Partial Differential Equations

Book Description

/homepage/sac/cam/na2000/index.html7-Volume Set now available at special set price ! Over the second half of the 20th century the subject area loosely referred to as numerical analysis of partial differential equations (PDEs) has undergone unprecedented development. At its practical end, the vigorous growth and steady diversification of the field were stimulated by the demand for accurate and reliable tools for computational modelling in physical sciences and engineering, and by the rapid development of computer hardware and architecture. At the more theoretical end, the analytical insight into the underlying stability and accuracy properties of computational algorithms for PDEs was deepened by building upon recent progress in mathematical analysis and in the theory of PDEs. To embark on a comprehensive review of the field of numerical analysis of partial differential equations within a single volume of this journal would have been an impossible task. Indeed, the 16 contributions included here, by some of the foremost world authorities in the subject, represent only a small sample of the major developments. We hope that these articles will, nevertheless, provide the reader with a stimulating glimpse into this diverse, exciting and important field. The opening paper by Thomée reviews the history of numerical analysis of PDEs, starting with the 1928 paper by Courant, Friedrichs and Lewy on the solution of problems of mathematical physics by means of finite differences. This excellent survey takes the reader through the development of finite differences for elliptic problems from the 1930s, and the intense study of finite differences for general initial value problems during the 1950s and 1960s. The formulation of the concept of stability is explored in the Lax equivalence theorem and the Kreiss matrix lemmas. Reference is made to the introduction of the finite element method by structural engineers, and a description is given of the subsequent development and mathematical analysis of the finite element method with piecewise polynomial approximating functions. The penultimate section of Thomée's survey deals with `other classes of approximation methods', and this covers methods such as collocation methods, spectral methods, finite volume methods and boundary integral methods. The final section is devoted to numerical linear algebra for elliptic problems. The next three papers, by Bialecki and Fairweather, Hesthaven and Gottlieb and Dahmen, describe, respectively, spline collocation methods, spectral methods and wavelet methods. The work by Bialecki and Fairweather is a comprehensive overview of orthogonal spline collocation from its first appearance to the latest mathematical developments and applications. The emphasis throughout is on problems in two space dimensions. The paper by Hesthaven and Gottlieb presents a review of Fourier and Chebyshev pseudospectral methods for the solution of hyperbolic PDEs. Particular emphasis is placed on the treatment of boundaries, stability of time discretisations, treatment of non-smooth solutions and multidomain techniques. The paper gives a clear view of the advances that have been made over the last decade in solving hyperbolic problems by means of spectral methods, but it shows that many critical issues remain open. The paper by Dahmen reviews the recent rapid growth in the use of wavelet methods for PDEs. The author focuses on the use of adaptivity, where significant successes have recently been achieved. He describes the potential weaknesses of wavelet methods as well as the perceived strengths, thus giving a balanced view that should encourage the study of wavelet methods.

Implementing Spectral Methods for Partial Differential Equations

Book Description

This book explains how to solve partial differential equations numerically using single and multidomain spectral methods. It shows how only a few fundamental algorithms form the building blocks of any spectral code, even for problems with complex geometries.

Spectral Methods

Book Description

Along with finite differences and finite elements, spectral methods are one of the three main methodologies for solving partial differential equations on computers. This book provides a detailed presentation of basic spectral algorithms, as well as a systematical presentation of basic convergence theory and error analysis for spectral methods. Readers of this book will be exposed to a unified framework for designing and analyzing spectral algorithms for a variety of problems, including in particular high-order differential equations and problems in unbounded domains. The book contains a large number of figures which are designed to illustrate various concepts stressed in the book. A set of basic matlab codes has been made available online to help the readers to develop their own spectral codes for their specific applications.

Adaptive Mesh Strategies for the Spectral Element Method

Book Description

An adaptive spectral element method has been developed for the efficient solution of time dependent partial differential equations. Adaptive mesh strategies that include resolution refinement and coarsening by three different methods are illustrated on solutions to the one-dimensional viscous Burgers equation and the two-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations for driven flow in a cavity. Sharp gradients, singularities and regions of poor resolution are resolved optimally as they develop in time using error estimators which indicate the choice of refinement to be used. The adaptive formulation presents significant increases in efficiency, flexibility and general capabilities for high order spectral methods.

Spectral Element Methods

Book Description

Spectral element methods are high-order weighted residual techniques for partial differential equations that combine the geometric flexibility of finite element methods with the rapid convergence of spectral techniques. Spectral element methods are described for the simulation of incompressible fluid flows, with special emphasis on implementation of spectral element techniques on medium-grained parallel processors. Two parallel architectures are considered: the first, a commercially available message-passing hypercube system; the second, a developmental reconfigurable architecture based on Geometry-Defining Processors. High parallel efficiency is obtained in hypercube spectral element computations, indicating that load balancing and communication issues can be successfully addressed by a high-order technique/medium-grained processor algorithm-architecture coupling. Fischer, Paul and Ronquist, Einar M. and Dewey, Daniel and Patera, Anthony T. Unspecified Center NAG1-574...

Adaptive Mesh Strategies for the Spectral Element Method

Book Description

An adaptive spectral method was developed for the efficient solution of time dependent partial differential equations. Adaptive mesh strategies that include resolution refinement and coarsening by three different methods are illustrated on solutions to the 1-D viscous Burger equation and the 2-D Navier-Stokes equations for driven flow in a cavity. Sharp gradients, singularities, and regions of poor resolution are resolved optimally as they develop in time using error estimators which indicate the choice of refinement to be used. The adaptive formulation presents significant increases in efficiency, flexibility, and general capabilities for high order spectral methods. Mavriplis, Catherine Unspecified Center NAS1-19480; RTOP 505-90-52-01...

Partial Differential Equations and the Finite Element Method

Book Description

A systematic introduction to partial differential equations and modern finite element methods for their efficient numerical solution Partial Differential Equations and the Finite Element Method provides a much-needed, clear, and systematic introduction to modern theory of partial differential equations (PDEs) and finite element methods (FEM). Both nodal and hierachic concepts of the FEM are examined. Reflecting the growing complexity and multiscale nature of current engineering and scientific problems, the author emphasizes higher-order finite element methods such as the spectral or hp-FEM. A solid introduction to the theory of PDEs and FEM contained in Chapters 1-4 serves as the core and foundation of the publication. Chapter 5 is devoted to modern higher-order methods for the numerical solution of ordinary differential equations (ODEs) that arise in the semidiscretization of time-dependent PDEs by the Method of Lines (MOL). Chapter 6 discusses fourth-order PDEs rooted in the bending of elastic beams and plates and approximates their solution by means of higher-order Hermite and Argyris elements. Finally, Chapter 7 introduces the reader to various PDEs governing computational electromagnetics and describes their finite element approximation, including modern higher-order edge elements for Maxwell's equations. The understanding of many theoretical and practical aspects of both PDEs and FEM requires a solid knowledge of linear algebra and elementary functional analysis, such as functions and linear operators in the Lebesgue, Hilbert, and Sobolev spaces. These topics are discussed with the help of many illustrative examples in Appendix A, which is provided as a service for those readers who need to gain the necessary background or require a refresher tutorial. Appendix B presents several finite element computations rooted in practical engineering problems and demonstrates the benefits of using higher-order FEM. Numerous finite element algorithms are written out in detail alongside implementation discussions. Exercises, including many that involve programming the FEM, are designed to assist the reader in solving typical problems in engineering and science. Specifically designed as a coursebook, this student-tested publication is geared to upper-level undergraduates and graduate students in all disciplines of computational engineeringand science. It is also a practical problem-solving reference for researchers, engineers, and physicists.

Spectral Methods

Book Description

Following up the seminal Spectral Methods in Fluid Dynamics, Spectral Methods: Evolution to Complex Geometries and Applications to Fluid Dynamics contains an extensive survey of the essential algorithmic and theoretical aspects of spectral methods for complex geometries. These types of spectral methods were only just emerging at the time the earlier book was published. The discussion of spectral algorithms for linear and nonlinear fluid dynamics stability analyses is greatly expanded. The chapter on spectral algorithms for incompressible flow focuses on algorithms that have proven most useful in practice, has much greater coverage of algorithms for two or more non-periodic directions, and shows how to treat outflow boundaries. Material on spectral methods for compressible flow emphasizes boundary conditions for hyperbolic systems, algorithms for simulation of homogeneous turbulence, and improved methods for shock fitting. This book is a companion to Spectral Methods: Fundamentals in Single Domains.

Spectral and High Order Methods for Partial Differential Equations

Book Description

In the last decade high order methods for scientific computing have been attracting increasing interest. This trend has been generated by the need for a higher accuracy in the numerical simulation of more and more complex scientific and technological problems; it is backed up by sound mathematical research, and propelled by the availability of faster supercomputers. Spectral methods have now become the methods preferred in the prediction of many highly structured phenomena. The h-p version of the finite element method has proven extremely effective in handling singularities in structural mechanics. Finite differences have been demonstrated capable of blending flexibility and accuracy in applications to non-smooth problems. Although these and other high order methods originated from different, sometimes even opposite philosophies, they exhibit common features, and share a large part of the methodologies for their mathematical investigation and their algorithmic implementation. The technical content of the 14 invited and 30 general papers presented in this volume reflect the high standard of current research being achieved in this field.