Effects of Fluid Mud on Bottom Boundary Layer Dynamics and Sediment Fluxes at Mudflats

Book Description

The scientific goal of this project is to understand the effects of spatial and temporal variability of estuarine circulation and sediment fluxes on the morphodynamics of intertidal mudflats. The methodological goal is to develop reliable predictive tools and sensing techniques that document the hydrodynamics, sediment/substance transport and morphodynamics at mudflats. Specific Objectives of this study: In FY07, we have participated and assisted in the planning of the tidal mud flats field experiment. We have actively attended the research project meetings in order to share our research ideas and coordinate our resources with the overall DRI team. Our specific objectives of this project are: 1) to understand the effects of mud suspension on flow energy dissipation at the bottom boundary layer, on the bottom stress, and consequently on the mud transport itself; 2) to develop appropriate parameterizations of the bottom drag coefficient for estuarine/mudflat hydrodynamic models; and 3) to understand the mechanisms for the direction and magnitude of sediment transport at mudflats in response to hydrodynamic forcing at intratidal (ebb-flood) timescales and at fortnightly (spring-neap) timescales.

Fluid Mud and Water Waves

Book Description

Oceanic Abstracts

Book Description

Turbulence-resolving Numerical Investigations of Coastal Bottom Boundary Layer and Fine Sediment Transport

Book Description

The bottom boundary layer in coastal ocean is of intrinsic scientific importance in many disciplines, serving as the near-bed passage where many benthic transport processes occur and it is a vital bridge connecting the wave propagation, currents and upper ocean processes with the seafloor. The present work focuses on the fluid dynamics in coastal bottom boundary layer (CBBL) and the associated sediment transport process using the technique of turbulence-resolving numerical simulation (TRNS). Particularly, we are interested in the entrainment, suspension and transport of fine sediment in the wave bottom boundary layer (WBBL) driven by surface gravity waves.

Coastal Bottom Boundary Layers And Sediment Transport

Book Description

This book is intended as a useful handbook for professionals and researchers in the areas of Physical Oceanography, Marine Geology, Coastal Geomorphology and Coastal Engineering and as a text for graduate students in these fields. With its emphasis on boundary layer flow and basic sediment transport modelling, it is meant to help fill the gap between general hydrodynamic texts and descriptive texts on marine and coastal sedimentary processes. The book commences with a review of coastal bottom boundary layer flows including the boundary layer interaction between waves and steady currents. The concept of eddy viscosity for these flows is discussed in depth because of its relation to sediment diffusivity. The quasi-steady processes of sediment transport over flat beds are discussed. Small scale coastal bedforms and the corresponding hydraulic roughness are described. The motion of suspended sand particles is studied in detail with emphasis on the possible suspension maintaining mechanisms in coastal flows. Sediment pickup functions are provided for unsteady flows. A new combined convection-diffusion model is provided for suspended sediment distributions. Different methods of sediment transport model building are presented together with some classical models.