential to bring about change for teachers if the right conditions are in place through the evaluation process.