Impact of the 65 Mph Speed Limit on Virginia's Rural Interstate Highways, 1989-1992

Book Description

In April of 1987, Congress passed the Surface Transportation and Uniform Relocation Assistance Act (STURAA), which permitted states to raise their maximum speed limit on rural interstate highways to 65 mph. Virginia's 65 mph speed limit went into effect on July 1, 1988, for passenger vehicles and on July 1, 1989, for commercial buses. This is the final report in a series to examine the 65 mph speed limit in Virginia, and it summarizes Virginia's experience with the 65 mph speed limit from 1989 through 1992. Following the implementation of the 65 mph speed limit, average and 85th percentile speeds increased on Virginia's rural interstates, and fatal crashes and fatalities increased significantly. On Virginia's urban interstates, on which the speed limit remained at 55 mph, there was a smaller increase in average and 85th percentile speeds, but there was a slight, nonsignificant decrease in fatal crashes and fatalities. Absolute numbers of fatal crashes and fatalities were used in this analysis rather than rates because traffic volume increases on interstates are averaged for both rural and urban systems. Thus, if volumes increased more on rural interstates, comparisons of relative rates would be misleading. The data in this report clearly show that speeds, fatal crashes, and fatalities increased on Virginia's rural interstates after the implementation of the 65 mph speed limit. However, these increases appear to have plateaued in the last two years of the study. Reports from other states and from national studies reflect a general increase in travel speeds and fatal crashes on rural interstates, but there is conflicting evidence on whether the 65 mph speed limit is the cause. Likewise, there is conflicting evidence concerning whether differential speed limits for trucks and cars have had an impact on the frequency of crashes in states maintaining such differential limits.

Safety and Operational Impacts of Raising the Speed Limit to 65 Mph

Book Description

Arizona's experience, with the 65 mile per hour speed limit is presented in terms of driver behavior and accident experience. The speed limit on Arizona's rural Interstate was raised to 65 miles per hour on April 15, 1987. Driver behavior is presented in terms of the speeds which motorists actually drive on the rural Interstate. Before and after data are presented from the last quarter of 1983 through the first quarter of 1988 Vehicle speeds increased by only about three miles per hour or less during the four quarters following the speed limit increase. A five year history of Interstate accident data --1983 through Spring 1988 is presented which provides a before and after comparison. Total accidents, fatal accidents, and injury accidents information is presented. Accident rate information is presented to account for the effect of increasing vehicle miles of travel. Accident data on the urban Interstate are presented for comparison purposes.

Effects of the 55 Mph Speed Limit

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