The Feasibility of Joint Implementation

Book Description

CATRINUS J. JEPMA This volume contains the various contributions that were made during the International Conference on Joint Implementation, held near Groningen, The Netherlands, 1-3 June 1994. The conference was initiated by The Netherlands' Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and Environment -along with the Ministries of Foreign (Development Cooper ation) and Economic Affairs -and carried out under the responsibility of Foundation IDE (Groningen, The Netherlands). Its underlying idea was to bring together an international group of specialists on Joint Implementation (11) - from governments, NGOs, business and science -to discuss its feasibility of 11. The conference was timed between the 9th and 10th session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC) for a Framework Convention on Climate Change (FCCC) - which was by then considered as the most crucial phase preparing for the first Conference of Parties (CoP I; Berlin, 28 March - 7 April 1995) - in order to provide additional information or results that might serve as an input in the international negotiating process. The main purpose of the conference was, however, to sit back and have a reflection about what has now become known as 11, and evaluate from the perspective of academics, and practitioners, jointly with officials what promise the option really holds, and to evaluate under what socio-economic and political circumstances and conditions one could successfully proceed in setting out the framework for its further testing and l application.

Joint Implementation to Curb Climate Change

Book Description

This book is about joint implementation. It addresses legal, economic and institutional questions which should be taken into account in setting up joint implementation projects and in developing criteria for joint implementation under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (FCCC). First, however, before going into any detail, we shall briefly sketch the background, quoting Daniel Bodansky: 'Each year, mankind injects approximately six billion tons of carbon into the atmosphere from the burning of fossil fuels, as well as a substantial (although still uncertain) amount from deforestation. Since the advent of the industrial revolution, atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide have risen by more than twenty five percent, from 280 to more than 350 parts per million. Scientists estimate that if current patterns of emissions continue unchecked, the increasing concentrations of carbon dioxide, together with parallel increases in other trace gases such as methane and nitrous oxide, will cause an average global warming in the range of 0. 2 to 0. 5 °C per decade, or 2 to 5 oc by the end of the next century. Such a temperature rise, more rapid than at any time in human history, could have severe effects on coastal areas, agriculture, forests 1 and human health. ' In recent years there has been growing awareness of the extent of the damage done to the world's environment through unsustainable patterns of development.