Efficiency and Regulation in the Sanitation Sector in Brazil

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Regulation in the sanitation sector in Brazil is facing a great deal of debate regarding the government level in which conceding authority should reside and how private operators can fulfill social objectives. The main objective of this study is to show that these issues are not the crucial barriers to the development of the sector when one looks at the productivity performance of the operators. Therefore, we elaborate a detailed analysis of the productivity performance of the current structure of the sanitation sector in Brazil. In doing so, we are able to analyze how jurisdiction of operators as well as the nature of the management, either private or public, has affected performance of the current operators. Moreover, we investigate how the absence of tariff regulation has dissipated efficiencies and allowed the practice of monopolistic tariffs.

Universalization of Access to Sanitation Services and the Efficiency of Brazilian Water and Sewage Utility Companies

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The sanitation sector in Brazil has undergone important transformations in the past two decades, seeking alternatives to overcome the country's ongoing access deficit. The regulatory framework set out in 2007 strengthened regulation and established, among its regulatory objectives, the universalization of access and the efficiency of systems, which contributed to expanding investments in the sector. This article was aimed at establishing and applying a global, dynamic network efficiency assessment model for water and sewage utility companies in order to analyze not only operational efficiency but also the providers' efficiency in converting financial investments into the expansion and improvement of networks. The application of the Dynamic Network Data Envelopment Analysis model for a sample of 156 Brazilian utility companies, from 2006 to 2015, revealed low levels of overall and divisional efficiency, highlighting the importance of evaluating efficiency over time, and of considering the providers' internal structure, in order to identify inefficiencies that may compromise the achievement of regulatory objectives.

Regulation and Efficiency of Public Water and Sewer Services in Brazil

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This article analyzes the effect of the presence of sanitation regulatory agencies on the efficiency of the water supply and sewage collection services in Brazil. We used DEA covering the period from 2015 to 2019. The results indicated that both services tended to be more efficient in municipalities with concessions to private companies for at least one of the services. Conversely, we identified a tendency for lower efficiency in municipalities with the presence of regulatory agencies, an indication that the costs associated with regulation are not yet reflected in more efficient water supply and sewage collection services in Brazil.

Performance Measurement and Regulation of Network Utilities

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This book explores the important role that economic performance measurement is playing in the regulation of network utilities in many countries today. The contributors to the book - researchers from academia, regulatory agencies and consulting firms - address the use of efficiency measures in price regulation and in assessing the effects of past regulatory reforms. Industries examined include electricity supply, water supply, telecommunications and airlines, across a range of countries including the USA, UK, Norway, the Netherlands, Australia and New Zealand.

Innovation Systems and Capabilities in Developing Regions

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In today's knowledge-driven world, innovation and innovation systems have become key policy issues. However, the extent of knowledge that is available on these concepts in less developed countries is still relatively low. Much of what we know about innovation theory and systems has come from the developed countries and reflects their world view. This apparent knowledge deficit has major implications for less developed countries. Innovation Systems and Capabilities in Developing Regions adds to the growing body of knowledge on developing countries. The theoretical and empirical case studies presented here advance the notion that, while developing countries may not engage in frontier research, a critical knowledge base upon which these countries compete for global markets is emerging. There is evidence that state and non-state actors are increasingly emphasising policies that sit within the framework of national innovation systems. This book illuminates this shift in policy competence at national levels. The contributions in this volume highlight the need for thorough understanding of the role of diffusion-based innovation linked to technology transfer and acquisition. They also provide empirical evidence on the drivers, dynamics and impact of such innovation in developing economies and the constraints that apply. Contributors also document the application of the innovation system approach in developing countries as well as the build-up and diffusion of technological capabilities within innovation systems. Academics, higher level students, policy makers and practitioners involved with innovation and the economics of technical change, particularly in developing countries, will find this a valuable book.

Infrastructure Performance and Reform in Developing and Transition Economies

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"Estache, Perelman, and Trujillo review about 80 studies on electricity and gas, water and sanitation, and rail and ports (with a footnote on telecommunications) in developing countries. The main policy lesson is that there is a difference in the relevance of ownership for efficiency between utilities and transport in developing countries. In transport, private operators have tended to perform better than public operators. For utilities, ownership often does not matter as much as sometimes argued. Most cross-country studies find no statistically significant difference in efficiency scores between public and private providers. As for the country-specific studies, some do find differences in performance over time but these differences tend to matter much less than a large number of other variables. Across sectors, private operators functioning in a competitive environment or regulated under price caps or hybrid regulatory regimes tend to catch up best practice faster than public operators. There is a very strong case to push regulators in developing and transition economies toward a more systematic reliance on yardstick competition in a sector in which residual monopoly powers tend to be common. This paper--a product of the Office of the Vice President, Infrastructure Network--is part of a larger effort in the network to document the state of the sector"--World Bank web site.

Assessing managerial efficiency of brazilian water and sewage companies via data envelopment analysis

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Esta dissertação teve como objetivo principal verificar a aplicabilidade da metodologia de análise de envoltória de dados - DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis) - ao setor de saneamento, avaliando a eficiência das 71 maioresempresas prestadoras de serviços de água e esgoto no Brasil, segundo o número de ligações ativas de água. Adicionalmente, foi gerada uma ordenação das empresas segundo suas eficiências relativas e procurou-se indicar o aumento mínimo necessário, em cada tipo de produto, que as empresas consideradas ineficientes teriam que realizar para se tornarem eficientes. O trabalho apresenta um breve histórico do setor de saneamento no País, desde o início das primeiras empresas até o projeto atual de modernização. Descrevem-se também os conceitos e modelos básicos da DEA, necessários para entendimento do texto. A DEA foi aplicada aos dados do Sistema Nacional de Informações sobreSaneamento. Os resultados são interpretados buscando-se ressaltar o potencial da metodologia para obtenção de indicadores de desempenho úteis para órgãos formuladores de políticas públicas e agências de financiamento. Análisesadicionais foram feitas buscando testar a validade dos modelos, detectar a presença de economias de escala e avaliar a robustez dos resultados. Concluiu-se que a metodologia pode ser adequadamente empregada para análise do setor e auxiliar as políticas de concessão de financiamentos, oferecendo indicações iniciais para o estabelecimento de metas para melhorias.

The Governance of Regulators Driving Performance at Brazil’s National Agency for Water and Basic Sanitation

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As “market referees”, regulators contribute to the delivery of essential public utilities. Their organisational culture, behaviour, actions and governance are important factors in how they, and the sectors they oversee, perform. The OECD Performance Assessment Framework for Economic Regulators (PAFER) looks at the institutions, processes and practices that can create an organisational culture of performance and results. This report uses PAFER to assess both the internal and external governance of Brazil’s National Agency for Water and Basic Sanitation (ANA). The review offers recommendations for the regulator to build upon its strong technical reputation and good practices. It proposes an integrated set of recommendations to help ANA best fulfil its roles relating to water resource management and water-use regulation, dam safety, and water supply and sanitation.

OECD Economic Surveys: Brazil 2011

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This 2011 OECD Eocnomic Survey of Brazil examines recent economic developments, policy and prospects. It also takes a special look at investment and infrastructure.