Ab Initio Leading Order Effective Interactions for Scattering of Nucleons from Light Nuclei

Book Description

The first complete ab initio leading-order effective interactions for protons or neutrons on light spin-0 nuclei are presented. The technological advances leading to this result are described in detail starting with the nonlocal momentum distributions created from No Core Shell Model (NCSM) reduced matrix elements. The effective potential is calculated using the leading-order of the multiple scattering approach with the NN amplitudes expressed in terms of Wolfenstein amplitudes. In order for the effective interaction to be ab initio, the complete NN interaction enters both the reaction as well as the structure calculation on equal footing. Elastic scattering amplitudes for this work are mostly limited 100 to 200 MeV projectile kinetic energy to be consistent with a leading-order calculation. This work for the first time takes into account the spin of the struck target nucleon in a realistic calculation. Elastic scattering observables for closed-shell nuclei 4He and 16O are given along with a comparison to previous assumptions that neglect the spin of the struck nucleon. The same observables for open-shell nuclei 12C, 6He, and 8He are presented with the same comparison. It is found that the difference between a complete ab initio calculation and one that neglects the spin of the struck nucleon is small for nuclei that have equal numbers of protons and neutrons. For nuclei with N , Z, the effect of the spin from the struck nucleon is energy dependent and significant at lower energies. The quality of the first leading-order ab initio effective interaction calculation to predict scattering observables is found to be good for the studied range of energies and nuclei and for the NN interaction chosen for this work.

Theoretical Nuclear Structure Studies for Light Nuclei

Book Description

Three areas of nuclear structure calculations are described for light nuclei. Effective N-N interactions were computed using both the potential and phase-shift method. A doubly self-consistent Hartree-Fock calculation was performed using the computed effective interactions. No significant improvement was obtained for the binding energy per nucleon. The effective Hamilton formalism for a truncated space was examined and instabilities in the method was observed. (Author).

Themes In Strong Interactions - Proceedings Of The 12th Annual Hugs At Cebaf

Book Description

This volume contains the lectures presented at the 12th Annual Hampton University Graduate Studies at the Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility (HUGS at CEBAF), which took place at Jefferson Lab and Hampton University from June 2nd to June 20th, 1997. It reflects the current quest for understanding strong interaction physics in the nonperturbative regime and its connections with the fundamental theory of the strong interactions, i.e. QCD. This quest is shaping current theoretical and experimental efforts in nuclear physics, as manifested by the experimental programs at Jefferson Lab and other facilities, and theoretical approaches that keep a rigorous connection with QCD, such as the method of chiral Lagrangians.

Effective Interactions and Operators in Nuclei Within the No-Core Shell Model

Book Description

We review the application of effective operator formalism to the ab initio no core shell model (NCSM). For short-range operators, such as the nucleon-nucleon potential, the unitary-transformation method works extremely well at the two-body cluster approximation and good results are obtained for the binding energies and excitation spectra of light nuclei (A {