Egypt Essays on Ancient Kemet

Book Description

Egypt Essays on Ancient Kemet is an updated and expanded work encompassing essays written over the last three decades covering a wide variety of subject matter on ancient Egypt/Kemet history and culture. The photographs and illustrations have been largely expanded. The illustrations include materials not readily available in regular scholarship, but serves a useful purpose in presenting myriad bits of this enormously voluminous and fascinating ancient Nile Valley culture. The photographs have been updated to include recent changes in the cultural geographic landscape of that wonderful historical experience blest by the sun and Nile River. The articles present an Introductory Survey of general interest topics while the illustrations and photographic images provide the "weight" that adds insightful and thought provoking "balance" to a presentation expressing the "new view" of Egypt. The Table of Contents - Africa; Cheikh Anta Diop; Culture for Liberation; The Fascination of Egyptian Architecture; The Egyptian Tomb; The Nile Valley in World Antiquity/History; The Priesthood; Sakkara; Upper Egypt/Kemet; The Temple of Isis at Philae; Thebes; Temple of Karnak: The Majestic Architecture of Ancient Kemet; The Temple of Luxor; Abydos; The Dance, Music and Musical Instruments; African Art; North Africa: Egypt, Kush; Time Measurement; Pharaonic Crowns, Names and Regalia; The Nile River; Kemetic Technology/Sciences; Warfare; Egyptian Medicine and the Sciences; The Conspiracy Against Ancient Egypt; Egypt as Black History; Great African Philosophers Teach; Senmut, Architect of Queen Hatshepsut; Egyptology; Black Egypt and the Struggle for Inclusion; Who Was Mentuhotep II; Queen of Sheba in Racial Portrait as Historical Distortion; The Wisdom of the Ancient Egyptians; The Pyramids; The Clerestory; Walls in Ancient Egyptian Temples and Tombs; The Blessing; References, Index; all demonstrate breadth and depth of subject matter covered and with the voluminous photographs and images, essentially relegated to "museum basements" that are hard to find except for the tenacity and unrelenting methods employed to ferret out these historical "nuggets" that chronicle the archaeological record of Ancient Egypt. The venerable and venerated Dr. Yosef ben-Jochannan always admonished, "When doing research on ancient Egypt, get the oldest materials you can find!" Appropriately, the "old illustrations" justify this admonition. Thus, in identifying the very existence of such "old material through photographs," this work serves as a useful and indispensible tool for students, teachers and general readers. The changing nature of Egyptian history is such that one must have "all the information" to maintain a balanced understanding of a subject that for nearly two centuries has been grossly misrepresented. Egypt Essays on Ancient Kemet helps tip the balance towards objectivity providing students with useful insights in search for truth. That is, if "One photo is worth 1000 words, consider 600 such images equaling 600,000 words" of informative cultural wisdom that beckons come explore a rich cultural heritage. Remember, Diop argued, the ancient Egyptians were Negroes and that the Black reader will "discover that most of the ideas used today to domesticate, atrophy, dissolve, or steal his 'soul' were conceived by his own ancestors." To wit, "Pythagorean mathematics, the theory of the four elements of Thales of Miletus, Epicurean materialism, Platonic idealism, Judaism, Islam and modern sciences are rooted in Egyptian cosmogony and science." "Pierre Montet has just proved once again that "the Father of History did not lie." A retired NYC school teacher, an African historian and Egyptologist and student of esteemed Dr. Ben-Jochannan, Dr. Fred Monderson conducts tours to Egypt. Next Tour is July 11-25, 2014. [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

The Battle for Kemet

Book Description

Research Essays on Ancient Egypt

Book Description

RESEARCH ESSAYS ON ANCIENT EGYPT Would you like to be more aware of what's new in Egypt regarding the ancient culture? Are you aware of how the Egyptians are enhancing their treasures and what restrictions are being placed on visitors to these historic sites? Nevertheless, you can still enjoy a memorable visit given the wonders of the monuments, tremendous effort expended to enhance security and safety of these treasures and still partake of the wonderful hospitality and food fare the Egyptians are so famous for. Therefore, ... Research Essays on Ancient Egypt is a collection of early essays written by the author, Dr. Frederick Monderson, and expanded for a series of lectures delivered, during February, Black History Month, 2004, at the St. John's Recreation Center in Brooklyn, New York. The Table of Contents labels the chapters Introduction I, II, III and IV; Who were the Egyptians?; The Religion of Ancient Egypt; The Egyptian Temple; History of Egypt; The Archaeology of Ancient Egypt; The Architecture of Ancient Egypt; The Power of One; Metals, Men and Materials; The Art of Ancient Egypt; Egyptian Warfare; Egyptian Technology; Science in Ancient Egypt; Gold of Egypt; Pharaonic Taxation; The King; The Conspiracy Against Ancient Egypt; and, Suggestions for Further Reading. A historian by training and Egyptologist by vocation, the author dedicated an inordinate amount of time focusing on the quintessential nuts and bolts issues that contributed to the totality of ancient Egyptian civilization. The first two Introductions deal with the "emergence of man in Africa," having taught this for years; while the second addresses changes encountered in 2005 as contemporary Egyptians further modernized their facilities and become stricter about the ancient monuments. Egypt 2008 and Egypt 2010 as Introductions III and IV bring the reader up to the most modern developments in the ancient land and elaborates on restriction now being placed on visitors to the monuments. The other essays are extensively researched, to essentially add fuel to the pro and con discussion regarding the nature and dynamics of the "Origins of the Egyptians" and "The Conspiracy Against Ancient Egypt." More importantly, however, a great deal is presented to highlight and add color to the technical, cultural, religious and philosophic aspects of the Egyptian experience that has endeared this ancient African culture in the minds and hearts of humanity, down through the ages, and still it retains a magnetic attraction to this day. The photographs, illustrations, plans, papyrus art and entrance tickets of temples create an enjoyable pictorial imagery of the phenomenal civilization of Egypt/Kemet/Tawi in all its timelessness. This is indeed a highly comprehensive and informative yet easily readable book that provides food for thought for the student, the scholar and the general reader. [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Down Memory Lane

Book Description

Egypt Essays on Ancient Kemet is a collection of early essays written by the author dating to the time of his graduate work in African History at Hunter College of the City University of New York in the late 1970 and early 1980s. The Table of Contents reads: Africa; Diop; Culture for Liberation; The Fascination of Egyptian Archaeology; The Egyptian Tomb; The Nile Valley in World Antiquity History; The Priesthood; Sakkara; Upper Egypt/Kemet; Temple of Isis; Karnak; The Temple of Luxor; Abydos; The Dance, Music and Musical Instruments; African Art; North Africa: Egypt, Kush, Ethiopia; Time Measurement; Pharaonic Crowns, Names and Regalia; The Nile River; Kemetic Technology/Sciences; Yosef ben-Jochannan; The Blessing; and References. The first essay, Africa, deals with the muddle of the presentation of Egypt, its denigration of the role of Africans in that cultural development; and how the primary and secondary American school system has failed the African American youth in teaching and reinforcing their connection with this ancient African cultural development in the Nile Valley. Hardly another single work mirroring Diop, has had as profound an impact as that reviewed work entitled, African Origins of Civilization: Myth or Reality. The Senegalese scholar has analyzed and rectified the historical record regarding the proper portrayal of blacks in Egypt. He has gone beyond and demolished the myth of Europe and Asia in origins and significant contributions in the foundations and progression of the culture. The other Essays focus on the little historical, social, economic, artistic, cultural and philosophical issues and features, in totality, that created the great culture cluster of Egypt and the Nile Valley. The Tribute to Dr. ben-Jochannan has meaning to the author, for the respected elder, historian, teacher and friend, showed the way to many other students as well, that ancient Kemet/Egypt was a prize worth learning about, fighting for, and defending. The Blessing is just that, for critics and those who complement this work. The photographs, illustrations and plans of various temples presents a pictorial view and helps to reinforce the text message that Egypt is a wonderful cultural experience. The book is useful for the general reader, students and even the expert scholar.

The Neteru of Kemet (2010 Electronic Edition)

Book Description

THE NETERU OF KEMET: An Introduction2010 version (reprint of the rare 1994 text)"If you are looking for a good introductory book to the Gods of ancient Egypt, The Neteru of Kemet is the best I have read. The author is a graduate student of ancient religions and a priestess of the House of Netjer. Thus, she writes of the Gods (Neteru) with both scholarly background and personal experience. This combination gives her material that sense of truth so often lacking in other recent books on this subject.The introduction deals principally with the religious practices of Kemet (ancient Egypt) and touches on those of the House of Netjer. The bulk of the book consists of 13 vignettes devoted to the most universally known Neteru. Each vignette contains Kemetic texts, visualizations/ meditations, illustrations, and a discussion of the Neter being described. Following these is an excellent bibliography and a brief glossary...."Reviewed by Shawn Fields-Berry Obsidian Magazine

Ancient Kemite Islam and the Preservation of Ma'at

Book Description

"ANCIENT KEMITE ISLAM," follows the premise of noted author and pioneer of Egyptology George G.M James, that it was the Moors (African Moslems) who were the custodians of the ancient Egyptian culture and civilization. This book explores the evidence of the abovementioned premise and reveals the light of Kemet (Egypt) given to the world again by way of the Moabite language of Arabic and Islamic Ritual. The author provides a comparative study of Islamic- Moorish and Kemetic thought. That there be no more talk about some Arab-Zionist religion called Islam. It is hoped that Instead, one may recognize a preserved and updated way of life as the current code of standards given to the world by Allah, Ua Ntr or any of the divine attributes, through our ancient and modern forefathers who follow the succession of Prophets.

Ancient Spiritual Mystery Teachings of Kemet ( Ancient Egypt)

Book Description

Thoth, Hermes or Djehuty as this book refers to him is a mythical ancient Egyptian (Kemetian) sage whose wisdom is said to have transformed him into a god. Djehuty, who was venerated in Kemet from at least 3000 B.C.E., is credited with the invention of sacred hieroglyphic writing and his figure, portrayed as a scribe with the head of an Ibis, can be seen in many temples and tombs. He is the dispatcher of divine messages and recorder of all human deeds. In the great hall of judgement, the after-life court of the god Asar (Osiris) where the dead are judged, Djehuty would establish whether the deceased had acquired spiritual knowledge and purity, and so deserved a place in Heaven. Djehuty was said to have revealed to the Kemetians (Ancient Native Egyptians) all knowledge on astronomy, architecture, engineering, botany, geometry, medicine and religion, land surveying, and was believed by the ancient Greeks to be the architect of the pyramids. The Greeks, who were in awe of the knowledge and spirituality of the Kemetians, depicted him through their narrow view of the mysteries as Hermes, the messenger of the gods and guider of souls in the realm of the dead. To distinguish the Kemetian Djehuty, from their own, the Greeks referred to him using the title "Trismegistus," meaning Thrice Great, to honor his sublime wisdom. The remnants of the wisdom of Djehuty have been passed on in texts mistakenly referred to today as the Hermetica. Although largely unknown today, the writings attributed to Djehuty have been immensely important in the history of Western thought. They profoundly influenced the Greeks and, through their rediscovery in the fifteenth- century Florence helped to inspire the " Renaissance" which gave birth to our modern age. The list of people who have acknowledged a debt to the wisdom of the Scribe of the gods reads like a "Who's Who" of greatest philosophers, scientists and artists that the West has produced- Leonardo da Vinci, Durer, Botticelli, Roger Bacon, Paracelcus, Thomas More, William Blake, Kepler, Copernicus, Isaac Newton, Sir Walter Raleigh, Milton, Ben Johnson, Daniel Defoe, Shelley, Victor Hugo and Carl Jung. It heavily influenced Shakespeare, John Donne, John Dee and all the poet philosophers who surrounded the court of Queen Elizabeth I, as well as the founding scientists of the Royal Society in London, and even the leaders who inspired the Protestant reformation in Europe. The list is endless with the Djehuty's influence reaching well beyond the frontiers of Europe. Islamic mystics and philosophers also trace their inspiration back to the Scribe of the gods, and the esoteric tradition of the Jews equated him with their mysterious prophet Enoch. The Hermetica, as Djehuty's works are referred to today act like a cornerstone of Western Culture. In substance and importance it is equal to well known eastern scriptures like Upanishads, the Dhammapada and the Tao Te Ching. Yet unlike these texts which are readily available and widely read, the works of Djehuty have been lost under the dead weight of academic translations, Christian prejudice and occult obscurities.

Kemetic Literature

Book Description

Kemetic Literature is a set of sacred works written in Ancient Egypt. These works have been preserved for thousands of years and hold powerful information about one of the first great empires. This epic book contains: The Book of the Dead, The Negative Confessions, Egyptian Tales, Cuneiform Inscriptions and Hieratic Papyri, Hymn to Asar, Hymn to the Nile, The Solemn Festal Dirge of Kemet, Hymns to Amen, Hymn to Pharaoh, Hymns to Amen Ra, The Lamentations of Aset and Nephthys, The Litany of Ra, The Book of Respirations, and more... Be prepared to step back into the world of the Pharaohs!

Ancient Kemet on Trial Vol. #1

Book Description

Ancient Kemet on Trial: a Meticulous look at the True origin of Kemetic (Egyptian) culture and religion. Nile Valley civilization is not the oldest known civilization, nor was it the most advanced civilization, in fact, this book challenges those very premises by showing which civilization gave birth to the culture, religion, and philosophy of the Nile Valley civilization.

Ancient Kemetic Path

Book Description

Ancient Kemet (Egypt) and its religious insight are a valuable technology. The praxis, ethical framework and rituals of the Ancient Kemetic people were vast and comprehensive. There is value in revisiting and resurrecting the Ancient Kemetic path. The endeavor will empower all people in the present. The historical reality which places Ancient Kemet in the context of 4000-3500BC has been verified and validated by numerous Egyptologists, Archeologists and Anthropologists. Religious aspects of Ancient Kemet have been recovered and are again being given the opportunity to be revisited and updated to the context of the 21st century. The spiritually guided ethical compass and esoteric cosmogonies of the Ancient Kemetians bolster the academic scholarship on ancient and indigenous wisdom traditions. The book visits the historical narrative of the Kemetic timeline, the foundational Kemetic cosmogony (creation narrative) and the ethical compass of the Kemetic path. The text is meant to be a springboard to deepen and further inquiry into the subject. The Ancient Kemetic historical narrative, the spiritual path and the ancient ethical lens are an awakening and refreshing addition to the religions of the Eastern, Western and Northern geographical regions of the earth which dominate our worldview.