Theory of Transport Properties of Semiconductor Nanostructures

Book Description

Recent advances in the fabrication of semiconductors have created almost un limited possibilities to design structures on a nanometre scale with extraordinary electronic and optoelectronic properties. The theoretical understanding of elec trical transport in such nanostructures is of utmost importance for future device applications. This represents a challenging issue of today's basic research since it requires advanced theoretical techniques to cope with the quantum limit of charge transport, ultrafast carrier dynamics and strongly nonlinear high-field ef fects. This book, which appears in the electronic materials series, presents an over view of the theoretical background and recent developments in the theory of electrical transport in semiconductor nanostructures. It contains 11 chapters which are written by experts in their fields. Starting with a tutorial introduction to the subject in Chapter 1, it proceeds to present different approaches to transport theory. The semiclassical Boltzmann transport equation is in the centre of the next three chapters. Hydrodynamic moment equations (Chapter 2), Monte Carlo techniques (Chapter 3) and the cellular au tomaton approach (Chapter 4) are introduced and illustrated with applications to nanometre structures and device simulation. A full quantum-transport theory covering the Kubo formalism and nonequilibrium Green's functions (Chapter 5) as well as the density matrix theory (Chapter 6) is then presented.

Dissipative Quantum Mechanics of Nanostructures

Book Description

Continuing miniaturization of electronic devices, together with the quickly growing number of nanotechnological applications, demands a profound understanding of the underlying physics. Most of the fundamental problems of modern condensed matter physics involve various aspects of quantum transport and fluctuation phenomena at the nanoscale. In nanostructures, electrons are usually confined to a limited volume and interact with each other and lattice ions, simultaneously suffering multiple scattering events on impurities, barriers, surface imperfections, and other defects. Electron interaction with other degrees of freedom generally yields two major consequences, quantum dissipation and quantum decoherence. In other words, electrons can lose their energy and ability for quantum interference even at very low temperatures. These two different, but related, processes are at the heart of all quantum phenomena discussed in this book. This book presents copious details to facilitate the understanding of the basic physics behind a result and the learning to technically reproduce the result without delving into extra literature. The book subtly balances the description of theoretical methods and techniques and the display of the rich landscape of the physical phenomena that can be accessed by these methods. It is useful for a broad readership ranging from master’s and PhD students to postdocs and senior researchers.

Quantum Wells, Wires and Dots

Book Description

Quantum Wells, Wires and Dots provides all the essential information, both theoretical and computational, to develop an understanding of the electronic, optical and transport properties of these semiconductor nanostructures. The book will lead the reader through comprehensive explanations and mathematical derivations to the point where they can design semiconductor nanostructures with the required electronic and optical properties for exploitation in these technologies. This fully revised and updated 4th edition features new sections that incorporate modern techniques and extensive new material including: Properties of non-parabolic energy bands Matrix solutions of the Poisson and Schrödinger equations Critical thickness of strained materials Carrier scattering by interface roughness, alloy disorder and impurities Density matrix transport modelling Thermal modelling Written by well-known authors in the field of semiconductor nanostructures and quantum optoelectronics, this user-friendly guide is presented in a lucid style with easy to follow steps, illustrative examples and questions and computational problems in each chapter to help the reader build solid foundations of understanding to a level where they can initiate their own theoretical investigations. Suitable for postgraduate students of semiconductor and condensed matter physics, the book is essential to all those researching in academic and industrial laboratories worldwide. Instructors can contact the authors directly ([email protected] / [email protected]) for Solutions to the problems.

Quantum Transport in Semiconductors

Book Description

The majority of the chapters in this volume represent a series of lectures. that were given at a workshop on quantum transport in ultrasmall electron devices, held at San Miniato, Italy, in March 1987. These have, of course, been extended and updated during the period that has elapsed since the workshop was held, and have been supplemented with additional chapters devoted to the tunneling process in semiconductor quantum-well structures. The aim of this work is to review and present the current understanding in nonequilibrium quantum transport appropriate to semiconductors. Gen erally, the field of interest can be categorized as that appropriate to inhomogeneous transport in strong applied fields. These fields are most likely to be strongly varying in both space and time. Most of the literature on quantum transport in semiconductors (or in metallic systems, for that matter) is restricted to the equilibrium approach, in which spectral densities are maintained as semiclassical energy conserving delta functions, or perhaps incorporating some form of collision broadening through a Lorentzian shape, and the distribution functions are kept in the equilibrium Fermi-Dirac form. The most familiar field of nonequilibrium transport, at least for the semiconductor world, is that of hot carriers in semiconductors.

Quantum Transport

Book Description

To study dissipative quantum transport in ultra-scaled devices, we first solve the Pauli Master Equation using the Effective Mass Approximation, followed by solving ballistic quantum transport using the full band structure determined from the empirical pseudopotential method. We study the geometry induced quantum access resistance, evaluate the influence of non-polar phonon scattering, and calculate impurity scattering in devices such as n-i-n resistor, Double-Barrier Resonant Tunneling Diode, Double-Gate Field Effect Transistors. We calculate band structure and the complex band structure of Silicon Nanowires, develop open boundary conditions for full band quantum transport using the empirical pseudopotential method, and perform atomistic modeling of Silicon Nanowire structures to study electron transport characteristics.

An Introduction to Quantum Transport in Semiconductors

Book Description

Throughout their college career, most engineering students have done problems and studies that are basically situated in the classical world. Some may have taken quantum mechanics as their chosen field of study. This book moves beyond the basics to highlight the full quantum mechanical nature of the transport of carriers through nanoelectronic structures. The book is unique in that addresses quantum transport only in the materials that are of interest to microelectronics—semiconductors, with their variable densities and effective masses. The author develops Green’s functions starting from equilibrium Green’s functions and going through modern time-dependent approaches to non-equilibrium Green’s functions, introduces relativistic bands for graphene and topological insulators and discusses the quantum transport changes that these bands induce, and discusses applications such as weak localization and phase breaking processes, resonant tunneling diodes, single-electron tunneling, and entanglement. Furthermore, he also explains modern ensemble Monte Carlo approaches to simulation of various approaches to quantum transport and the hydrodynamic approaches to quantum transport. All in all, the book describes all approaches to quantum transport in semiconductors, thus becoming an essential textbook for advanced graduate students in electrical engineering or physics.

Quantum Transport Calculations for Nanosystems

Book Description

As electric devices become smaller and smaller, transport simulations based on the quantum mechanics become more and more important. There are currently numerous textbooks on the basic concepts of quantum transport, but few present calculation methods in detail. This book provides various quantum transport simulation methods and shows applications for transport properties of nanometer-scale systems. It starts with a short review of quantum transport, followed by various calculation methods based on scattering approaches, non-equilibrium Green’s function (NEGF), master equation, and time-dependent wave-packet diffusion (TD-WPD). With these tools, transport properties of various nanosystems are then explored.

Quantum Transport in the Transient Regime and Unconventional Geometries

Book Description

This thesis addresses the quantum electronic transport properties of semiconductor nanostructures in the transient regime (Theme 1) and unconventional geometries (Theme 2), and the numerical algorithms to study them computationally. The transient regime properties are important in modeling fast-switching devices in digital electronics and high-frequency devices in sensing and telecommunications. In Theme 1, we start by overviewing the most important quantum master equations, then derive a quantum master equation for the device active region and couple it to the Poisson, Schrödinger, and current continuity equations in order to calculate the time-dependent charge density, current density, and potential profile of the nanostructure. Nanostructures are treated using the open system formalism. We introduce suitable initial conditions and discuss the role of scattering during the transient using a simple model. The results show that the longer the contact relaxation time, the shorter the transient. Furthermore, due to the initial depletion of electrons in the device, and depending on the strength of scattering injection into localized device states, the measured contact current and the device current can be very different initially due to charging/discharging. On the other hand, nanostructures with unconventional, curved geometries can be fabricated today in forms as complicated as helices. Curvature, coupled with a magnetic field, can have large effects on conductance, using mechanic or mechano-magnetic means for control. In Theme 2, we study the steady state, coherent quantum conduction in curved nanoribbons in a magnetic field. We transform the curvilinear Schrödinger equation into a tight-binding form and discuss the Hermiticity issues with the matrix Hamiltonian and the ways to deal with it. The method to solve the tight-binding Schrödinger equation introduces a preferable direction, which affects the choice of gauge that gives reasonable physical results. Consequently, we devise a local Landau gauge to help ensure that no artificial numerical reflection befalls the current-carrying states in the presence of a magnetic field. By applying this method to curved geometries with or without helicity, we observe conduction quenching and resonant reflections, among other features.

Semiconductor Nanostructures

Book Description

This introduction to the physics of semiconductor nanostructures and their transport properties emphasizes five fundamental transport phenomena: quantized conductance, tunnelling transport, the Aharonov-Bohm effect, the quantum Hall effect and the Coulomb blockade effect.