Reaching the Marginalized

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Children at risk of marginalization in education are found in all societies. At first glance, The lives of these children may appear poles apart. The daily experiences of slum dwellers in Kenya, ethnic minority children in Viet Nam and a Roma child in Hungary are very different. What they have in common are missed opportunities to develop their potential, realize their hopes and build a better future through education.A decade has passed since world leaders adopted the Education for All goals. While progress has been made, millions of children are still missing out on their right to education. Reaching the marginalized identifies some of the root causes of disadvantage, both within education and beyond, and provides examples of targeted policies and practices that successfully combat exclusion. Set against the backdrop of the global economic crisis, The Report calls for a renewed financing commitment by aid donors and recipient governments alike to meet the Education for All goals by 2015.This is the eighth edition of the annual EFA Global Monitoring Report. The Report includes statistical indicators on all levels of education in more than 200 countries and territories.

The Hidden Crisis

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When wars break out, international attention and media reporting invariably focus on the most immediate images of human suffering. Yet behind these images is a hidden crisis. Across many of the world's poorest countries, armed conflict is destroying not just school infrastructure, but the hopes and ambitions of generations of children. The hidden crisis: Armed conflict and education documents the devastating effects of armed conflict on education. It examines the widespread human rights abuses keeping children out of school. The Report challenges an international aid system that is failing conflict-affected states, with damaging consequences for education. It warns that schools are often used to transmit intolerance, prejudice and social injustice. This ninth edition of the Education for All Global Monitoring Report calls on governments to demonstrate greater resolve in combating the culture of impunity surrounding attacks on schoolchildren and schools. It sets out an agenda for fixing the International aid architecture. And it identifies strategies for strengthening the role of education in peacebuilding. The Report includes statistical indicators on all levels of education in more than 200 countries and territories. It serves as an authoritative reference for education policy-makers, development specialists, researchers and the media

Fixing the Broken Promise of Education for All

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Fixing the Broken Promise of Education for All, published by the UNESCO Institute for Statistics and UNICEF, presents the latest statistical evidence from administrative records and household surveys to better identify children who are out of school and the reasons for their exclusion from education. It aims to inform the policies needed to reach these children and finally deliver the promise of Education for All. Based on a series of national and regional studies and policy analysis by leading experts, the report explains why better data and cross-sector collaboration are fundamental to the design of effective interventions to overcome the barriers facing out-of-school children and adolescents. While highlighting the way forward for system-wide policies to improve educational quality and affordability, the report also presents the information needed for targeted approaches to address the compounding effects of disadvantage faced by children caught up in armed conflict, girls, working children, children with disabilities, or members of ethnic or linguistic minorities. This report presents a roadmap to improve the data, research and policies needed to catalyse action for out-of-school children as the world embarks on a new development agenda for education.

EFA Global Monitoring Report – 2013–2014 – Teaching and Learning Achieving quality for all

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The 2013/2014 Education for All Global Monitoring Report shows that a lack of attention to education quality and a failure to reach the marginalized have contributed to a learning crisis that needs urgent attention. Worldwide, 250 million children many of them from disadvantaged backgrounds are not learning the basics. Teaching and Learning: Achieving Quality for All describes how policy-makers can support and sustain a quality education system for all children, regardless of background, by providing the best teachers. The Report also documents global progress in achieving Education for All goals and provides lessons for setting a new education agenda post-2015. In addition, the Report identifies that insufficient financing is hindering advances in education.

Global Monitoring Report 2014/2015

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The Global Monitoring Report 2014/2015: Ending Poverty and Sharing Prosperity was written jointly by the World Bank Group (WBG) and the International Monetary Fund, with substantive inputs from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. This year's report details, for the first time, progress toward the WBG's twin goals of ending extreme poverty by 2030 and promoting shared prosperity and assesses the state of policies and institutions that are important for achieving them. The report continues to monitor progress on the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Also for the first time, the report includes information about high-income countries. It finds that while gaps in living standards have been closing in many countries, the well-being of households in the bottom 40 percent, as measured by the non-income MDGs such as access to education and health services, remains below that of households in the top 60 percent. The focus of this year's report is on three elements needed to make growth more inclusive and sustainable: investment in human capital that favors the poor, the best use of safety nets, and steps to ensure the environmental sustainability of economic growth. These three elements are imperative to all countries' development strategies, and are also fundamental to global efforts to achieve the twin goals, the MDGs, and the Sustainable Development Goals that will succeed the MDGs. Global Monitoring Report 2014/2015 was prepared in collaboration with regional development banks and other multilateral partners.

Quality of Secondary Education. A Case Study of Tripura

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The definition of quality education depends upon the subject’s perspective. For example, for the students it may stand for the facilities provided to them; for parents it may be the learning outcomes; for teachers it may be the improvement of teaching learning processes; for prospective employers it may be the nature of the output. Secondary education takes a vital part in the formation of active citizens and also plays a critical role in addressing the emerging human development concerns in countries engaged in building knowledge societies to stay connected to the process of globalization. The role of secondary education in the growth of a nation is paramount and significant, more particularly in developing countries. Secondary education is the single largest supplier of labour force in most of the developing countries, including India. In view of the relation between education and economic growth in a less developed state like India, it is not the highly sophisticated manpower but the middle level (secondary) manpower that is necessary for enhancing the economic growth. This study deals with secondary education in Tripura, India. Academicians, researchers and students who are interested in studying secondary education in general and secondary education of Tripura in particular are the target group of this book which will surely help them to understand the problem of quality secondary education in India.

Citizenship Education in Commonwealth Countries

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Assesses the role that citizenship education can play in developing respect and understanding. It outlines the concept of citizenship, its multiple orientations and the complexities of promoting political visions through education.

Purposeful Teaching and Learning in Diverse Contexts

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Teachers have faced serious public critique regarding their effectiveness and professionalism in classrooms. At every level, their work is often measured solely against student achievement outcomes, often on standardized tests (Darling-Hammond & Youngs, 2002; Ravitch, 2010). Unfortunately, students who are coming from culturally, economically, and linguistically diverse backgrounds are often occupying the bottom rungs regarding academic achievement (Ladson-Billings, 1995; Milner,2010; Hucks, 2014). What are the obstacles and challenges teachers and students face in their respective school settings and how do they grapple with and overcome them? Finally, what do these teachers and students know that motivates and informs their work? The scholars in this volume will take up these questions and share the findings of their research in the field of leadership, teacher education, and achievement. These concerns are not limited to the geographic boundaries of the United States of America. Engaging purposeful teaching is an imperative that concerns students, teachers, teacher educators, educational leaders, and education policy makers around the globe. There are many educators worldwide who are committed to delivering this type of teaching and promoting learning that is engaged and active. The four sections of the book capture the work of educators in teaching in diverse global settings such as the Australia, United Kingdom, Jamaica, Turkey, and across America. As diverse populations of students enter American classrooms, it is important for their teachers to have relatable examples of purposeful teaching that are culturally responsive and culturally relevant.